Structure And Function
External Genitalia Internal Genitalia
Developmental Considerations
Infants and Adolescents
The Pregnant Female
The Aging Female
Subjective Data
Health History Questions
Additional History for Infants and Children
Additional History for Preadolescents and Adolescents
Additional History for the Aging Adult
Objective Data
External Genitalia
Internal Genitalia
Speculum Examination
Bimanual Examination
Rectovaginal Examination
Developmental Considerations
Infants and Children
The Adolescent
The Pregnant Female
The Aging Adult
Summary Checklist: Female Genitalia Exam
Application and Critical Thinking
Sample Charting
Focused Assessment: Clinical Case Study 1
Focused Assessment: Clinical Case Study 2
Nursing Diagnoses
Assessment Video Critical Thinking Questions
Abnormal Findings
Abnormalities of the External Genitalia
Abnormalities of the Pelvic Musculature
Abnormalities of the Cervix
Vulvovaginal Inflammations
Conditions of Uterine Enlargement
Adnexal Enlargement
Abnormalities in Pediatric Genitalia
Structure and Function
The external genitalia are called the vulva, or pudendum (Fig. 26-1). The mons pubis is a round, firm pad of adipose tissue covering the symphysis pubis. After puberty, it is covered with hair in the pattern of an inverted triangle. The labia majora are two rounded folds of adipose tissue extending from the mons pubis down and around to the perineum. After puberty, hair covers the outer surfaces of the labia, while the inner folds are smooth and moist, and contain sebaceous follicles.
Inside the labia majora are two smaller, darker folds of skin, the labia minora. These are joined anteriorly at the clitoris where they form a hood, or prepuce. The labia minora are joined posteriorly by a transverse fold, the frenulum or fourchette. The clitoris is a small, pea-shaped erectile body, homologous with the male penis and highly sensitive to tactile stimulation.
The labial structures encircle a boat-shaped space, or cleft, termed the vestibule. Within it are numerous openings. The urethral meatus appears as a dimple
The internal genitalia include the vagina, a flattened, tubular canal extending from the orifice up and backward into the pelvis (Fig. 26-2). It is
At the end of the canal, the uterine cervix projects into the vagina. In the nulliparous female, the cervix appears as a smooth doughnut-shaped area with a small circular hole, or os. After childbirth, the os is slightly enlarged and irregular. The cervical epithelium is of two distinct types. The vagina and cervix are covered with smooth, pink, stratified squa-mous epithelium. Inside the os, the endocervical canal is lined with columnar epithelium that looks red and rough. The point where these two tissues meet is the squamocolum-nar junction and is not visible.
A continuous recess is present around the cervix, termed the anterior fornix in front and the posterior fornix in back. Behind the posterior fornix, another deep recess is formed by the peritoneum. It dips down between the rectum and cervix to form the rectouterine pouch, or cul-de-sac of
The uterus is a pear-shaped, thick-walled, muscular organ. It is flattened anteroposteriorly, measuring 5.5 to
The fallopian tubes are two pliable, trumpet-shaped tubes,
Infant and Adolescents
At birth, the external genitalia are engorged because of the presence of maternal estrogen. The structures recede in a few weeks, remaining small until puberty. The ovaries are located in the abdomen during childhood. The uterus is small with a straight axis and no anteflexion.
At puberty, estrogens stimulate the growth of cells in the reproductive tract and the development of secondary sex characteristics. The first signs of puberty are breast and pubic hair development, beginning between the ages of 8V2 and 13 years. These signs are usually concurrent, but it is not abnormal if they do not develop together. They take about 3 years to complete.
Menarche occurs during the latter half of this sequence, just after the peak of growth velocity. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle is common during adolescence because of the girl’s occasional failure to ovulate. With menarche, the uterine body flexes on the cervix. The ovaries now are in the pelvic cavity.
TABLE 26-1: Sex Maturity Ratings (SMR) in Girls
Tanner’s table on the five stages of pubic hair development (sex maturity rating [SMR]) is helpful in teaching girls the expected sequence of sexual development (Table 26-1).
These data are derived from Tanner’s study of white British females and may not necessarily generalize to all other racial groups. For example, mature Asian womeormally have fine sparse pubic hair. However, the U.S. Health Examination Survey (Harlan et al., 1980) studied girls representative of the contemporary
The Pregnant Female
Shortly after the first missed menstrual period in the pregnant female, the genitalia show signs of the growing fetus. The cervix softens (Goodell’s sign) at 4 to 6 weeks, and the vaginal mucosa and cervix look cyanotic (Chadwick’s sign) at 8 to 12 weeks. These changes occur because of increased vas-cularity and edema of the cervix and hypertrophy and hyper –plasia of the cervical glands. The isthmus of the uterus softens (Hegar’s sign) at 6 to 8 weeks.
The greatest change is in the uterus itself. It increases in capacity by 500 to 1000 times its nonpregnant state, at first because of hormone stimulation, and then because of the increasing size of its contents (Cunningham et al., 2001). The nonpregnant uterus has a flattened pear shape. Its early growth encroaches on the space occupied by the bladder, which produces the symptom of urinary frequency. By 10 to
12 weeks’ gestation, the uterus becomes globular in shape and is too large to stay in the pelvis. At 20 to 24 weeks, the uterus has an oval shape. It rises almost to the liver, displacing the intestines superiorly and laterally.
A clot of thick, tenacious mucus forms in the spaces of the cervical canal (the mucus plug), which protects the fetus from infection. The mucus plug dislodges when labor begins at the end of term, producing a sign of labor called “bloody show.” Cervical and vaginal secretions increase during pregnancy and are thick, white, and more acidic. The increased acidity occurs because of the action of Lactobacil-lus acidophilus, which changes glycogen into lactic acid. The acidic pH keeps pathogenic bacteria from multiplying in the vagina, but the increase in glycogen increases the risk of candidiasis (commonly called a yeast infection) during pregnancy.
The Aging Female
In contrast to the slowly declining hormones in the aging male, the female’s hormonal milieu decreases rapidly. Menopause is cessation of the menses. Usually this occurs around the ages of 48 to 51 years, although a wide normal variation of ages from 35 to 60 years exists. The stage of menopause includes the preceding 1 to 2 years of decline in ovarian function, shown by irregular menses that gradually become farther apart and produce a lighter flow than usual. The ovaries stop producing progesterone and estrogen. Since cells in the reproductive tract are estrogen dependent, decreased estrogen levels during menopause bring dramatic physical changes. The uterus shrinks in size because of its decreased myo-metrium. The ovaries atrophy to 1 to
The vagina becomes shorter, narrower, and less elastic because of increased connective tissue. Without sexual activity, the vagina atrophies to one half its former length and width. The vaginal epithelium atrophies, becoming thinner, drier, and itchy. This results in a fragile mucosal surface that is at risk for bleeding and vaginitis. Decreased vaginal secretions leave the vagina dry and at risk for irritation and pain with intercourse (dyspareunia). The vaginal pH becomes more alkaline, and a decreased glycogen content occurs from the decreased estrogen. These factors also increase the risk of vaginitis because they create a suitable medium for pathogens.
Externally, the mons pubis looks smaller because the fat pad atrophies. The labia and clitoris gradually decrease in size. Pubic hair becomes thin and sparse.
