Organization of work of pharmacy with commodity supplies.
1. A commodity supply and determination of current requirement in medications
A pharmacy must have an obligatory assortment asmt of medications. It is today registered in Ukraine over more than 9300 names of medications and over more than 100 wares of the medical setting purpose . A commodity primage supply is mass of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose , which what is been in the field of appeal circulation and subject realization. To by the commodity primage supplies belong:
– commodities primage which what are present in a presence in a pharmacy and it her the separated structural structure subdivisions
– commodity primage , purchased and prepaid a pharmacy and leave on responsible storage economy for a supplier or those, that are in transit on the way
– commodity primage supplies which what are handed over on processing waste-handling (for example eg , medical medicinal digister)
Commodity primage supplies in a sum amount and in days set establish for every pharmacy individually first-aid . It depends on many factors – commodity turnover turnower , top-level quantity numerosity of medicinal preparations. Surpluses surplus of commodity primage supplies conduce to binding of facilities mean , absence of medications in a pharmacy – to by the loss of the visitors. On a 5 course you will study learn discipline „Pharmaceutical marketing ”, where in detail in detail learn about tactic of pharmaceutical firms in relation to concerning sale of medicines . Today we will talk leaabout the so-called so called short-term planning of commodity primage supplies. At the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine of suggestion sentence in relation to concerning medications considerably signficantly prevail demand on them. Purchase power of population of Ukraine is not high. Hundreds of firms-producers, wholesale firms, daily offer to the pharmacies the wide spectrum of medications.
Determination definition of current requirement is in medications
For rational work wrk pharmacy forced correctly determine a requirement in medical medicinal means and wares of the medical setting purpose . Pharmacies, as a rule, register consumption of medications. Watch, that from each pharmacotherapeutical groups in a pharmacy were medications. On a 3th course you studied learn pharmacology and know, what is pharmacotherapeutical group, preparations-analogues. For determining definition the minimum underload amount of medicinal preparation of the certain definite name it is necessary to have the following downstream information:
– there is (remain remainder ) an amount quantity of preparation
– when (as often) an order recommences
– how many to order repeatedly
There are a few a little mathematical methods, how to expect calculate a requirement in medications. Presently now a language speech will go leaves about everyday laborious job which what a pharmacy must conduct, to define a requirement in medications. Idea-l’niy a variant is a computer account of receipt entrance and consumption of commodity primage . A cash variant, scan-out, enables watch after a dynamics of sale and by the remain remainder of medications. There are programs which what will specify indicate on the numbers of month moon when and how many it is sold. Journalize account of refuses failure , take into account the queries ENQ of visitors, watch after advertising. Potoschniy the account of commodity primage gives giveth an oppottunity to trace what and how many are in a pharmacy, but also predict terms term and volume of new firsttime procurement . For this purpose for this reason it is needed to define:
– rates tempo of sale of medication (middle AV demand is for certain definite period), it depends on seasonality
– Duration of time is between verification of tailings oddments of commodity primage supplies
– Backlogs of supplies
For establishment of quantitative quantitive volume CU orders utillize use such formula:
KOZ = (PPTZ + POSES) õ of SDNP + RZ – From
where KOZ is a quantitative quantitive order of concrete preparation volume
PPTZ is periodicity of verification of commodity primage supplies in a pharmacy
POSES is a period of receipt of order
SDNP is an average norm normative of sale of medication
RZ – reserve stock
From is the forecast remain remainder on the day of delivery
2. Task tsk and functions of department of supplies of pharmacy
The independent self-maintained department of supplies will be organized only in the pharmacies of a 1 group. In other pharmacies he is incorporated joint with a compounding production department.
Basic main tasks task the department of supplies is appear :
1. Reception of medicines and second second- commodities primage of pharmacy assortment asmt , which what enter pharmacy from a wholesale pharmaceutical enterprise (will make fold , to the factory).
2. Providing ADM of correct storage economy of commodities primage .
3.Vacation of commodities primage to other departments of pharmacy, hospitals, organizations and establishments, fastened on to a pharmacy on a supply delivery .
4.Making of concentrates masterbatch , ready-to-cook foods, VASES, leadthrough of laboratory- packing works wrk .
Coming from foregoing tasks task the workers of department of supplies execute implement the followings downstream types of works wrk or function:
1. Make fold ordering-ordering for a serve a supplier, Order-requirement claiming takes into account demand of population on the commodities primage of pharmacy assortment asmt .
2. Engaged in determination definition of requirement in medications at the level of pharmacy.
3. Fill spacefill glasses with medicines for an assistant room.
4. Control the terms term of fitness and quality of medications.
5. Accept take invoices invoice -requirements claiming and complete batch ordering for the departments of pharmacy, LPU, other buyers
6.Packing works wrk conduct laboratory laboratory-scale .
Next to the functions listed above prepares agreeing to supplying with products production .
2. Composition of premisses of department of supplies. Rational organization of workplaces job
Before the apartments of department of supplies belong behave :
1. Purveying.
2. Packing
3. Financial rooms
4. An apartment is for maintenance of fastened to hospitals
5. room for unpacking
Organization of workplace job is the system of measures on the equipment EQP of workplace job by facilities and articles of labour and placing of them in set procedure. Than workplace job is better organized, the higher the labour productivity. Above all things it is necessary to be stopped for organization of workplace job of pharmacist of department of supplies of, which is engaged in laboratory laboratory-scale works wrk and workplace job of packer – executes implement packing works wrk . Correct placement of his its worker place is foreseen, rotator whirly , scales, glasses with medicines, auxiliary AUX matters. To by the work place seat of pharmacist-technologist a pipeline must be conducted with the cleared Rectificatus water and set capacious burette for measurement in the distance of stretched hands arm . All of necessary objects are set taking into account optimum quality-controlled range . It is expedient to equip habilitate the table of pharmacy laboratory disp . For the increase rise of efficiency of labour recommended to use facilities of small mini mechanization and office equipment . Here are vehicles for grinding down and mixing of powders, magnetic mixer, electric mixer , apparatus for filtration under a vacuum vacuum-pump , equipment EQP of windows inlier -sluices for passing to the products production , keeping proceeds indoors outside an apartment.
3. Nomenklatrura of workers of department of supplies. Position rule about the workers of department.
The followings downstream positions office are foreseen in the department of supplies: pharmacist, pharmacists (technologists), packer .
Task tsk and duties debt
· Carries performs out guidance the department of pharmacy in accordance with according to the current legislation of Ukraine and normatively legal acts which determine activity of organs viscus of management and establishments of health protection organization of pharmaceutical service.
· Organizes work wrk of department on providing ADM of population and wholesale buyers medications and medical commodities primage which are subject from vacation from structural structure subdivision.
· Controls control a presence in the department of necessary range of pharmaceutical goods and medical wares in obedience to according to the ratified norms normative .
· Creates necessary terms for storage economy of medicines, other medical wares, in accordance with according to their properties virtue and requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia.
· Inculcates introduct the account of earnings and sale of material assets and facilities mean .
· Analyses assaid the indexes metric of work wrk of department, takes measures in relation to concerning their optimization .
· Organizes workplaces job and inculcates introduct their automation.
· Develops and inculcates introduct measures step on a labour and fire-prevention defence protection , observance of rules of the personal private and production hygiene hygieology protection protecting .
Adheres to principles of medical deontology .
· Constantly perfects the professional level Y-level .
In the cases when in a constituent order in place of in exchange for position office of manager of department – a pharmacist, is entered on position of manager of department – druggist pharmacist , this position rule operates act fully.
