June 25, 2024


Pharmaceutical  Faculty


Theme: Powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances. Triturations.

Aim: to master the basic techniques of manufacturing technology of complex powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances, learn to evaluate their quality and design to dispense.

Professional orientation of students: to improve the quality of complex powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances, especially if they are discharged in small quantities (less than 0.05), using triturations, and therefore the processing technology of powder is important.



Student’s practical activities: 900 – 1200

Work 1.

Prepare medications and evaluate their quality. Pack powders, design them to dispense, write a written passport control.

1. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis                               0,003
Sacchari 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

2. Rp.: Atropini sulfatis 0,0003
Sacchari 0,3
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

3. Rp.: Phenobarbitali 0,05
Papaverini hydrochloridi 0,03
Analgini 0,25
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

4. Rp.: Phenobarbitali 0,03
Ephedrini hydrochloridi 0,02
Coffeininatrii benzoatis
Glucosi ana 0,1
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

5. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0,003
Papaverini hydrochloridi 0,02
Acidi ascorbinici 0,05
Glucosi 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

6. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis0,002
Papaverini hydrochloridi 0,02
Natrii hydrocarbonatis
Magnesii oxydi ana 0,25
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

7. Rp.: Atropini sulfatis 0,0003
Phenobarbitali 0,02
Theophyllini 0,1
Sacchari 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

8. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis0,005
Codeini 0,015
Ephedrini hydrochloridi 0,025
Sacchari 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

9. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0,002
Dibazoli 0,02
Analgini 0,3
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

10. Rp.: Dimedroli 0,03
Ephedrini hydrochloridi 0,02
Calcii gluconatis 0,25
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

11. Rp.: Atropini sulfatis 0,0003
Ephedrini hydrochloridi 0,05
Glucosi 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

12. Rp.: Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0,005
Theophyllini 0,1
Sacchari 0,3
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

13. Rp.: Extracti Belladonnae 0,015
Dimedroli 0,03
Analgini 0,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

14. Rp.: Extracti Belladonnae 0,01
Antipyrini 0,2
Sacchari 0,15
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 2 times a day

15. Rp.: Extracti Belladonnae 0,06
Bismuthi subnitratis 0,9
Sacchari 1,2
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Divide in partes aequales numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 3 times a day

16. Rp.: Ephedrini hydrochloridi 0,02
Extracti Belladonnae 0,015
Calcii gluconatis 0,25
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Da tales doses numero 6

Signa. 1 powder 2 times a day


Test evaluation and situational tasks

Task №1

There is a recipe, which registered by atropine sulfate 0.0001 for a 1 powder. How triturations 1:100 should take for prepare 10 powders?

Etalon answer for the task №1

Triturations atropine sulfate (1:100) must be taken: 0,0001х10х100=0,1

Task №2

There is a recipe, which registered by atropine sulfate 0.00005 for a 1 powder. How triturations 1:100 should take for prepare 10 powders?

Etalon answer for the task №2

Triturations atropine sulfate (1:100) must be taken: 0,00005х10х100=0,05


Seminar discussion of theoretical issues: 1230 – 1400

1.                 Rules for writing powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances.

2.                 Procedure for storing, dispensing and application in accordance with NTD requirements.

3.                 List of poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances and standards of their disposable dispense.

4.                 Checking single and daily doses of poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances in powders.

5.                 Features preparation of powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances.

6.                 Characterization trituration, their preparation, storage, use for preparing powders.

7.                 Quality control, rules of design to dispense and storage of powders.


Student should know:

1.     Rules of prescription powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances, the order of storage and release in accordance with orders MH of Ukraine.

2.     Checking doses of poisonous and strong affective substances in powders. List of poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances and standards of they dispense.

3.     Features preparation of powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances prescribed in small (less than 0.05) amounts.

4.     Triturations characteristics, their preparation, storage, use for preparing powders.

5.     Quality control, rules of design to dispense and storage of powders.

Student should be able to:

1.     Assess the correctness of writing prescriptions.

2.     Using the State Pharmacopoeia, other normative documents and reference books to find the necessary information for preparation powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances.

3.     Calculate the amount of drugs and triturations to prepare difficult powders.

4.     Choose and justify optimal technology of powders with poisonous, strong affective and narcotic substances.

5.     Make major technological operations and preparation of powders triturations and potent medicinal substances prescribed in small quantities (out, grind, mix, and dose).

6.     Assess the quality of manufactured powders; pack and draw up a form to dispense.

7.     To fill the passport of writing control.


А – Basic:

1.                 Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing.-Pharmaceutical Press, London, Chicago.- 2008, 214 pages.

2.                 European pharmacopoeia. Sixth edition. Council of Europe. Strasborg– 2007.

В – Additional:

1.                 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook: Production and Processes (Pharmaceutical Development Series) Wiley-Interscience; 1 edition (March 21, 2008), 1384 pages.

2.                 Pharmaceutical Powder Compaction Technology, Second Edition (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Informa Healthcare; 2 edition (May 11, 2011), 600 pages.

3.                 The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding [American Pharmacists Association (APhA); 3 edition (March 15, 2008), 556 pages.

4.                 Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Review, 3rd Edition .Lorraine C. Zentz .ISBN-10: 1428320628  ISBN-13: 9781428320628, PB  ©2012,  608 pages.

5.                 Virtual Pharmacy Externship for Technicians (CD-ROM), 1st Edition, Delmar ISBN-10: 1439057427  ISBN-13: 978143905742, CD ©2011

6.                 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Disperse Systems, Volume 3 Informa Healthcare; 2nd edition (January 15, 1998), 559 pages.

7.                 Practical classes materialsсal technology/3/

8.                 Lecture materialsсal technology/3/

9.                 Lecture presentationsсal technology/3/




Discussed and adopted at chair-sitting

of department of  Drugs technology

02 July 2012 , minute № 2


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