Introduction to Psychology
Summary Lesson
1. How do psychoactive drugs work?
2. What are the main ways drugs get into our bloodstream?
3. What are the three phases of drug effects?
4. How are psychoactive drugs categorized?
5. Explain the difference between drug agonists and drug antagonists.
6. What is drug tolerance? What are the two reasons for the development of tolerance?
7. How is the brain’s electrical activity recorded?
8. Describe Stages of Sleep
9. What are the two main purposes of sleep?
10. What is the name and function of the band of fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain?
11. Characterize the neuronal pathway from the ear. When sound waves enter the right ear, which hemisphere receives the primary information?
12. Characterize the visual pathway from the eye. When light enters the left eye, which hemisphere receives the information?
13. Role of the amygdale and limbic system for emotional response.
14. Role of neocortex for emotional response.
15. What is the corpus callosum, and what happens when it is cut?
16. What are glial cells, and what is their role in the nervous system?
17. What are five important neurotransmitters, and how do psychoactive drugs affect synaptic transmission?
18. What are the four lobes of the cerebral cortex and their functions?
19. What are the tasks of the auditory system?
20. What are the three main regions of the ear and their associated parts?
21. The frequency of a sound wave determines the ___________________ of the sound we perceive.
22. The amplitude of a sound wave determines the ___________________ of the sound we perceive.
23. The waveform of a sound wave determines the ___________________ of the sound we perceive.
24. What happens inside the cochlea?
25. How did Broca, Wernicke, and Sperry contribute to our knowledge of the brain?
26. What are the key structures of the hindbrain and midbrain, and what are their functions?
27. How is information communicated at the synapse?
28. Psychologists differentiate stressors, strain, and stress. What do each of these terms mean?
29. Describe Selye’s general adaptation syndrome.
30. Outline the body’s two-part endocrine response to stress.
31. According to the transactional model, what triggers the process of stress?
32. List the effects of stress on the brain.
33. Which aspects of hunger are controlled by the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus?
34. List the effects of stress on the heart.
35. Although both men and women experience the “fight-or-flight” syndrome, some scientists argue that women also can experience stress differently (“tend-and-befriend”). Briefly explain this hypothesis.
36. How is information communicated at the synapse?