Must know:
· is there a current legislation about a health protection and normative documents paper which regulate activity of organs viscus and establishments of guard protecting healthy on-grade ?ÿ;
· organization of pharmaceutical service in the state;
· organization of work wrk of department on providing ADM of population and pharmacy and hospitals establishments, other wholesale buyers, by medications and commodities primage of the medical setting purpose ;
· technology technicology of the individual first-aid making of medications, estimation appraisal of their quality and governed storage economy ;
· feature of reception, storage economy and vacation of poison, narcotic matters, psychotropic preparations, precursors , and other medications which are subject Committee on control after the drugs of MOH of Ukraine;
· order of account of motion movement of the fixed basic and circulating convertible assets, basis foundation of record-keeping accounting and accounting;
· control of processes Carbro of management of pharmaceutical establishments basic main links;
· organization of implementation of contractual agreed duties debt ;
· methods of determination definition of demand and calculation computation of requirement are in medicinal preparations and commodities primage of the medical setting purpose ;
· order of leadthrough of complete and having a special purpose pharmaceutical inspection;
· modern literature on speciality, methods of its analysis and generalization
Zav.viddilom submits çàâ.àïòåêîþ or to his its deputy defender .
* Controls control a presence in the department of necessary range of pharmaceutical goods and medical wares in obedience to according to the ratified norms normative
Condition about the pharmacist of pharmacy
1. Position office of pharmacist is held a by a person personality with higher pharmaceutical education
2. Appointed set and freed managers a pharmacy
3. In the work wrk a pharmacist follows a current legislation, position rule about
pharmacist of pharmacy, by orders by instructions direction
4. In the work wrk submits directly immediately the manager of department
A pharmacist of department of supplies is under an obligation:
n to carry perform out the reception of requirements claiming , check up the rightness of their registration, compatibility of inbox ingredients
n to conduct preparation of the concentrated solutions, ready-to-cook foods, VASES
n share work wrk among packers and to accept take the packed up products production
n to stick to governed storage economy of medicines in financial rooms in
to strict stern accordance homology with their properties virtue and requirements claiming of DF, orders, instructions direction
n to Watch after the rightness of registration of glasses with the supplies of medicines
n renew the supplies of medicines in the departments of pharmacy
n to conduct acquisition of supplies of departments and carry perform out their vacation
n to watch after shelf-life term the made medications, take off in a required order medications with overdue term of fitness
n to take part in folding orders on medicines
n to register list of medicines that are to be ordered
n to take part in the receipt of medicines and carry perform out control after their correct placing of storage economy
n to control the observance of health regime in the apartments of pharmacy
4. Organization of reception of commodities primage of pharmacy assortment asmt
Naychastishe is carried out the last variant, but all of other are practically possible possibly . During organization and leadthrough of acceptance of commodities primage it is necessary to adhere to operating THAT. Special terms of supply , instructions direction and position rule about deliveries of products production of BREST and commodities primage of national economy..
At the зrailway station, to the water aquatic station and in an air-port a commodity primage is accepted take after an amount quantity by a bridge BR and the masses of gross (weight of commodity primage with packing, unlike mass without senza packing off – net ). The state figure of actual presence of commodities primage and information of attendant letter sheet is thus checked up – commodity primage bill invoice of lading, inserts to by the boxes, accompanying (packing) letters sheet . If found exposes out a shortage or damage of cargo , representative of pharmacies must require from a transport cargo-carrying organization of drafting folds of commercial act. On the basis of commercial act in future restrictions to a transport cargo-carrying organization or claim about the compensation of loss are produced . Commodity primage which what came in uselessness through fault of transport organizatioot accepted take a pharmacy.
Reception of commodity primage on composition of supplier or pharmaceutical enterprise representative of pharmacy or çàâ.àïòåêîþ conducts or for the amounts quantity of commodity primage units and on mass net net-charter , or if a commodity primage is packed in boxes and other container – on a seating capacity and mass of gross, For the receipt of commodity primage on composition storage an agreement must be celled, attorney is given gives .
A commodity primage , the delivered is centralized the transport of supplier and appointed for realization in the different diverse departments of pharmacy, is accepted take the department of supplies. Commodity primage which what acts enter from a supplier with his its transport at first can be accepted take after a seating capacity and to mass of gross.
Preliminary pharmacies give giveth a supplier an order-requirement claiming . A commodity primage accompanies a commodity primage bill invoice of lading and tax invoice bladding , conclusion inference in relation to concerning quality. In an invoice bladding specified indicate all of essential elements of supplier and pharmacies, through from whom released , by what transport, term of payment. The code name-code of commodity primage , name appelation of products production , unit of account, amount quantity , cost of producer (custom), cost of supplier, sum amount , is given gives .
Fact of reception of commodity primage materially responsible person confirms the culture stamm of reception (now seal press ) and by the signature on all of copies of invoices invoice .
– invoice bladding
– tax invoice bladding
– copy of license
– payer of tax
– quality of producer certificates are on every preparation, every series sere
– in separate cases certificate of control-analytical laboratory disp
In the pharmacy of necessarily conducted acceptance for amounts quantity and qualities. Acceptance of commodity primage for the amounts quantity of units and net net-charter carried out in a pharmacy persons personality , which are powered by manager , in the presence of supplier or representative from public. Time of acceptance of commodity primage is thus marked note . To the eventual end acceptance commodity primage on mass of net and amount quantity of commodity units must be conducted not later than 24 hours from the moment of receipt of perishable preparations and not later than 10 days from the moment of receipt of other commodities primage .
Authorized persons personality with application check amount quantity , price shedrod , total worth of commodity primage , and conduct collation them with information of invoice bladding . The special attention attn. is spared verification of amount quantity of acceptanced commodity primage . Receiving control which what consists in checking of original appearance is conducted to that end, to marking tagging-out , packing, blocked of commodity primage . If there are doubts in quality, medications head for an analysis in EXCREMENT and for the answer reply of laboratory disp they are kept save separately and will not realize. With application check terms term of fitness. On medicines, a remaining term of fitness must be not less than 60%, but for bacterial preparations – a not less than 40% term of fitness which is marked note on a label.
5. Organization of leadthrough of entrance control quality of medications is in pharmacies (retail business). A person personality , his its duties debt , is authorized.
Entrance input-output control of quality of medications in pharmacies carries performs out a person personality , appointed the order of leader of subject , is accountable for quality of medications which what enter pharmacy (a person personality is authorized). The authorized person personality must have higher or middle AV pharmaceutical education. ITS last name, contact telephone earpiece for after the form shape of connectivity (telephone earpiece , fax, electron mail surface-mail ) it follows to reveal to the territorial inspection. To by jurisdiction conusance of the authorized person personality preparation and registration of conclusion inference belongs in relation to concerning the results of entrance input-output control of quality of medications with a mark log-entry about retaking of them to by realization.
The main head duty debt of the authorized person personality is appear :
* verification of medications which what enter pharmacy, and accompanying documents – invoices invoice (with the obligatory pointing indication of the name, dosage metering-in , medical medicinal form shape , number of series sere , amount quantity , name appelation of producer), quality of producers, information, certificates about registration status of medication;
* registration of conclusion inference of entrance input-output control of quality of medications;
* conduct support of register registry of medications which what acted enter to to by subject of economic activity;
* verification of presence in the pharmacy of off-grade and falsifyed cerouss of medications is in obedience to according to information of territorial inspection.
* grant the territorial inspection of reports communication about found exposes out off-grade and medications are falsifyed or about which what suspicion is in relation to concerning quality. Stop of trading in such medications.
* agreeing about an internal inlying order of appeal circulation of medications which what enter pharmacy:
To buy in and get receive medications does it follow only in subject, what have operating licenses to a right for a wholesale. The copies of such licenses are added add to the agreements about a supply delivery and saved kept for the manager of pharmacy or authorized person personality with all of complete set of documents paper .
