According to the study of urine (Zimnitsky test) explain the method of urine collection

June 21, 2024

According to the study of urine (Zimnitsky test) nexplain the method of urine collection.

To conduct a Zymnytskyi test, patient has his nurine collected in separate portions nevery three hours during day nand night (8 portions together). Afterwards, the volume (may vary nfrom 50 to 300ml) and relative density nare measured in every portion. nBy adding all volumes we nestimate the daily diuresis. nUsually, day-time diuresis exceeds the night-time one twice. If the highest urine density, nat least in one portion, nis not lower nthen 1,018 , it means that the nconcentration function of kidneys is nnot affected. Standart nutritional and liquid intake ndiet have to be maintained nin order to conduct the ntest.

Zimnitsky test: nmaximal density of urine – not less than 1,018 g/cm3; relationship nbetween day and night dieresis – 2/1


Analyze the results of urine Nechiporenko’s test

Describe the method, indicating nthe speed and time of centrifugation, and the principles of microscopic study nof sediment – 5 min.

Nechyporenko test focuses on counting a number of cell-elements (erythrocytes, leucocytes) in a certain amount nof urine. A middle portion of usually morning nurine is examined. First of all, pH nis measured (base pH may ncause a partial cell destruction). Urine is centrifuged non 3000 rounds/min. speed for n3 minutes. Then the top layer nis spilled out, leaving 0,5 ml (if there nis little precipitate left) or  1 ml (if there nis much precipitate) nand cell elements are counted. nNormal values are: leucocytes (WBC) – up to 4*106 /l; erythrocytesup to 2*106/l.

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