Declining estrogen levels produce some physiologic changes in the female sexual response cycle (Table 26-2). However, these changes do not affect sexual pleasure and function. Sexual desire and the need for full sexual expression continue. As with the male, the older female is capable of sexual function given reasonably good health and an interested partner. The problem for many older women is finding a socially acceptable sexual partner. Aging women greatly outnumber their male counterparts, and aging women are more likely to be single while males their same age are more likely to be married.
table 26-2: Aging Changes in Sexual Response Cycle
Phase |
Physiologic Change |
Excitement |
Reduced amount of vaginal secretion and lubrication |
Plateau |
Less expansion of vagina Labia majora do not elevate against perineum No color change in labia minora (was from pink to cardinal-red or dark red) Size of clitoris decreases after age 60 |
Orgasm |
Shorter duration |
Resolution |
Occurs more rapidly |
Data from Masters WH, Johnson VE: Human sexual response,
Subjective Data
1. Menstrual history
2. Obstetric history
3. Menopause
4. Self-care behaviors
5. Urinary symptoms
6. Vaginal discharge
7. Past history
8. Sexual activity
9. Contraceptive use
10. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) contact
11. STD risk reduction
Examiner Asks |
Rationale |
1. Menstrual history. |
•Tell me about your menstrual periods: •Date of your last menstrual period? •Age at first period?
•How often are your periods? •How many days does your period last? •Usual amount of flow: light, medium, heavy? How many pads or tampons do you use each day or hour? •Any clotting? •Any pain or cramps before or during period? How do you treat it? Interfere with daily activities? Any other associated symptoms: bloating, cramping, breast tenderness, moodiness? Any spotting between periods? |
Menstrual history is usually nonthreat-ening, thus it is a good place to start history. LMP—last menstrual period. Menarche—onset between 12 and 14 years indicates normal growth; onset between 16 and 17 years suggests an endocrine problem. Cycle—normally varies every 18 to 45 days. Amenorrhea—absent menses. Duration—average 3 to 7 days. Menorrhagia—heavy menses.
Clotting indicates heavy flow or vaginal pooling. Dysmenorrhea |
.2. Obstetric history. |
•Have you ever been pregnant? •How many times? •How many babies have you had? •Any miscarriage or abortion? •For each pregnancy, describe: duration, any complication, labor and delivery, baby’s sex, birth weight, condition. •Do you think you may be pregnant now? What symptoms have you noticed? |
Obstetric history. Gravida—number of pregnancies. Abortions—interrupted pregnancies, including elective abortions and spontaneous miscarriages |
3. Menopause. |
•Have your periods slowed down or stopped? •Any associated symptoms of menopause, e.g., hot flash, numbness and tingling, headache, palpitations, drenching sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, itching? Any treatment? •If hormone replacement, how much? How is it working? Any side effects? •
•How do you feel about going through menopausi |
Menopause—cessation of menstruation. Perimenopausal period, from 40 to 55 years of age, has hormone shifts, resulting in vasomotor instability.
Side effects of estrogen replacement therapy include fluid retention, breast pain or enlargement, vaginal bleeding. Although this is a normal life stage, reaction varies from acceptance to feelings of loss. |
4. Self-care behaviors. |
•How often do you have a gynecologic checkup? •Last Papanicolaou smear? Results? •Has your mother ever mentioned taking hormones while pregnant with you? |
Assess self-care behaviors.
Maternal ingestion of DES (diethyl-stilbestrol) causes cervical and vaginal abnormalities in female offspring requiring frequent follow-up. |
5. Urinary symptoms |
•Any problems with urinating? Frequently and small amounts? Cannot wait to urinate? •Any burning or pain on urinating? •Awaken during night to urinate? • Blood in the urine? ••Urine dark, cloudy, foul smelling? • Any difficulty controlling urine or wetting yourself? •
• Urinate with a sneeze, laugh, cough, bearing down? |
Urinary symptoms. Frequency. Urgency.
Dysuria. Nocturia. Hematuria. Bile in urine or urinary tract infection. True incontinence—loss of urine without warning. Urgency incontinence—sudden loss, as with acute cystitis. Stress incontinence—loss of urine with physical strain due to muscle weakness. |
6. Vaginal discharge. |
•Any unusual vaginal discharge? Increased amount? ••Character or color: white, yellow-green, gray, curdlike, foul smelling? •
•When did this begin? •Is the discharge associated with vaginal itching, rash, pain with intercourse? •
•Taking any medications? •
•Family history of diabetes? •What part of your menstrual cycle are you iow? •Use a vaginal douche? How often? •Use feminine hygiene spray? •Wear nonventilating underpants, pantyhose? •Treated the discharge with anything? Result? |
Normal discharge is small, clear or cloudy, and always nonirritating. Suggests vaginal infection; character of discharge often suggests causative organism (see Table 26-6). Acute versus chronic problem. Occurs secondary to irritation from discharge. Dyspareunia occurs with vaginitis of any cause. Factors that increase risk of vaginitis: Oral contraceptives increase glycogen content of vaginal epithelium, providing fertile medium for some organisms. Broad-spectrum antibiotics alter balance of normal flora. Diabetes increases glycogen content. Menses, postpartum, menopause have a more alkaline vaginal pH. Frequent douching alters pH. Spray has risk of contact dermatitis. Local irritation. |
7. Past history |
•Any other problems in the genital area? Sores or lesions-now or in the past? How were these treated? •Any abdominal pain? •Any past surgery on uterus, ovaries, vagina? |
Assess feelings. Some fear loss of sexual response following hysterectomy, which may cause problems in intimate relationships. |
8. Sexual activity |
•Often women have a question about their sexual relationship and how it affects their health. Do you? •Are you in a relationship involving sex now? •Are aspects of sex satisfactory to you and your partner? •Satisfied with the way you and partner communicate about sex? •Satisfied with your ability to respond sexually? •Do you have more than one sexual partner? •
•What is your sexual preference: relationship with a man, with a woman, both? |
Begin with open-ended question to assess individual needs. Include appropriate questions as a routine part of history:
Communicates that you accept individual’s sexual activity and believe it is important. Your comfort with discussion prompts person’s interest and possibly relief that the topic has been introduced. Establishes a data base for comparison with any future sexual activities. Provides opportunity to screen sexual problems. Lesbians and bisexual womeeed to feel acceptance to discuss their health concerns. |
9. Contraceptive use. |
•Currently planning a pregnancy, or avoiding pregnancy? •Do you and your partner use a contraceptive? Which method? Is this satisfactory? Do you have any questions about method? •Which methods have you used in the past? Have you and partner dis-” cussed having children? •Have you ever had any problems becoming pregnant? |
If oral contraceptives are used, assess smoking history. Cigarettes increase cardiovascular side effects of oral contraceptives.