Medications are got receive a pharmacy must pass reeve visual control the authorized person personality . Before the receipt of writing conclusion inference of the authorized face personality of trading in the got receive medications forbidden ban .
The authorized person personality checks up accordance homology of the got receive medications accompanying documents paper in relation to concerning amount , dosage metering-in , numbers of cerouss, terms term of fitness, registration status, name, medical medicinal form shape , producer. Every series sere of medications must be accompanied by conclusion in relation to concerning quality, which seems a producer, notarized assure the seal press of supplier.
A group container, external outward (secondary ) and internal inlying (primary ) packing, marking tagging-out , insets stuffer of sheet leaf , original appearance, without senza opening dissection of packing is checked for integrity whole , homogeneity homogeny , presence of damages, quality of package materials fabric . At a necessity, if there was suspicion in relation to concerning quality, quality of package materials fabric . At a necessity, if suspicion is in relation to concerning quality, medications are checked up with opening dissection of packing in relation to sizes dimension , form shape , color, homogeneity homogeny , amount quantity of units, in packing, presence of contaminations.
At the call-sign result of entrance input-output control the authorized person personality passes pass the got receive series sere of medications in realization.
At a negative result the authorized person personality makes folds an act about found exposes out defects which what are appear foundation for returning return of party to the supplier. The copy of act is given gives in a territorial inspection, which what after the leadthrough of additional verification and selective of labtest takes measures in relation to concerning informing of other pharmacies about found exposes out off-grade or falsifyed medications and controls control the actions act of provider for their elimination nuke , utilization or returning return (in the case of off-grade cerouss) a producer.
In the case of origin of doubt in relation to concerning quality of medications at implementation of visual control the authorized person personality takes away the standards model of doubtful medications and sends direct them in a territorial inspection for passing of laboratory laboratory-scale researches work-up . In a time of leadthrough of such researches work-up , to by the final decision of question about quality, series sere of doubtful medications are been in a quarantine sick , isolated from other medications, with denotation designation “Trade is prohibited to by the separate order”.
5. Organization of storage economy of commodities primage of pharmacy .
Climatic requirements are to by the mode regime of storage economy .
Requirements claiming include switch the followings downstream parameters: temperature, relative humidity moisture of air aer , air aerial exchange transput , gas composition of air aer and luminosity.
Temperature of storage economy – one of the most considerable indexes metric of the mode regime of storage economy . Chemical chinagraph , physical and chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes Carbro increase aggravate with the increase rise of temperature . A temperature is measured in degrees GR to centigrade (0 Ñ ). A few a little modes regime of storage economy are foreseen.
Room temperature …………………………………+ (18 …20)
Cool temperature …………………………….+ ( 12…15)
Coolroom ……………………………….+ (4…0 )
High temperature of air aer ……………anymore +20
Low subzero temperature of air aer ……………. 0
Other temperature terms come into a question in instruction direction to by medications.
Relative humidity of air aer (GDP) is an index metric which what characterizes describe the degree of saturation of air aer aquatic watery pair couple and measured in percents %. Evaporation of water from commodities primage results in to quantitative quantitive and high-quality quality losses, mainly to by the natural real-life loss due to a siccation and fading wilt (drying up). In addition, humidity moisture of air aer is enhanceable to assists microbiological waste , corrosions of metallic metallical surfaces supface .
Choice of optimum quality-controlled GDP is determined foremost first and foremost chemical chinagraph composition of commodities primage , their hygroscopicity, temperature of storage economy and presence of bioshields. Relative humidity moisture of air aer in a dry apartment must not exceed 60 %, and but in an apartment with enhanceable moisture is folds 65 %.
«By the instruction is regulated for organizations terms of storage economy in pharmacy establishments of different diverse groups of medicinal preparations and articles of the medical setting purpose » (order ¹ in 44 1993) Order from March, 16, 1993 ¹ 44 ì. Kyiv
Instruction direction spreads widens on all of pharmacy establishments, instead from their department subordination and pattern form of property pecunia ownership.
Arrangement, composition storage and sizes dimension of apartments, for storage economy in pharmacy establishments must answer all of requirements claiming of operating normatively technical document documentation (build norms standard and governed, normative department document documentation but yes other). An apartment for storage economy in obedience to according to the set norms standard is provided secure protective guard and fire-prevention facilities.
In apartments for storage economy a certain definite temperature and humidity moisture of air aer must be supported underprop , periodicity of verification of which what is carried out not rarer thin 1 time per days. For looking after these parameters storage facilities must be provided secure thermometers and hygrometers which what are fastened strengthen on the internal inlying walls of depository aloof from heater calefactor devices on height of (1,5-1,7) mcode from a floor sex in the distance not less than 3 mcodes from doors. The map card of account of temperature and relative humidity moisture must be led start in every department.
Pharmacies are equipped habilitate the devices of the central center heating. Heating of apartments is shut out by gas devices with the opened reveal flame fire or electrical devices with the opened reveal electro-spiral. Apartments for storage economy must be provided with the necessary amount quantity of shelvings shelving , closets, pallets save-all , et cetera. Establishment of shelvings shelving is carried out thus on this grow , that they were in the distance (0,6-0,7) a mcode from external outward sthenes, not less than 0,5 mcodes from ceiling and no less than 0,25 mcodes are from a floor sex . Shelvings shelving in relation to toward windows inlier must be located so that passage-ways were lighted defecate up, and but distance between shelvings shelving made no less 0,75 mcodes for providing ADM of free access to by the commodity primage . The apartments of pharmacies must be contained retained in a cleanness ligibility , the floor sex of apartments periodically batchwise (but not rarer thin once in a day) cleans up a moist humid method heliochrome with application of the settled cleansers detergent .
It is not recommended to dispose medications, consonant on the name appelation alongside contiguously , medications for the internal inlying use of list, which what strongly differ higher excelsior doses, and also to dispose in alphabetical order.
In the apartments of storage economy medications take a place separately:
– in severe strict accordance homology with toxicological toxicology groups: list And but (poisonous and narcotic matters); list (drastic matters) and general common list.
Medications of lists And but and must be saved kept in obedience to according to operating orders;
– in accordance homology with pharmacological groups;
– depending on the method heliochrome of the use (internal inlying , external);
– medications of “angro ” are accordingly concordantly with the aggregate state figure (liquid rare separately from friable, gaseous et cetera);
– in accordance homology with physical and chemical properties virtue of medications and influence of different diverse factors of external outward environment Wednesday ;
– taking into account the set terms term of fitness for medications;
– taking into account character nature of different diverse medical medicinal forms form .
It follows to keep save the wares of the medical setting purpose separately after groups:
– rubber wares;
– wares are from plastics;
– bandaging facilities and auxiliary AUX materials fabric ;
– wares of medical technique.
In the process of storage economy it follows to conduct a continuous visual review examination on the state fortune a container, by the external outward changes changing of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose not rarer thin once in a month moon . At the damage of container it is necessary immediately to remove its defects of or contents to translate shift in other container. In the case of external outward changes changing of medications control of their quality is conducted in obedience to according to the requirements claiming of DF and other NTD and their fitness is determined to by the use utillizing in accordance with established procedure.
All of medications depending on physical physics and physical and chemical properties virtue , action act on them of various varied factors of external outward environment Wednesday , are distributed on such:
– what require protecting protection from light ligth ;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of moisture;
– what require protecting protection from evaporation;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature;
– what require protecting protection from a mionectic temperature;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of gases which are contained maintain in an environment;
– fragrant strong-smelling , paint;
– disinfectant facilities.
