Medical Faculty
Тheme 1. Legal fundamentals of Medical Law.
Тheme 2. Forensic-medical examination in cases of the crimes carried on by medical workers.
Тheme 3. Legal regulation of transplantology in Ukraine. Juridical aspects of prophylactics and treatment in cases of AIDS.
Aim: to be acquainted with the kinds of malpractice regarding criminal liability. To provide information about organization and procedure of performing medico-legal examination in such cases, to execute the expert functions during commission examinations connected with accusation of medical workers of professional and official crimes.
Professional orientation of students: The study of this theme is caused by number of «medical cases» increasing today, i.e. matters connected with accusation of the doctors of professional and official offences. The basic statuses regulating medical activities happen to be ignored by the doctors. This makes practical classes essential to prevent such situations in future medical activity.
Methodology of Practical Class (9.00-12.00).
Work 1-3. During the preparation every student has to study the basic normative-legal acts regulating the legal procedure and performance of forensic medical examination in Ukraine. Special attention must be paid to the maiotes of Law «About Forensic examination», «Bases of the Health Care Legislation of Ukraine» and «Order № 6 Development and improvement of medico-legal service of
After it, every student receives real life situation associated with professional offences of medical worker. Certificates of death, patients cards, reports of forensic autopsy, protocols of interrogation of medical workers etc. are given to the students for the investigation. They must seriously study the documents, rewrite the text in own copy-books and answer to the investigator’s questions then.
Individual Students Program.
Тheme № 1 of the practical class.
1. The bases of the Ukrainian legislation about health care.
2. Legal principles of medical care in Ukraine.
3. Medical ethics and deontology.
4. Legal reglamentation of professional activities medical workers in Ukraine.
5. Rights and duties of doctors in modern Ukrainian legislation.
Тheme № 2 of the practical class.
1. Unfavourable results of the medical activities.
2. The notion about malpractice (medical errors).
3. Professional offences of medical workers.
4. Peculiarities of forensic-medical examination in «medical cases».
Тheme № 3 of the practical class.
1. Legal regulation of transplantology in Ukraine.
2. Juridical aspects of prophylactics and treatment in cases of AIDS.
Seminar discussion of theoretical issues (12.30-14.00):
At the end of the lesson all positions presenting before are discussed with active participation of all the students of the group.
Test evaluation and situational tasks.
1. The kind of examination assigned for decision on matters of medical or biological character during the case investigation by police department and court is called:
A. Forensic medical examination
B. Forensic examination
C. Criminal examination
D. Juridical examination
E. Human examination
2. What is the difference between Forensic medicine and Forensic examination?
A. Forensic medicine is a medical discipline, but forensic examination means a practical expert activity
B. Forensic examination is a medical discipline, but forensic medicine means a practical expert activity
C. They are the same
D. Forensic examination doesn’t have any relations to medicine
E. They are different fields of sciences
3. What kind of forensic examination is appointed in cases of malpractice?
A. Special
B. Initial
C. Additional
D. Repeated
E. Commission
4. Commission examination in medical cases is performed by
A. High qualified experts of Bureau of Medico-Legal Examination
B. A doctor of policlinics
C. Pathologist
D. Investigating police-officer
E. Surgeon
5. Indicate a doctor`s duty to each other:
A. All are correct
B. A physician shall not entice the patients from his colleagues
C. A physician shall observe the principles of the “Declaration of Geneva” approved by general Assembly of the World Medical Associations
D. A physician shall always maintain the highest standards of professional conduct
E. A physician shall deal honestly with the patients and colleagues, and strive to expose those physicians deficient in character or competence
6. What types of juridical responsibility do you know:
A. Administrative
B. Discipline
C. Civil
D. Criminal
E. All are correct
7. Patient M. was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain. He was examined by a surgeon but an urgent surgical pathology was not diagnosed. Therefore, conservative treatment of gastritis was recommended. Some days later the patient died. Autopsy revealed acute gangrenous appendicitis. Which unfavorable result of the doctor`s activity took place?:
A. All are true
B. All are false
C. Medical error
D. Accident
E. Professional offence of a medical worker
Initial level of knowledge and skills are checked by solving situational tasks for each topic, answers in test evaluations and constructive questions
Student should know:
1. Professional duties and rights of medical workers accordingly to «Bases of Health Care Legislation of Ukraine»
2. Kinds of the legal characteristics of professional and official offences of medical workers in «medical cases».
3. Peculiarities of forensic medical examination in professional crimes of medical workers.
Student should be able to:
1. Carry out the functions of the forensic expert in forensic examination of offences done by medical workers;
2. Differetiate between professional offences of medical workers and «medical errors».
Correct answers of test evaluations and situational tasks:
1-A; 2 – A; 3 – E; 4 – A; 5 – A; 6 – E; 7 – C.
А – Basic:
1. Babanin A.A., Belovitsky O.V., Skrebkova O.Yu. Forensic medicine: Textbook. –
2. Franchuk V.V. Forensic Medicine: practical guide. – Ternopil: TSMU, 2011. – P.53-62.
3. C.K.Parikh. Parikh’s Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. – 8st Edition. –
4. Lecture materials
5. Instructional Charts medicine
7. Practical classes materials
8. Instructional videos
В – Additional:
1. Anis Moosani. Forensic medicine. – 3rd Edition. –
2. Narayan Reddy. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. – 25th Edition. –
3. Parikh & Keith Simpson. Concise Forensic Medicine and Toxicology for M.B.B.S. students. – 1st Edition. –
Methodical instruction has been worked out by: ass.-prof. V.Franchuk,
Methodical instruction was discussed and adopted at the Department sitting
August 27, 2013. Minute № 1
Methodical instruction was adopted and reviewed at the Department sitting
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