Infertility is considered after 1 year of engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse without conceiving |
10. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) contact. |
•Any sexual contact with partner having a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea, herpes, AIDS, chlamydial infection, venereal warts, syphilis? When? How was this treated? Were there any complications? |
11. STD risk reduction |
Any precautions to reduce risk of STDs? Use condoms at each episode of sexual intercourse? |
Additional History for Infants and Children |
•1. Does your child have any problem urinating? Pain with urinating, crying, holding genitals? Urinary tract infection? •(If the child is older than 2 to 2V2 years of age) Has toilet training started? How is it progressing? · Does the child wet bed at night? Is this a problem for child or you (parents)? What have you (parents) done? |
2. Problem with genital area: itching, rash, vaginal discharge? |
Occurs with poor perineal hygiene or insertion of foreign body in vagina. |
3. {To child) Has anyone ever touched you in between your legs and you did not want them to? Sometimes that happens to children. They should remember they have not been bad. They should try to tell a big person about it. Can you tell me three different big people you trust who you could talk to? |
Screen for sexual abuse. For prevention, teach the child that it’s not okay for someone to look at or touch their private parts while telling them it’s a secret. Naming three trusted adults will include someone outside the family— important since most molestation is by a parent (Brown, 1997). |
Additional History for Preadolescents and Adolescents |
•Use the following questions, as appropriate, to assess sexual growth and development and sexual behavior. First •Ask questions that seem appropriate for girl’s age but be aware that normsvary widely. When in doubt, it is better to ask too many questions than to omit something. Children obtain information, often misinformation, from the media and from peers at surprisingly early ages. You can be sure your information will be more thoughtful and accurate. •Ask direct, matter-of-fact questions. Avoid sounding judgmental. •Start with a permission statement, “Often girls your age experience …” This conveys that it is normal to think or feel a certain way. · Try the open-ended, “When did you …” rather than “Do you …” This is less threatening because it implies that the topic is normal and unexceptional |
1. Around age 11, but sometimes earlier, girls start to develop breasts and pubic hair. Have you ever seen charts and pictures of normal growth patterns for girls? Let us go over these now. |
2. Have your periods started? How did you feel? Were you prepared or surprised? |
Assess attitude of girl and parents. Note inadequate preparation or attitude of distaste. |
•3. Who in your family do you talk to about your body changes and about sex information? How do these talks go? Do you think you get enough information? What about sex education classes at school? Is there a teacher, a nurse or doctor, a minister, a counselor to whom you can talk? •Often girls your age have questions about sexual activity. Do you have questions? Are you dating? Someone steady? Do you and your boyfriend have intercourse? Are you using condoms? What method of protection did you use the last time you had sex? |
Avoid the term “sexually active,” which is ambiguous |
4. Has anyone ever talked to you about sexually transmitted diseases, such as herpes, gonorrhea, or AIDS? |
Teach STD risk reduction. |
5. Sometimes it happens that a person touches a girl in a way that she does not want them to. Has that ever happened to you? If that happens, the girl should remember it is not her fault. She should tell another adult about it. |
Screen for sexual abuse. |
Additional History for the Aging Aduit |
• After menopause, noted any vaginal bleeding? • Any vaginal itching, discharge, pain with intercourse? • Any pressure in genital area, loss of urine with cough or sneeze, back pain, or constipation? •4. Are you in a relationship involving sex now? Are aspects of sex satisfactory to you and your partner? Is there adequate privacy for a sexual relationship? |
Postmenopausal bleeding warrants further workup and referral. Associated with atrophic vaginitis.
Occurs with weakened pelvic musculature and uterine prolapse. |
Assemble the equipment before helping the woman into position. Arrange within easy reach. Familiarize yourself with the vaginal speculum before the examination. Practice opening and closing the blades, locking them into position, and releasing them. Try both metal and plastic types. Note that the plastic speculum locks and unlocks with a resounding click that can be alarming to the uninformed woman.
Equipment Needed
Protective clothing for examiner Goose-necked lamp with a strong light Vaginal speculum of appropriate size (Fig. 26-3)
Pederson speculum—narrow blades, useful for young or postmenopausal women with narrowed introitus
Large cotton-tipped applicators (rectal swabs)
Materials for cytologic study:
Glass slide with frosted end
Sterile Cytobrush or cotton-tipped applicator
Ayre’s spatula
Spray fixative
Specimen container for gonorrhea
culture (GCyChlamydia
Small bottle of normal saline, potassium hydroxide (KOH), and acetic acid (white vinegar)
Initially, the woman should be sitting up. An equal status position is important to establish trust and rapport before the vaginal examination.
For the examination, the woman should be placed in the lithotomy position, with the examiner sitting on a stool. Help the woman into lithotomy position, with the body supine, feet in stirrups and knees apart, and buttocks at edge of examining table (Fig. 26-4). Ask the woman to lift her hips as you guide them to the edge of the table. Some women prefer to leave their shoes or socks on. Or, you can place an exam glove over each of the stirrups to warm the stirrups and keep her feet from slipping.
The arms should be at the woman’s sides or across the chest, not over the head, because this position only tightens the abdominal muscles. The traditional mode is to drape the woman fully, covering the stomach and legs, exposing only the vulva to your view. Be sure to push down the drape between the woman’s legs so that you can see her face.
The lithotomy position leaves many women feeling helpless and vulnerable. Indeed, many women tolerate the pelvic examination because they consider it basic for health care, yet they find it embarrassing and uncomfortable. Previous examinations may have been painful, or the previous examiner’s attitude hurried and patronizing.
The examinatioeed not be this way. You can help the woman relax, decrease her anxiety, and retain a sense of control by employing these measures:
•Have her empty the bladder before the examination.
•Position the exam table so that her perineum is not exposed to an inadvertent open door.
•Ask if she would like a friend, family member, or chaperone present. Position this person by the woman’s head to maintain privacy.
•Elevate her head and shoulders to a semi-sitting position to maintain eye contact.
•Place the stirrups so the legs are not abducted too far.
•Explain each step in the examination before you do it.
•Assure the woman she can stop the examination at any point should she feel any discomfort.
•Use a gentle, firm touch, and gradual movements.
•Communicate throughout the examination. Maintain a dialogue to share information
•Use the techniques of the educational or mirror pelvic examination (Fig. 26—5). This is a routine examination with some modifications in attitude, position, and communication. First, the woman is considered an active participant, one who is interested in learning and in sharing decisions about her own health care. The woman props herself up on one elbow, or the head of the table is raised. Her other hand holds a mirror between her legs, above the examiner’s hands. The woman can see all that the examiner is doing and has a full view of her genitalia.
The mirror works well for teaching normal anatomy and its relation to sexual behavior. Even women who are in a sexual relationship or who have had children may be surprisingly uninformed about their own anatomy. You will find the woman’s enthusiasm on seeing her own cervix is rewarding too.
The mirror pelvic examination also works well when abnormalities arise because the woman can see the rationale for treatment and can monitor progress at the next appointment. She is more willing to comply with treatment when she shares in the decision.
Abnormal Findings |
Inspection |
Note: · • Skin color (Fig. 26-6) ·
· Hair distribution is in the usual female pattern of inverted triangle, although it normally may trail up the abdomen toward the umbilicus.
· Labia majora normally are symmetric, plump, and well formed. In the nulli-parous woman, labia meet in the midline; following a vaginal delivery, the labia are gaping and slightly shriveled. · No lesions should be present, except for occasional sebaceous cysts. These are yellowish, 1-cm nodules that are firm, nontender, and often multiple. · With your gloved hand, separate the labia majora to inspect: · Clitoris (Fig. 26-7).
· Labia minora are dark pink and moist, usually symmetric · Urethral opening appears stellate or slitlike and is midline. · Vaginal opening, or introitus, may appear as a narrow vertical slit or as a larger opening. · Perineum is smooth. A well-healed episiotomy scar, midline or mediolateral, may be present following a vaginal birth. · Anus has coarse skin of increased pigmentation (see Chapter 25 for assessment). |
Refer any suspicious pigmented lesion for biopsy
Consider delayed puberty if no pubic hair or breast development has occurred by age 13. Nits or lice at the base of pubic hair. Swelling.
Excoriation, nodules, rash, or lesions (see Table 26-3).
Inflammation or lesions.
Polyp. Foul-smelling, irritating discharge.
Palpation |
Assess the urethra and Skene’s glands (Fig. 26-8). Dip your gloved finger in a bowl of warm water to lubricate. Then insert your index finger into the vagina, and gently milk the urethra by applying pressure up and out. This procedure should produce no pain. If any discharge appears, culture it.
Assess Bartholin’s glands. Palpate the posterior parts of the labia majora with your index finger in the vagina and your thumb outside (Fig. 26-9). Normally, the labia feel soft and homogeneous.