To the number of medications which require protecting from light, belong: antibiotics, halenja preparations (tinctures, extracts, concentrates, are from a digister), medical digister, organo, vitamins and vitamin preparations, corticosteroids, essential oils, fat butters, drazhovani preparations , salts of iodine-, and bromystovodnevoyi acids, halenozamischeni connection, nitro-and nitrozospoluky, nitrates, nitrites, amino-and amidoconnections, phenic connections, derivates of fenotiazyna.
It follows to keep save medications which what need protecting protection from the action act of light ligth in-container from dark slide materials fabric (to the glass container of orange glass, metalpacks, packing, from an alfol foil or polymeric materials fabric , painted paint-coated in a, brown br. or orange black), in a dark DK apartment or in closets, painted paint-coated in a middle mean a black paint with the densely tight driven in doors or in the densely tight hammered together boxes with the densely tight driven in lid cover .
For storage economy of especially in particular case sensible sensitive to by light ligth medicinal matters (nitrate azotate of silver), a glass container is pasted over a black opaque paper (medicinal matters which what need action act of light ligth , for example eg , preparations of iron of protoxide, it follows to keep save in the glass container of small mini capacity C. of light luminous glass in the bright world. The action act of direct sunbeams is assumed.)
6.3. Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from moisture
To by medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of moisture, belong: hygroscopic matters and preparations (for example eg , acetate Acetas to potassium kalium , dry extracts extract , medical medicinal digister, salt nitric, nitrous nitride , halogenhydrogen and phosphoric phosphorus acids protophobe , salts of alkaloids, sodium natrium metallo-organicss, antibiotics, enzymes, medicinal matters which what are characterized describe after the pharmacopeia article as such, that as easy as anything dissolve lyse in water, and also medicinal matters, maintenance content of moisture of which what must not exceed a level Y-level , set DF and other NTD . It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of atmospheric atmosphere vapor water in cool town, in the densely tight packed container from materials fabric , that penetrating penetrant for vapor of water (glass, metal, alfol foil , to the thick-walled plastic container).
Medications with found exposes out hygroscopic properties virtue it follows to keep save in a dry apartment in a glass container with air-tight impermeable closing , inundated from above a paraffin. At closing container with such medicinal matters it is necessary with application to wipe a neck and cork stopper of glass . Medications of this group of, which are got receive in packing from polymeric tape and intended for the supply delivery of jurisdiction pharmacy network net , to keep save in central center district pharmacies in the factory packing, in other pharmacies it follows to translate shift in a glass or metallic metallical container.
Organization of storage economy of such preparations requires among medications of this group of the special attention attn. , as a gypsum cast is singed, mustard in powder, which what at absorption of moisture transform from shallow small amorphous amorphus powder in shallow small grains crop – lose the properties virtue and become stand useless for the use in medical practice. To prevent spoilage perishability :
– it follows to save keep a gypsum cast singed in the well closed veiling container (for example eg , in the densely tight hammered together wooden whiffle boxes or barrels keeve , it is desirable assessed tax inwardly intra polyethylene tape);
– mustard in powder it follows to keep save in bottletight tin jars;
– mustard plasters keep save in packs, cased in a sheepskin paper or polyethylene tape, what place in densely tight closed container (for example eg , cardboard boxes CH , pasted over inwardly intra polymeric tape).
6.4. Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature
To by medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature, belong:
– group of medications which what require protecting protection from weathering
– fusible matters;
– bacterial preparations (vaccines, wheys, toxoids, but yes other);
– antibiotics;
– hormonal hormone preparations;
– vitamins Vitaminum and vitamin preparations;
– preparations which what contain maintain glycosides ;
– medical fats Adeps and butters oil ;
– ointments grease on fatty basis foundation and other matters
It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature at a room (18-20 50 0С ), cool (12-15 50 0С ) temperature. The lower subzero temperature of storage economy is required on occasion (for example , for ATP 3-5 50 0С , that must be it is indicated specified on a label or in instruction direction to by application of preparation. It follows to keep save bacterial preparations in the industrial packing separately after the names, at a temperature, indicated specified for every name on a label or in instruction direction to by application.
It follows to keep save antibiotics in the industrial packing at a room temperature, if other pointing indication absent non-available on a label.
It follows to keep save organ preperations in protected from light ligth , cool and dry place seat at a temperature (0+15 50 0С ), if there is not other pointing indication on labels or instructions direction to by the use.
Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of mionectic temperature
To by the number of medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of mionectic temperature, such the physical and chemical state figure of which what after freezing conglaciating changes variate and belong, at the next warming to by the room temperature, does not recommence restores (40% sol. of formaldehyde, solutions of insulin Insulinum but yes other)
It follows to keep save 40% solution of formaldehyde (formalin Formalinum ) at a temperature not below +9. At appearance occurring of sediment dregginess maintain at a room temperature, then after solution carefully unite and utillize use a formaldehyde in obedience to according to actual maintenance content .
It follows to keep save an icy ac.a. at a temperature not below +9. At appearance occurring of sediment dregginess acid protophobe is maintained at a room temperature to by dissolution of sediment dregginess . In the case when sediment dregginess does not dissolve lyse , liquid rare part portion of acid protophobe is united and utillize use in obedience to according to actual maintenance of ac.a. in preparation.
Medical fat butters oil require storage economy at a temperature not below +10 Ñ. At appearance occurring of sediment dregginess they are maintained at a room temperature, unite and check for accordance homology with all of requirements claiming of DF.
6.5. Features feature of storage economy of medical medicinal digister
A medical medicinal digister must be saved kept in a dry, well ventilated, apartment, in clean dry, without senza extraneous strange smells and homogeneous for for every party of raw material to the container, in pharmacies – to glass, metallic metallical , in boxes with a lid cover , B/Ss paper multi-layered or tissue histic boxes. For packing of the packaged medical medicinal digister packs are utillized use cardboard, packages packet are polyethylene, paper, wrappings wrapping paper.
Optimum quality-controlled terms for storage economy of medical medicinal digister are a temperature (18-20 50 0 С ), humidity moisture of air aer , – (30-40%).
In storage facilities raw material must be saved kept on shelvings shelving which what are set establish in the distance not less than 15 see q.v. from a floor sex . Optimum quality-controlled terms for banking are a not more than more than 2,5 mcode – for berries, seed, buds kidney , not more than more than 4 mcodes – for leaves, flowers, herbares, more than more than 4 mcodes – for other types of raw material. A stack bing must be placed from the sthenes of composition storage in the distance not less than 25 see q.v. intervals space between stacks bing not less than 80 see q.v. .
On every stack there must be a label by the size (20*10) of see with pointing of the name of raw material, enterprise-sender, year and month of purveyance, number of party, to give a receipt for plants which contain cardiac glycosides , information about biological activity.
Medical plants contain maintain the complex of various varied natural real-life matters. Quantitative quantitive advantage some from them in a plant foresees the special terms of storage economy of medical medicinal digister. List enumeration of raw material, classified after groups, storage economy and depending on character nature and properties virtue of operating matters, resulted pointed in addition Add. 9.
A medical medicinal digister which what contains maintain essential oils is kept save it is isolated in the well packed container. Some certain hygroscopic herbares, leaves and garden-stuffs, must be kept save in a glass or metallic metallical container to hermetically bottled stopped-up and, if necessary, inundated a paraffin (for example eg , leaves of foxglove et al).
At storage economy of medical medicinal digister which contains nutritives nutrient , for prevention of spoilage perishability of it her by barn wreckers infestant , it is recommended to dispose in the places seat of storage economy a small bottle with a chloroform Chloroformium in the cork stopper of which what a tube cutting-in for weathering vapor a chloroform Chloroformium . A chloroform Chloroformium is added add as far as his its weathering.
