MODULE 3: Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning.
LESSON № 11 (practical – 6 hours)
Aim: To study the methods of examining and treating patients with acute, sub acute and chronic processes of external and internal sexual organs;
Professional motivation: Inflammatory processes of women sex organs occur at 50-60% of cases with patients having gynecological pathology. They may cause labor activity lowering, menstrual and generative function disorders in women.
Methodology of Practical Class from 9.00 till 12.00.
Theme: 1
Practical work #1.
student collects anamnesis, performs general and gynecological examination of woman, and prescribes additional methods of diagnostics. Formulates preliminary diagnosis, prescribes treatment.
Practical work #2
Motivates treatment of woman with Gonorrhea, Tuberculosis, Chlamidiosis, Trichomoniasis and Ureaplasmosis
Theme: 2
Practical work #3
Student collects an anamnesis, conducts general and gynecological examination of woman, prescribes additional examination methods.
2. Individual Students Program
You should prepare for the practical class using the existing textbooks and lectures. Special attention should be paid to the following:
1. Ways of spreading of infection and the sense of organism reactivity in developing of inflammatory processes of women sex organs.
2. Classification of genital inflammatory deceases.
3. Vulvitis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
4. Acute bartholinitis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
5. Vaginitis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
6. Cervicitis, endocervicitis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
7. Endometritis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
8. Acute salpingooophritis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
9. Pelvioperitonitis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
10. Parametritis – etiology, clinics, diagnostics, treatment.
11. Difdiagnosis of acute adnexitis and acute appendicitis.
12. Difdiagnosis of piosalphinx, parametritis and the abscess of Douglas’s pouch.
13. Principles of acute genital inflammatory process treatment.
14. Principles of subacute inflammatory processes treatment.
15. Symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases of uterine adnexa.
16. Differential diagnostics of inflammatory processes of uterus and it’s appendices with chronic appendicitis, vaginitis, inevitable abortion, malignant processes of ovary and uterine tubes.
17. Characteristics of pathogens of specific inflammatory processes of female sexual organs.
18. Ways of spreading the gonococcus, mucobacillus of tuberculosis, chlamydias, ureaplasms and importance of organisms reactivity in appearance of specific etiology inflammatory diseases of women sex organs.
19. Classification of inflammatory diseases of external and internal women sex organs of gonorrhea etiology.
20. Clinics of gonorrhea of women sex organs.
21. Bacterioscopic bacteriologic methods of diagnostics of gonorrhea of women sex organs.
22. Methods of treatment and prophylactics of gonorrhea of women sex organs.
23. Tuberculosis of women sex organs. Classification, clinics, methods of diagnostics and treatment.
3. Seminar discussion of theoretical questions from 12.30-14.00 (90 minutes).
4. Tests and Assignments for Self – assessment.
Multiple Choice.
Choose the correct answer / statement:
1. Which of the following is characteristic of bacterial vaginosis?
A – Thin filaments found on microscopic examination;
B – Intense itching;
C – Thick, lumpy discharge
D – All of the above
2.What is the commonest site of сhlamidiosis:
A -vagina;
B – cervical canal;
C –uterus cavity;
D –Uterus tubes ;
E -ovaries.
3. Female patient, 33 year old, complains for genital itching, pain in vagina, white discharge. During assessment: mucous – edematous, hyperemic, in folders – whitish cheeslike dischurge. Primary diagnose?
A.trichomonal colpitis
B.clamidia colpitis
C.urogenital mycoplasmosis
D.bacterial colpitis
E.candidiasis colpitis
4.Patient complains for discharge from vagine, genital itching. Objectives: vaginal mucous is edematous, hyperemic, foamy discharge. Diagnose?
A.purulent colpitis
B.trichomonal colpitis
C.urogenital clamidiosis
D.bacterial colpitis
E.gonorrheal colpitis
5. Student’s individual work from 14.15 till 15.00.
Students, who have not passed control in «MOODLE» system, should stay for individual work and write test control. Students work with thematic training tables, train in computer class, work with license examination test “KROK” and the department database tests, in-depth study of topics according to an individual study program, etc.
6. Students must know:
1. Etiology and path of inflammatory processes of women sex organs of non specific etiology.
2. Clinical forms of non specific inflammatory processes.
3. Principles of conservative and operational treatment of non specific etiology inflammatory processes of women sex organs.
4. Principles of dispensary monitoring and methods of rehabilitation of patients with inflammatory processes of female genital organs.
5. Etiology and pathogenesis of specific (Gonorrhea, Tuberculosis, Chlamidiasis, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasmosis) diseases of female sexual organs.
6. Clinical forms of special genital infection processes.
7. Principles of treatment of women sex organs infection diseases of specific etiology.
8. Principles of monitoring and methods of patients rehabilitation with specific infection diseases of women sex organs.
7. Students should be able to:
1. Collect an anamnesis and conduct general gynecological examination of woman.
2. Evaluate results of additional methods of examination.
3. Formulate a diagnosis.
4. Conduct differential diagnostics with other deseases that have similar clinics.
5. Make a plan of examination and treatment of woman with non specific acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
6. Make a plan of examination and treatment of woman with genital inflammatory processes.
7. To take material for finding pathogens of special diseases of women sex organs.
8. Correct answers of test evaluations and situational tasks:
1.D.2.B.3.E. 4B.
9. References:
А – Basic:
1. S. Khmil, Z. Kuchma. L. Romanchuk. Gynecology. – Ternopil. Ukrmedkniga, 2006 – P. 131 – 145. P. 153 – 194.
2. Gynecology – Edited by Ventskivska. – Kyiv “Medicine” – 2008. – 340p.
Inflammatory diseases of the female sexual organs
B – Additional:
1. Obstetrics and gynecology. – Pamela S.Miles, William F.Rayburn, J.Christopher Carey. – Springer-Verlag New York, 1994. – 218p.
2. Materials of
Prepared by Stelmakh O.Y.
Methodical instruction was reviewed and adopted at the Department sitting
24.05.2012. Minute № 13
Methodical instruction was discussed and adopted at the Department sitting
23.05.2013. Minute № 10
Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting
__________20__. Minute № __
Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting
__________20__. Minute № __
Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting
__________20__. Minute № __
Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting
__________20__. Minute № __