Assess the support of pelvic musculature by using these maneuvers: 1. Palpate the perineum. Normally, it feels thick, smooth, and muscular in the nulliparous woman, and thin and rigid in the multiparous woman. 2. Ask the woman to squeeze the vaginal opening around your fingers; it should feel tight in the nulliparous woman and have less tone in the multiparous woman. 3. Using your index and middle fingers, separate the vaginal orifice and ask the woman to strain down. Normally, no bulging of vaginal walls or urinary incontinence occurs |
Tenderness. Induration along urethra. Urethral discharge.
Swelling (see Table 26-3). Induration. Pain with palpation. 3.Erythema around or discharge from duct opening
Tenderness. Paper-thin perineum.
Absent or decreased tone may diminish sexual satisfaction. Bulging of the vaginal wall indicates cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse (see Table 26-4). Urinary incontinence. |
Speculum Examination |
Select the proper-sized speculum. Warm and lubricate the speculum under warm running water. Avoid gel lubricant at this point because it is bacteriostatic and would distort cells in the cytology specimen you will collect. A good technique is to dedicate one hand to the patient and the other hand to picking up equipment in the room. For example, hold the speculum in your left hand (the equipment hand), with the index and the middle fingers surrounding the blades and your thumb under the thumbscrew. This prevents the blades from opening painfully during insertion. With your right index and middle fingers (the patient hand), push the introitus down and open to relax the pubococcygeal muscle (Fig. 26-10). Tilt the width of the blades obliquely and insert the speculum past your right fingers, applying any pressure downward. This avoids pressure on the sensitive urethra above it
Ease insertion by asking the woman to bear down. This method relaxes the perineal muscles and opens the introitus. (With experience, you can combine speculum insertion with assessing the support of the vaginal muscles.) As the blades pass your right fingers, withdraw your fingers. Now change the hand holding the speculum to your right hand and turn the width of the blades horizontally. Continue to insert in a 45-degree angle downward toward the small of the woman’s back (Fig. 26-11). This matches the natural slope of the vagina.
After the blades are fully inserted, open them by squeezing the handles together (Fig. 26-12). The cervix should be in full view. Sometimes this does not occur (especially with beginning examiners), because the blades are angled above the location of the cervix. Try closing the blades, withdrawing about halfway, and reinserting in a more downward plane. Then slowly sweep upward. Once you have the cervix in full view, lock the blades open by tightening the thumbscrew.
Inspect the cervix and its os |
Note: · Color. Normally the cervical mucosa is pink and even. During the 2nd month of pregnancy it looks blue (Chadwick’s sign), and after menopause it is pale.
· Position. Midline, either anterior or posterior. Projects 1 to
· Size. Diameter is · Os. This is small and round in the nulliparous woman. In the parous woman, it is a horizontal irregular slit and also may show healed lacerations on the sides (Fig. 26-13). · Surface. This is normally smooth, but cervical eversion, or ectropkm, may occur normally after vaginal deliveries. The endocervical canal is everted or “rolled out.” It looks like a red, beefy halo inside the pink cervix surrounding the os. It is difficult to distinguish this normal variation from an abnormal condition (e.g., erosion, or carcinoma), and biopsy may be needed.
Nulliparous Parous (after childbirth)
Cervical eversion Nabothian cysts
Nabothian cysts are benign growths that commonly appear on the cervix after childbirth. They are small, smooth, yellow nodules that may be single or multiple. Less than I cm, they are retention cysts due to obstruction of cervical glands. Note the cervical secretions. Depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, secretions may be clear and thin, or thick, opaque, and stringy. Always they are odorless and nonirritating. If secretions are copious, swab the area with a thick-tipped rectal swab. This method sponges away secretions, and you have a better view of the structures.
Redness, inflammation. Pallor with anemia. Cyanotic other than with pregnancy (see Table 26-5). Lateral position may be due to adhesion or tumor. Projection of more than Hypertrophy of more than
Surface reddened, granular, and asymmetric, particularly around os. Friable, bleeds easily. Any lesions: white patch on cervix; strawberry spot. Refer any suspicious red, white, or pig-mented lesion for biopsy (see erosion, ul-ceration, and carcinoma, Table 26-5).
Cervical polyp—bright red growth protruding from the os (see Table 26-5).
Foul-smelling, irritating, with yellow, green, white, or gray discharge {see Table 26-6) |
Obtain cervical smears and cultures |
The Papanicolaou, or Pap, smear screens for cervical cancer. Do not obtain during the woman’s menses or if a heavy infectious discharge is present. Instruct the womaot to douche, have intercourse, or put anything into the vagina within 24 hours before collecting the specimens. Obtain the Pap smear before other specimens so you will not disrupt or remove cells. Laboratories may vary in method, but usually the test consists of three specimens: Vaginal Pool. Gently rub the blunt end of an Ayre spatula over the vaginal wall under and lateral to the cervix (Fig. 26-14). Wipe the specimen on a slide and spray with fixative immediately. If the mucosa is very dry (as in a post-menopausal woman), moisten a sterile swab with normal saline to collect this specimen.
Cervical Scrape (Fig. 26-15). Insert the bifid end of the Ayre spatula into the vagina with the more pointed bump into the cervical os. Rotate it 360 to 720 degrees, using firm pressure. The rounded cervix fits snugly into the spatula’s groove. The spatula scrapes the surface of the squamocolumnar junction and cervix as you turn the instrument. Spread the specimen from both sides of the spatula onto a glass slide. Use a single stroke to thin out the specimen, not a back-and-forth motion. This specimen is important for the adolescent whose endocervical cells have not yet migrated into the endocervical canal. Endocervical Specimen (Fig. 26-16). Insert a Cytobrush (instead of a cotton applicator) into the os. A Cytobrush gives a higher yield of endocervical cells at the squamocolumnar junction, or SCJ, and safety for use during pregnancy has been shown (Stillson, Knight, and Elswick, 1997). The woman may feel a slight pinch with the brush and scant bleeding may occur. For this reason, collect the endocervical specimen last so that bleeding will not obscure cytologic evaluation. SCJ
Rotate the brush 720 degrees in ONE direction in the endocervical canal, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Then rotate the brush gently on a slide to deposit all the cells. Rotate in the opposite direction from the one in which you obtained the specimen. Avoid leaving a thick specimen that would be hard to read under the microscope. Immediately (within 2 seconds) spray the slide with fixative to avoid drying. For the woman following hysterectomy whose cervix has been removed, collect a scrape from the end of the vagina and a vaginal pool. Immediately spray the slides with fixative. The frosted ends of the slides should be labeled with the woman’s name. Send these to the laboratory with the following necessary data: · Date of specimen · Woman’s date of birth · Date of last menstrual period · Hormone administration if any · If pregnant, with estimated date of delivery · Known infections · Prior surgery or radiation · Prior abnormal cytology · Abnormal findings on physical examination
These data are important for accurate interpretation; e.g., a specimen maybe interpreted as positive unless the laboratory technicians know the woman has had prior radiation treatment. To screen for STDs, or if you note any abnormal vaginal discharge, obtain the following samples: SALINE MOUNT, or “Wet Prep.” Spread a sample of the discharge onto a glass slide and add one drop of normal saline and a coverslip. KOH Prep. To a sample of the discharge on a glass slide, add one drop potassium hydroxide and a coverslip. GONORRHEA (GC) CHLAMYDIA CULTURE. Insert a sterile cotton applicator into the os, rotate it 360 degrees, and leave it in place 10 to 20 seconds for complete saturation. Insert into specimen container and label immediately. Note that newer specimen containers from many laboratories combine the GCIChlamydia culture and do not require incubation. ANAL CULTURE. Insert a sterile cotton swab into the anal canal about FIVE PERCENT
Rapid acetowhitening or blanching, especially with irregular borders, suggests HPV infection (see Table 26-3).