Ready medical medicinal vegetable collections collection keep save in pharmacies and on pharmacy compositions storage (bases baseline ), adhering to the general common rules. Special attention attn. at storage economy it follows to spare a medical medicinal digister which what contains maintain cardiac hearty glycosides , for what DF more severe strict shelf-lives term are set and repeated re control on maintenance content of biological life-form activity.
A poisonous and drastic medical medicinal digister is kept save in a separate apartment or in a separate closet locked under lock and key up.
All of the prepared medical medicinal forms form must be saved kept in the original packing, by a label outside. On shelvings shelving , shelves polyethersulfone , closets a shelving stillage card, which what the name of preparation, series sere , term of fitness, amount quantity , is marked note on, registers. A card is printed on a dense tight paper and led start on every series sere which acts enter for control after its timely realization. Except for it, in a department there must be a card index after the terms term of fitness. Preparations which what are subject re control are saved kept separately from other to by the receipt of results of analysis.
Pills morsulus , drops, keep save it is isolated from other medical medicinal forms form in the factory packing which what protects from external outward actions act and counted on vacation a separate patient and to medical establishments. Storage economy of pills morsulus and drops must be carried out in dry, and but , if it is necessary, in the place seat protected from light ligth .
Storage economy of greater longrange part portion of preparations in the aerosol sogasoid packing must be conducted at a temperature (-35 Ñ) in the dry, place seat protected from light ligth , a little rather from a fire light and heated heatings devices. It follows to guard protect the aerosol sogasoid packing from shots and mechanical mechanics damages.
Features feature of storage economy of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose are taking into account their terms term of fitness
The term of fitness is determined NTD. In obedience to according to operating requirements claiming the term of fitness is specified indicate on packing for all of medications. If in NTD on medications “Preparation is indicated specified controlled control annually” or “Activity is controlled control annually”, on packing, except for “Suitable to to by …”, the proper inscription belongs put .
Separate medications equally with the basic main term of fitness have additional . Medications which what have an additional term of fitness, upon termination of upon completion of basic main , re control is subject in analytical laboratory and, at the positive staid result of analysis, realized in obedience to according to the additional term of fitness . Perekontrolyu is subject also preparations in which what to by completion ending of term of fitness found exposes out the signs of external outward changes changing .
The imported preparations of re control are not subject. The terms term of fitness of medications, made in a pharmacy, are resulted pointed in the proper documents paper . In the places seat of storage economy of medications for their timely realization they are disposed taking into account the remaining term of fitness.
6.6. An order of storage economy and conduct attitude is in pharmacy establishments with medications and wares of the medical setting purpose , which what are inflammable and explosive explosion-hazard characteristics
Medications and medical wares which what are inflammable and explosive explosion-hazard characteristics are widely utillized use in medical practice. Wrong storage economy and handling afore-named medications and wares of the medical setting purpose can be a cause of fire conflagration . Except for severe great financial losses, it is possible to inflict serious harm the health of workers of pharmacy establishments.
Depending on physical and chemical properties virtue of the adopted groups inflammable matters divide into flammable and inflammable , and but explosive explosion-hazard – on an explosion blastoff and explosive explosion-hazard which what are apt at to formation of explosive mixtures hodgepodge and compressed coarctate gases.
Each, who acts enter on work wrk , the introductory entrance and primary instructing must pass reeve in the workplace on questions of storage economy of inflammable, explosive explosion-hazard matters, compressed coarctate gases, accident and fire conflagration safety crashworthiness , grant of the first first-run aid a victim prevention, at an accident.
Not rarer thin once in a year it is necessary to conduct verification of knowledges for employees collaborator on questions of storage economy of medications, which what have flammable and explosive explosion-hazard properties virtue , technicians of safety crashworthiness and fire-prevention safety crashworthiness . A qualifying commission is created to that end . The results of verification must be designed protocol.
Medications are inflammable and explosive explosion-hazard it follows to keep save similarities on principle, in obedience to according to their physical and chemical and to fires properties virtue , packing character nature . To that end fireproof compositions storage are broken up on separate apartments (compartments), that isolated from each other blank heat-resistant fireproof walls (by partitions partition ).
In default of separate depositories for flammable matters storage economy of them is assumed in general common heat-resistant fireproof buildings, and also in buildings, part on a section at the obligatory isolation insulant of apartments, allocated for storage economy substances from absent non-available apartments by heat-resistant fireproof walls which what answer requirements of fire hazard and concerted agreed-upon with the organs viscus of Derzhpozhezhnaglyadu. Such premises must have ventilation perflation . Necessary amount quantity of inflammable matters for current outlays assumed to hold in the packing rooms of compositions storage or pharmacies, but at the severe strict observance of fire conflagration safety measures. Remaining amounts quantity of inflammable matters for completion ending of work wrk at the end of at close of change changing return turn into place of basic main storage economy .
The floor sex of compositions storage and unloading grounds must have hard scirrhous , even equal coverage which eliminates dismiss dints and other inequalities unevenness . Forbidden ban to utillize use boards and ferrous letters sheet for smoothing AL of floor sex . A floor sex must provide secure the comfortable and safe shock-proof movement of people, loads freight and transport vehicles, simplicity and lightness facility of cleaning up of storage facilities.
Forbidden ban to realize from a pharmacy medications with overdue term of fitness.
For made shelf-lives term are set in the pharmacy of medical medicinal :
n hydrogens Hydrogenium solutions which contain benzylpenitsylin , glucose Glucosa , – 1
n eye internal drops gutta , mucuses, – 2
n emulsions, suspensions – 3
n other medicinal forms – 10 days
Solutions under rolling – 2
7. Registration of vacation of material assets to the departments of pharmacy, retail network net , hospitals
From the department of supplies in other departments of pharmacy, hospitals and organizations , also in the fastened net a commodity primage is released assoil after the invoice bladding -requirement claiming of AP-16. A date is specified indicate in an invoice bladding ¹ commission. In invoices invoice -requirements claiming the name appelation of poisons, narcotic matters, alcohol ethyl ethanolic , specified indicate a latin language speech . Except for it, the superimposed false requirements claiming on poisons, drugs and alcohol, must be written order on separate forms. They must have a stamp notehead of LPU, seal press and signature of leader of establishment .
Invoices invoice for hospitals in 3 copies, 1 with a commodity primage report is passed passes in accounting , second second- a buyer for payment, third third- – to recipient . On medicines , that are in ammount-quantitive account – in 4, the last remains – for a materially responsible person which released assoil .
Additions addition
Addition Add. 1
Instruction direction is for organizations of storage economy in pharmacy establishments of different diverse groups of medications and articles of the medical setting purpose
It is ratified the order of Ministry of health Ukraine from 16.03.1993 N 44
1. Prelimpages.
1.1. This instruction direction sets establish requirements to by organization of storage economy of different diverse groups of medications and articles of the medical setting purpose in pharmacy establishments.
1.2. Instruction direction spreads widens on all of pharmacy establishments, regardless of their department subordination and pattern form of property pecunia ownership.
1.3. Requirements claiming , set this instruction direction , are appear duties debt at planning and building construction of new firsttime , reconstruction and exploitation maintainance of operating pharmacy establishments.
2. Requirements are to by arrangement and exploitation maintainance of apartments for storage economy .
2.1. Arrangement, composition storage and sizes dimension of apartments, for storage economy in pharmacy establishments must require to all of requirements claiming of operating normatively technical document documentation (build norms standard and governed, normative department document documentation ).
2.2. Arrangement, equipment EQP and exploitations exploitation of apartments, for storage economy must provide secure storage of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose .
2.3. An apartment for storage economy in obedience to according to the set norms standard is provided secure protective guard and fire-prevention facilities.
