June 13, 2024

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome in surgical patients. Pathogenesis, its importance in the clinical course of various diseases and traumas. Treatment tactic.


In medicine, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is an inflammatory state affecting the whole body, frequently in response of the immune system to infection, but not necessarily so. It is related to sepsis, a condition in which individuals both meet criteria for SIRS and have a known or highly suspected infection.

The latest finding shows that SIRS in trauma patients may be caused by immune reaction to mitochondria massively released into bloodstream from dying cells at the site of injury. [1]Contents [hide]

1 Classification

2 Definition

3 Complications

4 Causes

5 Treatment

6 See also

7 References





SIRS is a serious condition related to systemic inflammation, organ dysfunction, and organ failure. It is a subset of cytokine storm, in which there is abnormal regulation of various cytokines.[citatioeeded] SIRS is also closely related to sepsis, in which patients satisfy criteria for SIRS and have a suspected or proven infection.[2][3][4]




SIRS was first described by Dr. Nelson, of the University of Toronto, at the Nordic Micro Circulation meeting in Geilo, Norway in February of 1983. The intent of creating an encompassing definition was to bring together the multiple etiologies of post episode organ dysfunction (fibrin deposition, platelet aggregation, coagulopathies, leukocyte lysosomal release) into a family of negatively synergistic responses to injury and/or infection which can collectively lead to micro circulatory dysfunction. The implication of such a definition suggested that recognition of the activation of one of the above noted humoral pathways suggests that additional processes are also active. The aggregate of such pathophysiology would lead to clinical conditions such as renal failure and/or pulmonary edema.


Criteria for SIRS were established in 1992 as part of the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference.[2] The conference concluded that the manifestations of SIRS include, but are not limited to:

Body temperature less than 36°C or greater than 38°C

Heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute

Tachypnea (high respiratory rate), with greater than 20 breaths per minute; or, an arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide less than 4.3 kPa (32 mmHg)

White blood cell count less than 4000 cells/mm³ (4 x 109 cells/L) or greater than 12,000 cells/mm³ (12 x 109 cells/L); or the presence of greater than 10% immature neutrophils (band forms)


SIRS can be diagnosed when two or more of these criteria are present.[3][4][5][6]


The International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus has proposed some changes to adapt these criteria to the pediatric population.


Fever and leukocytosis are features of the acute-phase reaction, while tachycardia is often the initial sign of hemodynamic compromise. Tachypnea may be related to the increased metabolic stress due to infection and inflammation, but may also be an ominous sign of inadequate perfusion resulting in the onset of anaerobic cellular metabolism.


In children, the SIRS criteria are modified in the following fashion:

Heart rate > 2 standard deviations above normal for age in the absence of stimuli such as pain and drug administration, OR unexplained persistent elevation for greater than 30 minutes to 4 hours. In infants, also includes Heart rate < 10th percentile for age in the absence of vagal stimuli, beta-blockers, or congenital heart disease OR unexplained persistent depression for greater than 30 minutes.

Body temperature obtained orally, rectally, from Foley catheter probe, or from central venous catheter probe < 36 °C or > 38.5 °C. Temperature must be abnormal to qualify as SIRS in pediatric patients.

Respiratory rate > 2 standard deviations above normal for age OR the requirement for mechanical ventilatioot related to neuromuscular disease or the administration of anesthesia.

White blood cell count elevated or depressed for age not related to chemotherapy, or greater than 10% bands + other immature forms.


Note that SIRS criteria are very non-specific, and must be interpreted carefully within the clinical context. These criteria exist primarily for the purpose of more objectively classifying critically-ill patients so that future clinical studies may be more rigorous and more easily reproducible.


As an alternative, when two or more of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria are met without evidence of infection, patients may be diagnosed simply with “SIRS.” Patients with SIRS and acute organ dysfunction may be termed “severe SIRS.”



SIRS is frequently complicated by failure of one or more organs or organ systems.[2][3][4] The complications of SIRS include:

Acute lung injury

Acute kidney injury


Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome




The causes of SIRS are broadly classified as infectious or noninfectious. As above, when SIRS is due to an infection, it is considered sepsis. Noninfectious causes of SIRS include trauma, burns, pancreatitis, ischemia, and hemorrhage.[2][3][4]


Other causes include:[citatioeeded]

Complications of surgery

Adrenal insufficiency

Pulmonary embolism

Complicated aortic aneurysm

Cardiac tamponade


Drug overdose




Generally, the treatment for SIRS is directed towards the underlying problem or inciting cause (i.e. adequate fluid replacement for hypovolemia, IVF/NPO for pancreatitis, epinephrine/steroids/benadryl for anaphylaxis).[1] Selenium, glutamine, and eicosapentaenoic acid have shown effectiveness in improving symptoms in clinical trials.[10] Other antioxidants such as vitamin E may be helpful as well.[11]


See also



Septic shock

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Inflammatory response

immune system


Health science · Medicine · Medical specialities · Intensive care medicine / Critical care medicine and Critical care nursing


General terms Intensive-care unit (ICU) · Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) · Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) · Coronary care unit (CCU) · Critical illness insurance


Conditions      Organ system failure 

Shock sequence: SIRS · Sepsis · Severe sepsis · Septic shock



Organ failure: Acute renal failure · Acute respiratory distress syndrome · Acute liver failure · Respiratory failure · Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome

Polytrauma · Coma


Complications Critical illness polyneuropathy / myopathy · Critical illness–related corticosteroid insufficiency · Decubitus ulcers · Fungemia · Stress hyperglycemia · Stress ulcer


Iatrogenesis    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus · Oxygen toxicity · Refeeding syndrome · Ventilator-associated lung injury · Ventilator-associated pneumonia



Diagnosis        Arterial blood gas · catheter (Arterial catheter, Central venous catheter, Pulmonary artery catheter) · Blood cultures · Screening cultures


Life supporting treatments     Airway management · Chest tube · Dialysis · Enteral feeding · Goal-directed therapy · Induced coma · Mechanical ventilation · Therapeutic hypothermia · Total parenteral nutrition · Tracheal intubation


Drugs  Analgesics · Antibiotics · Antithrombotics · Inotropes · Intravenous fluids · Neuromuscular-blocking drugs · Recombinant activated protein C · Sedatives · Stress ulcer prevention drugs · Vasopressors


ICU scoring systems  APACHE II · Glasgow Coma Scale · PIM2 · SAPS II · SAPS III · SOFA


Organisations  Society of Critical Care Medicine · Surviving Sepsis Campaign


Related specialties      Anesthesia · Cardiology · Internal medicine · Neurology · Pediatrics · Pulmonology · Surgery · Traumatology





















































































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