Inspect the vaginal wall |
Loosen the thumbscrew but continue to hold the speculum blades open. Slowly withdraw the speculum, rotating it as you go, to fully inspect the vaginal wall. Normally, the wall looks pink, deeply rugated, moist and smooth, and is free of inflammation or lesions. Normal discharge is thin and clear, or opaque and stringy, but always odorless. When the blade ends near the vaginal opening, let them close, but be careful not to pinch the mucosa or catch any hairs. Turn the blades obliquely to avoid stretching the opening. Place the metal speculum in a basin to be cleaned later and soaked in a sterilizing and disinfecting solution; discard the plastic variety. Discard your gloves and wash hands |
Inflammation or lesions. Leukoplakia, appears as spot of dried white paint. Vaginal discharge: thick, white, and curd-like with candidiasis; profuse, watery, gray-green, and frothy with trichomoniasis; or any gray, green-yellow, white, or foul-smelling discharge (see Table 26-6). |
Bimanual Examination |
Rise to a stand, and have the woman remain in lithotomy position. Drop lubricant onto the first two fingers of your gloved intravaginal hand (Fig. 26-17). Assume the “obstetric” position with the first two fingers extended, the last two flexed onto the palm, and the thumb abducted. Insert your fingers into the vagina, with any pressure directed posteriorly. Wait until the vaginal walls relax, then insert your fingers fully.
You will use both hands to palpate the internal genitalia to assess their location, size, and mobility, and to screen for any tenderness or mass. One hand is on the abdomen while the other (often the dominant, more sensitive hand) inserts two fingers into the vagina (Fig. 26-18). It does not matter which you choose as the intravaginal hand; try each way, and settle on the most comfortable method for you
Palpate the vaginal wall. Normally, it feels smooth and has no area of induration or tenderness Cervix. Locate the cervix in the midline, ofteear the anterior vaginal wall. The cervix points in the opposite direction of the fundus of the uterus. Palpate using the palmar surface of the fingers. Note these characteristics of a normal cervix: Consistency—feels smooth and firm, as the consistency of the tip of the nose. It softens and feels velvety at 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy (Goodell’s sign). Contour—evenly rounded. Mobility—With a finger on either side, move the cervix gently from side to side. Normally, this produces no pain (Fig. 26-19).
Palpate all around the fornices; the wall should feel smooth.
Next, use your abdominal hand to push the pelvic organs closer for your intravaginal fingers to palpate. Place your hand midway between the umbilicus and the symphysis; push down in a slow, firm manner, fingers together and slightly flexed. Brace the elbow of your pelvic arm against your hip, and keep it horizontal. The woman must be relaxed. Uterus. With your intravaginal fingers in the anterior fornix, assess the uterus. Determine the position, or version, of the uterus (Fig. 26-20). This compares the long axis of the uterus with the long axis of the body. In many women, the uterus is anteverted; you palpate it at the level of the pubis with the cervix pointing posteriorly. Two other positions occur normally {midposition and retroverted), as well as two aspects of flexion, where the long axis of the uterus is not straight but is flexed.
Palpate the uterine wall with your fingers in the fornices. Normally, it feels firm and smooth, with the contour of the fundus rounded. It softens during pregnancy. Bounce the uterus gently between your abdominal and intravaginal hand. It should be freely movable and nontender.
Adnexa. Move both hands to the right to explore the adnexa. Place your abdominal hand on the lower quadrant just inside the anterior iliac spine and your intravaginal fingers in the lateral fornix (Fig. 26-21). Push the abdominal hand in and try to capture the ovary. Often, you cannot feel the ovary. When you can, it normally feels smooth, firm, and almond shaped, and is highly movable, sliding through the fingers. It is slightly sensitive but not painful. The fallopian tube is not palpable normally. No other mass or pulsation should be felt.
A note of caution— Move to the left to palpate the other side. Then, withdraw your hand and check secretions on the fingers before discarding the glove. Normal secretions are clear or cloudy and odorless.
Nodule Tenderness.
Hard with malignancy. Nodular.
Irregular. Immobile with malignancy.
Painful with inflammation or ectopic pregnancy
Enlarged uterus (see Table 26-7). Lateral displacement. Nodular mass. Irregular, asymmetric uterus. Fixed and immobile. Tendeness Enlarged adnexa. Nodules or mass in adnexa. Immobile. Markedly tender (see Table 26-8). Pulsation or palpable fallopian tube suggests ectopic pregnancy; this warrants immediate referral. |
Rectovaginal Examination |
Use this technique to assess the rectovaginal septum, posterior uterine wall, cul-de-sac, and rectum. Change gloves to avoid spreading any possible infection. Lubricate the first two fingers. Instruct the woman that this may feel uncomfortable and will mimic the feeling of moving her bowels. Ask her to bear down as you insert your index finger into the vagina and your middle finger gently into the rectum (Fig. 26-22).
While pushing with the abdominal hand, repeat the steps of the bimanual examination. Try to keep the intravaginal finger on the cervix so the intrarectal finger does not mistake the cervix for a mass. Note: •Rectovaginal septum should feel smooth, thin, firm, and pliable. •Rectovaginal pouch, or cul-de-sac, is a potential space and usually not palpated. •Uterine wall and fundus feel firm and smooth. Rotate the intrarectal finger to check the rectal wall and anal sphincter tone. (See Chapter 25 for assessment of anus and rectum.) Check your gloved finger as you withdraw; test any adherent stool for occult blood. Give the woman tissues to wipe the area and help her up. Remind her to slide her hips back from the edge before sitting up so she will not fall |
Nodular or thickened |
Infants and Children |
Preparation •Infant—place on examination table. •Toddler/preschooler—place on parent’s lap. Frog-leg position—hips flexed, soles of feet together and up to bottom. Preschool child may want to separate her own labia. No drapes—the young girl wants to see what you are doing. • School-age child—place on examination table, frog-leg position, no drapes. During childhood, a routine screening is limited to inspection of the external genitalia to determine that (1) the structures are intact, (2) the vagina is present, and (3) the hymen is patent The newborn’s genitalia are somewhat engorged. The labia majora are swollen, the labia minora are prominent and protrude beyond the labia majora, the clitoris looks relatively large, and the hymen appears thick. Because of transient engorgement, the vaginal opening is more difficult to see now than it will be later. Place your thumbs on the labia majora. Push laterally while pushing the perineum down, and try to note the vaginal opening above the hymenal ring. Do not palpate the clitoris because it is very sensitive.
A sanguineous vaginal discharge and/or leukorrhea (mucoid discharge) are normal during the first few weeks because of the maternal estrogen effect. (This also may cause transient breast engorgement and secretion.) During the early weeks, the genital engorgement resolves, and the labia minora atrophy and remain small until puberty (Fig. 26-23)
Between the ages of 2 months and 7 years, the labia majora are flat, the labia minora are thin, the clitoris is relatively small, and the hymen is tissue-paper thin. Normally, no irritation or foul-smelling discharge is present.
In the young school-age girl (7 to 10 years), the mons pubis thickens, the labia majora thicken, and the labia minora become slightly rounded. Pubic hair appears beginning around age 11, although sparse pubic hair may occur as early as age 8 years. Normally, the hymen is perforate.
Almost always in these age groups, an external examination will suffice. If needed, an internal pelvic examination is best performed by a pediatric gynecologist using specialized instruments. |
Ambiguous genitalia are rare but are suggested by a markedly enlarged clitoris, fusion of the labia (resembling scrotum), and palpable mass in fused labia (resembling testes) (see Table 26-9). Imperforate hymen warrants referral. Lesions, rash.