2.4. In apartments for storage economy must be supported certain definite temperature and humidity moisture of air aer , periodicity of verification of which what is carried out not rarer thin 1 time per days. For looking after these parameters storage facilities it is necessary will provide secure
by thermometers and hygrometers which what are fastened strengthen on the internal inlying walls of depository aloof from heater calefactor devices on height of (1.5-1.7) mcode from a floor sex and distance no less 3 mcodes from doors. The map card of account of temperature and relative humidity moisture must be led start in every department.
2.5. For maintenance of cleanness ligibility of air aer of apartment for providing ADM in obedience to according to an operating normatively technical document documentation it follows to equip habilitate reveal-drawing ventilation perflation with a mechanical mechanics motive. In the case when it is impossible to equip habilitate an apartment for
storage economy reveal-drawing ventilation , it is recommended to do accomplish small hinge window pane, transoms fanlight , second second- grate doors and all that.
2.6. Pharmacy compositions storage and pharmacies are equipped habilitate the devices of the central center heating. Heating of apartments is shut out by gas devices with the opened reveal flame fire or еlectric devices with the opened reveal electro-spiral.
2.7. On compositions storage (bases baseline ) and in pharmacies, located in a climatic area zone with large great deviation from the possible norms standard of temperature and relative humidity moisture of air aer , apartment, for storage economy must be equipped conditioners.
2.8. Apartments for storage must be provided with the necessary amount quantity of shelvings shelving , closets, pallets save-all . Establishment of shelvings shelving is carried out thus on this grow , that they were in the distance (0.6-0.7) a mcode from external outward sthenes, not less than 0.5 mcodes from ceiling and no less than 0.25 mcodes are from a floor sex . Shelvings shelving according to windows inlier must be located so that passage-ways were lighted defecate up, and but distance between shelvings shelving made no less 0.75 mcodes for providing ADM of free access to by the commodity primage .
2.9. The apartments of pharmacy compositions storage (bases baseline ) and pharmacies must be contained retained in a cleanness ligibility , the floor sex of apartments periodically batchwise (but not rarer thin once in a day) cleans up a moist humid method heliochrome with application of the settled cleansers detergent .
3. General common requirements are to by organization, storage economy of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose
3.1. Medications and wares of the medical setting purpose in the apartments of storage economy it is necessary to dispose taking into account the most complete use utillizing of areas, creation making of the best terms of labour, for pharmacy workers, possibility potentialitie of application of facilities
mechanizations and providing ADM of pharmaceutical order.
3.2. It follows to dispose medications and wares of the medical setting purpose on shelvings shelving , in closets, and but , if necessary, on the floor, special tile.
3.3. It is not recommended to dispose medications, consonant on the name appelation alongside contiguously , medications for the internal inlying use of list, which what strongly differ higher excelsior doses, and also to dispose in alphabetical order.
3.4. In apartments storages economy of medications take a place separately:
– in severe strict accordance homology with toxicological toxicology groups: list And but (poisonous and narcotic matters); list (potent matters) and general common list.
Medications of lists But also must be saved kept in obedience to according to operating orders;
– in accordance homology with pharmacological groups;
– depending on the method heliochrome of the use (internal inlying , external);
– medications of “angro ” are accordingly concordantly with the aggregate state figure (liquid rare separately from friable, gaseous et al);
– in accordance homology with physical and chemical properties virtue of medications and influence of different diverse factors of external outward environment Wednesday ;
– taking into account the set terms term of fitness for medications;
– taking into account character nature of different diverse medical medicinal forms form .
3.5. It follows to keep save the wares of the medical setting purpose separately after groups:
– rubber wares;
– wares are from plastics;
– bandaging facilities and auxiliary AUX materials fabric ;
– wares of medical technique.
3.6. In the process of storage economy it follows to conduct a continuous visual review examination on the state fortune a container, by the external changes changing of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose not rarer thin once in a month moon . At the damage of container it is necessary immediately to remove its defects or maintenance content
to translate shift in other container. In case of external outward changes changing of medications control of their quality is conducted in obedience to according to the requirements claiming of state domainal pharmacopoeia by normatively technical documents paper and their fitness is determined to by the use utillizing in accordance with established procedure.
3.7. In the apartments of storage economy , and also on territory of composition storage (bases baseline ) it is necessary systematic conducts the measures step of fight against rodents, insects and other wreckers infestant .
4. Requirements claiming which what are produced to by storage economy of different diverse groups of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose
All of medications depending on physical physics and physical and chemical properties virtue , distributed an action act on them of various varied factors of external outward environment Wednesday on such:
– what require protecting protection from light ligth ;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of moisture;
– what require protecting protection from evaporation;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature;
– what require protecting protection from a law temperature;
– what require protecting protection from the action act of gases which are contained maintain in surrounding environment ;
– fragrant strong-smelling , paint;
– bleach facilities.
In appendixes to this instruction direction the lists of medications of the above-stated groups are resulted pointed with pointing indication of requirements claiming of storage economy .
Lists are oriented orientable and include switch medications are more frequent narrow-meshed all applied in pharmacy establishments. Medicinal preparations which did not enter in these lists enumeration must be saved kept taking into account their physical and chemical properties virtue in obedience to according to the requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia and other normatively technical document documentation .
4.1. Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from light ligth .
4.1.1. To by the number of medications which what require protecting protection from light ligth , belong: antibiotics, halenja preparations (tinctures Tinctura , extracts extract , concentrates masterbatch , are from vegetable wares ), medical medicinal digister, organ preparations , vitamins Vitaminum and vitamin preparations, essential oils, fat butters oil , salt of iodine- and bromidehydrogenium acids protophobe , amidoconnections compound , phenic connections compound , derivates of phenothiazine . More frequent narrow-meshed all common used in pharmacy practice medications of this group are given in addition Add. of N 1.
4.1.2. It follows to keep save medications which what need protecting protection from the action act of light ligth in-container from dark slide materials fabric (to the glass container of оrange glass, metalpacks, packing, from an alfol foil or polymeric materials fabric , painted paint-coated in black, brown br.
or orange color), in a dark DK apartment or in closets, painted paint-coated within by a black paint and with the densely tight driven in doors or in the densely tight hammered together boxes from densely tight by a adjusted lid cover .
4.1.3. For storage economy of especially in particular case sensible sensitive to by light ligth medicinal matters (nitrate azotate of silver), a glass container is pasted over a black opaque paper. Medicinal matters which what need action act of light ligth , for example eg , preparations of iron of protoxide. it follows
to keep save in the glass container of small mini capacity C. of light luminous glass in the bright world. The action act of direct sunbeams is assumed.
4.2. Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from moisture.
4.2.1. To by medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of moisture, belong: hygroscopic matters and preparations (for example eg , acetate Acetas to potassium kalium , dry extracts extract , medical medicinal digister, salt nitric, nitrous nitride , galogenohydrogenium and phosphoric phosphorus acids protophobe , salts of alkaloids, sodium natrium metallo-organicss, glycosides , antibiotics, enzymes, dry organ preparations , medicinal matters which what are characterized describe after the pharmacopeia article as such, that as easy as anything dissolve in water, and also medicinal matters, maintenance content of moisture of which what must not exceed a level Y-level , set the State domainal pharmacopoeia and other normatively technical document documentation (addition Add. of N 2).
4.2.2. It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of atmospheric atmosphere vapor water in a cool place seat , in the densely tight packed container from materials fabric , that penetrating penetrant for vapor water (glass, metal, alfol foil , to the thick-walled plastic container).
4.2.3. Medications with found exposes out hygroscopic properties virtue (given in addition Add. of N 2) it follows to keep save in a dry apartment in a glass container with air-tight impermeable closing , inundated from above a paraffin. At closing container with such medicinal matters it is necessary with application to wipe a neck and cork stopper of glass .
4.2.4. Medications of this group of, which are got receive in packing from polymeric tape and intended for the supply delivery of jurisdiction pharmacy network net , to keep save in central center district pharmacies in the factory packing, in other pharmacies it follows to translate shift in glass or metal container.
4.2.5. Organization of storage economy of such preparations requires among medications of this group of special , as a gypsum cast is singed, mustard in powder, which what at absorption of moisture transform from shallow small amorphous powder in shallow small grains crop – lose it
properties virtue and become stand useless for the use in medical practice. To prevent spoilage perishability :
– it follows to save keep the gypsum cast of burnt in the well closed veiling container (for example eg , in the densely tight hammered together wooden whiffle boxes , it is desirable assessed tax within by polyethylene tape);
– mustard in powder it follows to keep save in bottletight tin jars;
– mustard plasters keep save in packs, cased in a parchment paper or polyethylene tape, which what place conclude in densely tight closed container (for example eg , cardboard boxes CH , pasted over within by polymeric tape).
4.3. Features feature of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from weathering (evaporation).
4.3.1. To by the number of medications which what require protecting protection from weathering, belong:
– actually volatiles which what are more frequent narrow-meshed all used in pharmacy practice (resulted pointed in addition Add. of N 3);
– medicinal preparations which have a volatile flying solvent (alcoholic infusions , liquid rare alcoholic concentrates masterbatch , thick heavy-bodied extracts extract );
– solutions and mixtures hodgepodge of volatiles (essential oils, solutions of ammonia, formaldehyde, chlorous chloral hydrogen Hydrogenium , over more than 13 %, carbolic acid protophobe , ethyl spirit of different diverse concentration et al);
– medical medicinal digister which what contains maintain essential oils;
– medicinal preparations, what contain crystallizational water – crystallohydrates (addition Add. of N 4);
– medicinal matters which what are laid decompose out with formation of volatile flying products (Iodoformium, peroxydum hydrogen Hydrogenium , Chloraminum chloramine , hydrocarbonas of sodium natrum );
– medicinal matters with set a normatively technical document documentation by the lower bottom level Y-level of maintenance content of moisture (sulfate sulfat of magnesium magnezium , paraaminosalicylas sodium natrum , sulfate sulfat of sodium natrum et al);
4.3.2. It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from evaporation in a cool place seat , in hermetically to the closed container with penetrating penetrant for the volatiles of materials fabric (glass, metal, alfol foil ). Application of polymeric container, packing, and closing is assumed in obedience to according to the State domainal pharmacopoeia and other normatively technical document documentation .
4.4.4. Crystallohydrates, depending on relative moisture of air aer , can show display properties virtue of both hygroscopic and drivings, matters, that is why that is why it follows to keep save them in hermetically closed to glass, metallic metallical , or thick-walled plastic a container at relative humidity moisture of air aer (50-65 %) in a cool place seat .
4.5. Osovblivosti of storage economy of medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature.
4.5.1. To by medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature, belong:
– group of medications which what require protecting protection from weathering (see q.v. a section division 4.3 of given instructions direction );
– fusible matters;
– bacterial preparations (vaccines, wheys, toxoids et al);
– antibiotics;
– organ preparations ;
– hormonal hormone preparations;
– vitamins Vitaminum and vitamin preparations;
– preparations which what contain maintain glycosides ;
– medical fats Adeps and butters oil ;
– ointments grease on fatty basis foundation and other matters (addition Add. of N 5).
4.5.2. It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of enhanceable temperature at a room temperature (18-20 hail.Ñ, to cool (12-15 hail.Ñ to the temperature). The lower subzero temperature of storage economy is required on occasion (for example eg , for ATP (3-5 hail.Ñ), that must be it is indicated specified on a label or in instruction direction to by application of preparation.
4.5.3. It follows to keep save bacterial preparations in the industrial packing separately after the names, at a temperature, indicated specified for every name on a label or in instruction direction to by application.
4.5.4. Bacterial preparations of the the same name keep save on series sere , taking into account the term of their fitness.
4.5.5. Bacterial preparations in the process of storage economy are subject a visual review examination not rarer thin than one time in 3 months moon .
4.5.6. It follows to keep save antibiotics in the industrial packing at a room temperature, if other pointing indication absent non-available on a label.
4.5.7. It follows to keep save organ preparations in protected from light ligth , cool and dry place seat at a temperature (0+15 hail.Ñ), if there is not other pointing indication on labels or instructions direction to to by
4.5.8. A liquid Chisel requires storage economy in a cool place seat . At dimness solution is filtered filtrate and check up falling homology short of all of requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia. Allowed opalescence of solution.
4.6. Features feature of storage economy of medicinal facilities which what require protecting protection from the action act of mionectic temperature
4.6.1.To by the number of medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of mionectic temperature, such the physical and chemical state figure of which what after freezing conglaciating changes variate and at the next warming to by the room temperature does not recommence restores belong (40 % sol. of formaldehyde, solutions of insulin Insulinum but yes other).
4.6.2. 40 % it follows to keep save solution of formaldehyde (formalin Formalinum ) at a temperature not below +9 hail. S. Pri it is maintained appearance occurring of sediment dregginess at a room temperature, then after solution is carefully united and utillize use in obedience to according to actual maintenance content of formaldehyde.
4.6.3. It follows to keep save an icy ac.a. at a temperature not below +9 hail. Ñ. At appearance occurring of sediment dregginess acid protophobe is maintained at a room temperature to by dissolution of sediment dregginess . In the case when sediment dregginess of not dissolved , liquid rare part portion of acid protophobe is united and utillize use in obedience to according to actual maintenance of ac.a. in preparation.
4.6.4. Medical fat butters oil require storage economy at a temperature not below +10 hail. S. Pri to appearance occurring of sediment dregginess they are maintained at a room temperature, unite that check not
accordance homology is with all of requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia.
4.7. Features feature of storage economy of medications, which what require protecting protection from the action act of gases which are contained maintain in an environment
4.7.1. To by the group of medications, which what change variate under act of gases, which are in an environment, belong:
– matters. what react with oxygen Oxygenium of air aer , different diverse connections compound of aliphatic row flakey with the unsaturated intercarbon copulas truss , cyclic with lateral aliphatic groups, with the unsaturated intercarbon copulas truss , phenic and polyphenolic , Morphinum and his its derivates with unsubstituted for hydroxy-groups; heterogeneous and heterocyclic connections compound with maintenance content of sulphur sira , enzymes ;
– matters, which what react with carbon dioxide of air aer , salt of alkaline metals and weak slimsy organic organo acids protophobe (for example eg , hexenalum et cetera), preparations which contain maintain polyatomic polyhydric amins (for example eg , еуфілін ); oxydum and peroxydum magnesium magnezium , caustic soda et al (Addition Add. of N 6).
4.7.2. It follows to keep save medications which what require protecting protection from the action act of gases in hermetically to the closed container from materials fabric , proof for gases, on possibility potentialitie filled spacefill to the edges place .
4.7.3. It follows to keep save medications which what easily oxidize oxygen Oxygenium of air aer in a dry apartment in a glass container with air-tight impermeable closing , inundated a paraffin.
4.7.4. It follows to turn the special attention attn. on conditioning storage economy of natrii salts of malonurea, which what must be kept save in hermetically to the closed container, to inundated a paraffin, from materials fabric , proof for atmospheric atmosphere vapor water and carbonate
to gas.
4.8. Features feature of storage economy of fragrant strong-smelling and paint medications
4.8.1. The group of fragrant strong-smelling medications is made fold by matters and preparations both volatile flying , and practically non-flying which what have a strong smell (addition Add. of N 7).