Poor perineal hygiene. During and after toddler age, foul-smelling discharge occurs with lodging of foreign body, pinworms, or infection. Absence of pubic hair by 13 years indicates delayed puberty. Amenorrhea in adolescent, together with bluish and bulging hymen, indicates imperforate hymen and warrants referral. |
The Adolescent |
The adolescent girl has special needs during the genitalia examination. Examine her alone, without the mother present. Assure her of privacy and confidentiality. Allow plenty of time for health education and discussion of pubertal progress. Assess her growth velocity and menstrual history, and use the SMR charts to teach breast and pubic hair development. Assure her that increased vaginal fluid (physiologic leukorrhea) is normal because of the estrogen effect A pelvic examination is indicated when contraception is desired, when the girl’s sexual activity includes intercourse, or at age 18 years in virgins. Periodic Pap smears also are started when intercourse begins. Although the techniques of the examination are listed in the adult section, you will need to provide additional time and psychological support for the adolescent having her first pelvic examination. The experience of the first pelvic examination determines how the adolescent will approach future care. Your accepting attitude and gentle, unhurried approach are important. You have a unique teaching opportunity here. Take the time to teach, using the girl’s own body as illustration. Your frank discussion of anatomy and sexual behavior communicates that these topics are acceptable to discuss and not taboo with health care providers. This affirms the girl’s self-concept. During the bimanual examination, note that the adnexa are not palpable in the adolescent. |
Pelvic or aclnexal mass. |
The Pregnant Female |
Depending on the week of gestation of the pregnancy, inspection shows the enlarging abdomen (see Fig. 27- The external genitalia show hyperemia of the perineum and vulva because of increased vascularity. Varicose veins may be visible in the labia or legs. Hemorrhoids may show around the anus. Both are caused by interruption in venous return from the pressure of the fetus. Internally, the walls of the vagina appear violet or blue (Chadwick’s sign) because of hyperemia. The vaginal walls are deeply rugated and the vaginal mucosa thickens. The cervix looks blue, feels velvety, and feels softer than in the nonpreg-nant state, making it a bit more difficult to differentiate from the vaginal walls. During bimanual examination, the isthmus of the uterus feels softer and is more easily compressed between your two hands (Hegar’s sign). The fundus balloons between your two hands; it feels connected to, but distinct from, the cervix because the isthmus is so soft. Search the adnexal area carefully during early pregnancy. Normally, the ad-nexal structures are not palpable |
An ectopic pregnancy has serious consequences (see Table 26-8). |
The Aging Adult |
Natural lubrication is decreased; to avoid a painful examination, take care to lubricate instruments and the examining hand adequately. Use the Pedersen speculum {rather than the Menopause and the resulting decrease in estrogen production cause numerous physical changes. Pubic hair gradually decreases, becoming thin and sparse in later years. The skin is thinner and fat deposits decrease, leaving the mons pu-bis smaller and the labia flatter. Clitoris size also decreases after age 60. Internally, the rugae of the vaginal walls decrease, and the walls look pale pink because of the thinned epithelium. The cervix shrinks and looks pale and glistening. It may retract, appearing to be flush with the vaginal wall. In some, it is hard to distinguish the cervix from the surrounding vaginal mucosa. Alternately, the cervix may protrude into the vagina if the uterus has prolapsed. With the bimanual examination, you may need to insert only one gloved finger if vaginal stenosis exists. The uterus feels smaller and firmer, and the ovaries are not palpable normally. Prior surgery for hysterectomy does not preclude the need for routine gynecologic care, including the Pap smear. The Pap smear can help detect gynecologic malignancies even when the cervix has been removed. Be aware that older women may have special needs and will appreciate the following plans of care: for those with arthritis, taking a mild analgesic or antiinflammatory before the appointment may ease joint pain in positioning; schedule appointment times when joint pain or stiffness is at its least; allow extra time for positioning and “unposition-ing” after the examination; and be careful to maintain dignity and privacy. |
Refer any suspicious red, white, or pig-mented lesion for biopsy. Vaginal atrophy increases the risk of infection and trauma. Refer any mass for prompt evaluation. |
Summary Checklist: Female Genitalia Exam |
1. Inspect external genitalia 2. Palpate labia, Skene’s and Bartholin’s glands 3. Using vaginal speculum, inspect cervix and vagina |
4. Obtain specimens for cytologic study 5. Perform bimanual examination: cervix, uterus, adnexa |
6. Perform rectovaginal examination 7. Test stool for occult blood |
Menarche age 12, cycle usually o^ 2S> days, duration 5 days, flow moderate, no dysmenorrhea, LMP April 3. <3rav O/Para O/Ab O. Gyne checkups yearly. Last Pap test 1 year PTA, negative.
No urinary problems, no irritating or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, no sores or [esions, no history pelvic surgery. Satisfied with sexual relationship with husband, uses vaginal diaphragm for birth control, no plans for pregnancy at this time. Aware of no STD contact to self or husband.
External genitalia—no swelling, lesions, or discharge. No urethral swelling or discharge, internal-walls have no bulging or lesions, cervix pink with no lesions, scant c\ear mucoid discharge.
Bimanual—no pain on moving cervix, uterus anteflexed and anteverted, no enlargement or irregularity. Adnexa—ovaries not enlarged. Rectal—no hemorrhoids, fissures or lesions, no masses or tenderness, stool brown with guaiac test negative.
J.K., 27-year-old, white, married newspaper reporter, Grav O/Fara O/Ab 0. Fresents at clinic with “urinary burning, vaginal itching, and discharge X 4 days.”
3 weeks PTA: treated at clinic for bronchitis with erythromycin. Improved within 5 days.
4 to 5 days PTA: noted burning on urination, Intense vaginal itching, thick, white, “smelly” discharge. Warm water douche—no relief.
No previous history vaginal infection, urinary tract infection, or pelvic surgery. Monogamous sexual relationship, has used low-estrogen birth control pills for 3 years with no side effects.
Vulva and vagina erythematous and edematous. Thick, white, curdlike discharge clinging to vaginal walls. Cervix pink, no lesions. Bimanual examination—no pain on palpating cervix, uterus not enlarged, ovaries not enlarged.
Specimens: Pap smear, GC/Chlamydia to lab. WH prep shows mycelia and spores of Candida alblcans.
Candida vaginitis
Fain R./T infectious process
Brenda, 17-year-old, white high school student, comes to clinic for pelvic examination. Subjective
Menarche 12 years, cycle <\ 30 days, duration & days, mild cramps relieved by acetaminophen. LMF March 10. No dysuria, vaginal discharge, vaginal itching. Relationship involving intercourse with one boyfriend for Ј> months FTA. For birth control, boyfriend uses condoms “sometimes.” Wants to start birth cor\tro\ pills. Never had pelvic examination. No knowledge of breast self-examination. No knowledge of 5TPs except AIDS. Smokes cigarettes, Va FFD, started age 11.
Breasts—symmetric, no lesions or discharge, palpation reveals no mass or tenderness.
External genitalia—no redness, lesions, or discbarge, Internal genitalia—vaginal walls and cervix pink with no lesions or discharge. Specimens obtained. Acetic acid wash shows no acetowhitening.
Bimanual—no tenderness to palpation, uterus anteverted with no enlargement, ovaries not enlarged-Rectum—no maeeee, fissure, or tenderness. Stool brown and guaiac test negative.
Specimens—GC, Chlamydia, Fap smear to lab,
Breast and pelvic structures appear healthy.
Deficient knowledge regarding: breast self-examination; birth control measures; STD prevention; cigarette smoking R/T lack of exposure
DIAGNOSIS: Sexual dysfunction |
Depression Disturbance in self-esteem or body image Lack of significant other Lack of privacy Effects of actual or perceived limitation imposed by disease and/or therapy Substance abuse Physical or psychosocial abuse Dysfunctional interpersonal relationships Ineffective or absent role models Failure to identify satisfactorily with same-sex parent Cultural norms regarding male/female roles Values conflict Knowledge deficit |
Decreased or absent sexual desire Impotence Delayed development of secondary sex characteristics Sexual promiscuity Exhibitionism Guilt Alterations in achieving perceived sex role or sexual satisfaction Verbalization about the problem Conflicts involving values Changes in interest in self and others Seeking confirmation of desirability Voyeurism Transsexualism Transvestism Masochism/sadism |
DIAGNOSIS: Functional Incontinence |
Deficits Cognitive Motor Sensory Altered environment Rape event |
Unpredictable voiding pattern Unrecognized signals of bladder fullness Urge to void or bladder contractions sufficiently strong to result in loss of urine before reaching an appropriate site or receptacle Acute Phase Emotional reactions Anger Crying Overcontrol Panic Denial Self-blame Emotional shock Embarrassment Fear of being alone Humiliation Fear of physical violence and death Mistrust of the opposite sex Desire for revenge Change in sexual behavior Multiple physical symptoms Muscle tension Pain Sleep pattern disturbance Gastrointestinal irritability Genitourinary discomfort Long-Term Phase Mentally reliving rape Depression Loss of self-confidence Changes in lifestyle Changes in residence Dealing with repetitive nightmares and phobias Anxiety Ambivalence about own sexuality |
ACTUAL Ineffective Sexuality patterns (see Chapter 24) Impaired Skin integrity (see Chapters 12 and 24) Pain Stress Incontinence Reflex Incontinence Total Incontinence Urge Incontinence |
RISK/WELUNESS Risk Risk for urinary urge incontinence Risk for infection Risk for post-trauma syndrome Wellness Health seeking behavior for information on STD risk reduction |
Abnormal Findings
TABLE 26-3: Abnormalities of the External Genitalia
Pediculosis Pubis (Crab Lice)
S: Severe perineal itching.
O: Excoriations and erythematous areas. May see little dark spots (lice are small), nits (eggs) adherent to pubic hair near roots. Usually localized in pubic hair, occasionally in eyebrows or eyelashes.
Herpes Simplex Virus—Type 2 (Herpes Genttalis)
S: Episodes of local pain, dysuria, fever.
O: Clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema; erupt on genital areas and inner thigh. AJso, inguinal adenopathy, edema. Vesicles on labia rupture in 1 to 3 days, leaving painful ulcers. Initial infection lasts 7 to 10 days. Virus remains dormant indefinitely; recurrent infections last 3 to 10 days with milder symptoms.
Syphilitic Chancre*
O: Begins as a small, solitary silvery papule that erodes to a red round or oval, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge. Palpation—nontender indurated base; can be lifted like a button between thumb and finger. Nontender inguinal lymphadenopathy
Red Rash—Contact Dermatitis
S: History of skin contact with allergenic substance in envired, ronment, intense pruritus.
O: Primary lesion—red, swollen, vesicles. Then may have weeping of lesions, crusts, scales, thickening of skin, excoriations from scratching. May result from reaction to feminine hygiene spray or synthetic underclothing.
Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV, Condylomata Acuminata, Genital Warts)
S: Painless warty growths, may be unnoticed by woman.
O: Pink or flesh-colored, soft, pointed, moist, warty papules. Single or multiple in a cauliflowerlike patch. Occur around vulva, introitus, anus, vagina, cervix.
HPV infection is common among sexually active women, especially adolescents, regardless of ethnicity or socioeco-nomic status. Risk factors include early age at menarche and multiple sexual partners. The long incubation period (6 weeks to 8 months) makes it difficult to establish history of exposure. A strong association of HPV infection and abnormal cervical cytology exists.
Abscess of Bartholin’s Gland
S: Local pain, can be severe.
O: Overlying skin red and hot. Posterior part of labia swollen; palpable fluctuant mass and tenderness. Mucosa shows red spot at site of duct opening; can express purulent discharge. Often secondary to gonococcal infection.*
Reprinted from Colour Atlas of Infectious Diseases, 3rd edition, Emond, p. 161, 1995, by permission of the publisher Mosby.
Urethritis (not illustrated)
S: Dysuria.
O: Palpation of anterior vaginal wall shows erythema, tenderness, induration along urethra, purulent discharge from meatus. Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeas, Chla-mydia, or Staphylococcus infection.
Urethral Caruncle
S: Tender, painful with urination, urinary frequency, hematuria, dyspareunia, or asymptomatic. O: Small, deep red mass protruding from meatus; usually secondary to urethritis or skenitis; lesion may bleed on contact.
“This condition is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The classic term, venereal disease, a disease transmitted only by sexual intercourse, now is obsolete. A broader category, STDs, includes all conditions that are usually or can be transmitted during sexual intercourse or intimate sexual contact with an infected partner. Although not inclusive of all STDs, the conditions described in this table encompass more common conditions.
TABLE 26-4: Abnormalities of the Pelvic Musculature
Cystocele (with prolapse)
S: Feeling of pressure in vagina, stress incontinence.
O: With straining or standing, note introitus widening and the presence of a soft, round anterior bulge. The bladder, covered by vaginal mucosa, prolapses into vagina, in this case with a uterine prolapse.
S: Feeling of pressure in vagina, possibly constipation. O: With straining or standing, note introitus widening and the presence of a soft, round bulge from posterior. Here, part of the rectum, covered by vaginal mucosa, prolapses into vagina.
Uterine Prolapse
O: With straining or standing, uterus protrudes into vagina. Prolapse is graded: first degree, cervix appears at introitus with straining; second degree, cervix bulges outside introitus with straining; third degree (in this case), whole uterus protrudes even without straining—essentially, uterus is inside out.
TABLE 26-5: Abnormalities of the Cervix
Bluish Cervix—Cyanosis
O: Bluish discoloration of the mucosa occurs normally in pregnancy (Chadwick’s sign at 6 to 8 weeks’ gestation) and with any other condition causing hypoxia or venous congestion, e.g., heart failure, pelvic tumor.
O: Cervical lips inflamed and eroded. Reddened granular surface is superficial inflammation, with no ulceration (loss of tissue). Usually secondary to purulent or muco–purulent cervical discharge. Biopsy needed to distinguish erosion from carcinoma; cannot rely on inspection.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV, Condylomata)
O: Virus can appear in various forms when affecting cervical epithelium. Here warty growth appears as abnormal thickened white epithelium. Visibility of lesion is enhanced by acetic acid (vinegar) wash, which dissolves mucus and temporarily causes intracellular dehydration and coagulation of protein.
S: May have mucoid discharge or bleeding.
O: Bright red, soft, pedunculated growth emerges from os. It is a benign lesion, but this must be determined by biopsy. May be lined with squamous or columnar epithelium.
Diethylstiibestroi (DES) Syndrome
S. Prenatal exposure to DES causes cervical and vaginal abnormalities.
O: Red, granular patches of columnar epithelium extend beyond normal squamocolumnar junction onto cervix and into fornices (vaginal adenosis). Also cervical abnormalities: circular groove, transverse ridge, protuberant anterior lip, “cocks-comb” formation. Warrants monitoring by physician.
S: Bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopause, unusual vaginal discharge.
O: Chronic ulcer and induration are early signs of carcinoma, although the lesion may or may not show on the exocervix. (Here, lesion is mostly around the external os.) Diagnosed by Papanicolaou smear and biopsy. Risk factors for cervical cancer are early age at first intercourse, multiple sex partners, cigarette smoking, certain sexually transmitted diseases.
S, Subjective data;
O, objective data.
TABLE 26-6: Vulvovaginal Inflammations
Atrophic Vaginitis
S: Postmenopausal vaginal itching, dryness, burning sensation, dyspareunia, mucoid discharge (may be flecked with blood).
O: Pale mucosa with abraded areas that bleed easily; may have bloody discharge.
An opportunistic infection related to chronic estrogen deficiency.
Candidiasis (Moniliasis)
S: Intense pruritus, thick whitish discharge.
O: Vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous. Discharge is usually thick, white, curdy, “like cottage cheese.” Diagnose by microscopic examination of discharge on potassium hydroxide wet mount.
Predisposing causes—use of oral contraceptives or antibiotics, more alkaline vaginal pH (as with menstrual periods, postpartum, menopause), also pregnancy from increased glycogen and diabetes.
S: Pruritus, watery and often malodorous vaginal discharge, urinary frequency, terminal dysuria. Symptoms are worse during menstruation when the pH becomes optimal for the organism’s growth.
O: Vulva may be erythematous. Vagina diffusely red, granular, occasionally with red raised papules and petechiae (“strawberry” appearance). Frothy, yellow-green, foul-smelling discharge. Microscopic examination of saline wet mount specimen shows characteristic flagellated cells.
Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginalis, Haemophilus vaginalis, or Nonspecific Vaginitis)*
S: Profuse discharge, “constant wetness” with “foul, fishy, rotten” odor.
O: Thin, creamy, gray-white, malodorous discharge. No inflammation on vaginal wall or cervix because this is a surface parasite. Microscopic view of saline wet mount specimen shows typical “clue cells.”
S: (Mimics gonorrhea.) Three of four infected women have no symptoms. May have urinary frequency, dysuria, or vaginal discharge, postcoital bleeding.
O: May have yellow or green mucopurulent discharge, friable cervix, cervical motion tenderness. Signs are subtle, easily mistaken for gonorrhea. The two are important to distinguish because antibiotic treatment is different; if the wrong drug is given or if the condition is untreated, chlamydia can ascend the reproductive tract to cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and result in infertility. This is the most common STD in the
S: Variable: vaginal discharge, dysuria, abnormal uterine bleeding, abscess in Bartholin’s or Skene’s glands; the majority of cases are asymptomatic.
O: Ofteo signs are apparent. May have purulent vaginal discharge. Diagnose by positive culture of organism. If the condition is untreated, it may progress to acute sal-pingitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
TABLE 26-7: Conditions of Uterine Enlargement
Obviously a normal condition, pregnancy is included here for comparison.
S: Amenorrhea, fatigue, breast engorgement, nausea, change in food tolerance, weight gain.
O: Early signs: cyanosis of vaginal mucosa and cervix (Chad-wick’s sign). Palpation—soft consistency of cervix, enlarging uterus with compressible fundus and isthmus (Hegar’s sign at 10 to 12 weeks).
Myomas (Leiomyomas, Uterine Fibroids
S: Varies, depending on size and location. Ofteo symptoms. When symptoms do occur, include vague discomfort, bloating, heaviness, pelvic pressure, dyspareunia, urinary frequency, backache, or hypermenorrhea if myoma disturbs en-dometrium. Heavy bleeding produces anemia.
O: Uterus irregularly enlarged, firm, mobile, and nodular with hard, painless nodules in the uterine wall.
They are usually benign. Highest incidence between the ages of 30 and 45 years and in blacks. Myomas are estrogen dependent; after menopause, the lesions usually regress but do not disappear. Surgery may be indicated.
Carcinoma of the Endometrium
S: Abnormal and intermenstrual bleeding before menopause; postmenopausal bleeding or mucosanguineous discharge.
Pain and weight loss occur late in the disease.
O: Uterus maybe enlarged.
The Pap smear is rarely effective in detecting endometrial cancer. Women at high risk should have an endometrial tissue sample evaluated at menopause and periodically thereafter (American Cancer Society, 1998). Risk factors for endometrial cancer are early menarche, late menopause, history of infertility, failure to ovulate, tamoxifen, unopposed estrogen therapy (which continually stimulates the endometrium, causing hyperplasia), and obesity (which increases endogenous estrogen).
S: Cyclic or chronic pelvic pain, occurring as dysmenorrhea, or dyspareunia, low backache. Also may have irregular uterine bleeding or hypermenorrhea or may be asymptomatic.
O: Uterus fixed, tender to movement. Small, firm nodular masses tender to palpation on posterior aspect of fundus, uterosacral ligaments, ovaries, sigmoid colon. Ovaries often enlarged.
Masses are aberrant growths of endometrial tissue scattered throughout pelvis due to transplantation of tissue by retrograde menstruation. Ectopic tissue responds to hormone stimulation; builds up between periods, sloughs during menstruation. May cause infertility due to pelvic adhesions, tubal obstruction, decreased ovarian function.
TABLE 26-8: Adnexal Enlargement
Fallopian Tube Mass—Acute Salpingitis (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease [PID]) S: Sudden fever >38° C or 100.4° F, suprapubic pain and tenderness. O: Acute—rigid boardlike lower abdominal musculature. May have purulent discharge from cervix. Movement of uterus and cervix causes intense pain. Pain in lateral for-nices and adnexa. Bilateral adnexal masses difficult to palpate because of pain and muscle spasm. Chronic—bilateral, tender, fixed adnexal masses. Complications include ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and reinfection. PID usually caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlatnydia trachomatis. |
Fallopian Tube Mass—Ectopic Pregnancy S: Amenorrhea or irregular vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain. O: Softening of cervix and fundus; movement of cervix and uterus causes pain; palpable tender pelvic mass, which is solid, mobile, unilateral. This has potential for serious sequelae; seek gynecologic consultation immediately before the mass ruptures or shows signs of acute peritonitis |
Fluctuant Ovarian Mass—Ovarian Cyst
S: Usually asymptomatic.
O: Smooth, round, fluctuant, mobile, nontender mass on ovary. Some cysts resolve spontaneously within 60 days but must be followed closely
Solid Ovarian Mass—Ovarian Cancer
S: Usually asymptomatic. May have abdominal enlargement
from fluid accumulation. O: Solid tumor palpated on ovary. Heavy, solid, fixed, poorly denned mass suggests malignancy; benign mass may feel mobile and solid.
Biopsy necessary to distinguish the two types of masses. The Pap smear does not detect ovarian cancer. Women over age 40 should have a thorough pelvic examination every year.
TABLE 26-9: Abnormalities in Pediatric Genitalia
Ambiguous Genitalia
Female pseudohermaphroditism is a congenital anomaly resulting from hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, which exposes the female fetus to excess amounts of androgens. This causes masculinized external genitalia, here shown as enlargement of the clitoris and fusion of the labia. Ambiguous means the enlarged clitoris here may look like a small penis with hy-pospadias, and the fused labia look like an incompletely formed scrotum with absent testes. Other forms of intersex-ual conditions occur, and the family must be referred for diagnostic evaluation
Vulvovaginitis in Child
This infection is caused by Candida albicans in a diabetic child. Symptoms include pruritus and burning when urine touches excoriated area. Examination shows red, shiny, edematous vulva, vaginal discharge, excoriated area from scratching.
Other, more common causes of vulvovaginitis in the pre-pubertal child include infection from a respiratory or bowel pathogen, sexually transmitted disease, or presence of a foreign body.
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