4.8.2. Matters, their solutions, mixtures hodgepodge , belong to by the group of medications of paint, preparations et cetera, which what abandon the painted paint-coated track trace on a container, stoppings up facilities, equipment EQP and other objects, that is not washed off ordinary usual sanitary-hygenic treatment (Brilliant green, methylene blue , indigo carmine et al) (addition Add. of N 8).
4.8.3. It follows to keep save fragrant strong-smelling medications it is isolated in a bottletight container, proof for a smell, separately after the names.
4.8.4. Medications of paint must be kept save in the special closet in densely tight to the closed container, separately after the names. For work wrk with the matters of paint for every name it is necessary to select the special scales, spatula and other inventory.
4.9. Features feature of storage economy of medical medicinal digister
4.9.1. A medical medicinal digister must be saved kept in dry, well the ventilated apartment, in clean dry, without senza extraneous strange smells and homogenous for every party to raw material to the container, in pharmacies – to glass, metallic metallical , in boxes with a lid cover , B/Ss paper multi-layered or tissue histic , boxes. For packing of the packaged medical medicinal digister packs are utillized use cardboard, packages packet are polyethylene, paper wrappings wrapping the paper.
Optimum quality-controlled terms for storage economy of medical medicinal digister temperature (18-20 hail.Ñ ), humidity moisture of air aer , – (30-40 %).
4.9.2. In storage facilities raw material must be saved kept on shelvings shelving which what are set establish in the distance not less than 15 see q.v. from a floor sex . Optimalni of condition COND for banking – a not more than more than 2.5 mcode – for berries, seed, buds kidney , not more than more than 4 mcodes – for leaves, flowers, herbares, more than more than 4 mcodes – for other types of raw material. A stack bing must be placed from sthenes in the distance not less than 25 see q.v. , intervals space between stacks bing not less than 80 see q.v. .
4.9.3. On every stack bing there must be a label by the size dimension (20*10) of see q.v. with pointing indication of the name appelation of raw material, enterprise-sender remittor , year and month moon of purveyance, number of party, to give giveth earnings for plants which contain maintain cardiac hearty glycosides , information about biological life-form activity.
4.9.4. Medical plants contain maintain the complex of various varied natural real-life matters. Quantitative quantitive advantage some from them in a plant foresees the special terms of storage economy of medical medicinal digister. List enumeration of raw material, classified after groups, storage economy and depending on character nature and properties virtue of operating matters, resulted pointed in addition Add. of N 9.
4.9.5. A medical medicinal digister which what contains maintain essential oils is kept save it is isolated in the well packed container.
4.9.6. Some certain hygroscopic herbares, leaves and garden-stuffs, must be kept save in a glass or metallic metallical container to hermetically bottled stopped-up and, if necessary, inundated a paraffin (for example eg , leaves of foxglove et al).
4.9.7. At storage economy of medical medicinal digister which contains nutritives nutrient , for prevention of spoilage perishability of it her by barn wreckers infestant , recommended to dispose in the places seat of storage economy a small bottle with a chloroform Chloroformium in the cork stopper of which what a tube cutting-in for weathering vapor a chloroform Chloroformium . A chloroform Chloroformium is added add as far as his its weathering.
4.9.8. Ready medical medicinal vegetable collections collection keep save in pharmacies and on pharmacy compositions storage (bases baseline ), adhering to the general common rules.
4.9.9. Special attention attn. at storage economy it follows to spare a medical medicinal digister which what contains maintain cardiac hearty глікозили for which what the State domainal pharmacopoeia more severe strict shelf-lives term are set and repeated переконтролю on maintenance content of biological life-form activity.
4.9.10. A poisonous and drastic medical medicinal digister is kept save in a separate apartment or in a separate closet locked under lock and key up.
4.9.11. A medical medicinal digister is subject periodic control concordantly by the requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia.
Grass, roots, seed, garden-stuffs, which what lost the normal colouring, smell and necessary amount quantity of operating matters, and also staggered mould, spoilt barn wreckers infestant depending on to the level Y-level of defeat or scrap, or after processing waste-handling utillize use .
4.10. Features feature of storage economy of the prepared medical medicinal forms form .
4.10.1. Storage economy of the prepared medical medicinal forms form must require to the requirements claiming of State domainal Pharmacopoeia and all of general common requirements claiming of this instruction direction , which what behave to storage economy of medications taking into account properties virtue of ingredients , that included in their composition storage .
All of the prepared medical medicinal forms form must be saved kept in the original packing, by a label outside. On shelvings shelving , shelves polyethersulfone , closets a shelving stillage card, which what the name of preparation, series sere , term of fitness, amount quantity , is marked note on, registers. A card is printed on a dense tight paper and led start on every series sere which acts enter for control after its realization. Except for it, there must be a card index by the terms of fitness in a department. Preparations what, re-control is subject saved kept separately from other to by the receipt of results of analysis.
4.10.2. Pills morsulus , drops, keep save it is isolated from other medical medicinal forms form in the factory packing which what protects from external outward actions act and counted on vacation a separate patient and to medical establishments. Storage economy of pills morsulus and drops must be carried out in dry, and but , if it is necessary, in the place seat protected from light ligth .
4.10.3. Annually pills morsulus , a drop must be checked for disintegration. In order to avoid disintegration falling-out of understrata of pills morsulus under weight of overhead top , packing mass must not exceed 3 kg
4.10.4. Medical medicinal forms form for injections it follows to keep save in the cool, place seat protected from light ligth in a separate closet or isolated apartment taking into account the features feature of container, if there is not other pointing indication on packing.
4.10.5. Liquid rare medical medicinal forms form ( syrups syrup , tinctures Tinctura ) must be saved kept in hermetically closed , to the container filled spacefill up to the top in the cool, place seat protected from light ligth . At storage economy of tinctures Tinctura fallouts sediment which fall out filter, and, if filtered
a tincture Tinctura after quality control answers the operating requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia, it her is considered suitable usable .
4.10.6. Plazmozamischuyuchi and detoxification solutions keep save it is isolated at a temperature scope from ( 0-40 ) 0С in the place seat protected from light ligth .
4.10.7. Extracts extract keep save in a glass container, by a packed screwed lid cover and cork stopper with a gasket in the place seat protected from light ligth . Liquid rare and thick heavy-bodied extracts extract keep save at the temperature ( 12-15 ) of 0С . Fallouts sediment which what fall out in liquid rare extracts extract in course of time filter and, if extracts extract after verification answer the requirements claiming of the State domainal pharmacopoeia, they are considered suitable usable .
4.10.8. Ointments grease , liniments keep save in the cool, place seat protected from light ligth in the densely tight bottled stopped-up container. At a necessity a condition COND storages economy combine depending on properties virtue of ingredients . For example eg , preparations which what have volatile flying and thermo labile matters in the composition storage keep save at a temperature not higher 10 0С .
4.10.9. Storage economy of suppositorium must be carried out in the dry, cool, place seat protected from light ligth .
4.10.10. Storage economy of majority of part portion of preparations in the aerosol sogasoid packing must be conducted at a temperature ( 3-35 0С ) in dry, secure from light ligth place seat , a little rather from a fire light and heated heatings devices. Aerosol sogasoid packing it follows from shots and mechanical mechanics damages.
4.11. Features feature of storage economy of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose are taking into account their terms term of fitness.
4.11.1. Medicines and wares of the medical setting purpose have a term of fitness, that term during for which what they keep save a therapeutic effect and are in terms, that to the requirements claiming of operating normatively technical document documentation .
4.11.2. The term of fitness is determined a normatively technical document documentation . In obedience to according to operating requirements claiming the term of fitness is specified indicate on packing for all of medications. If in a normatively technical document documentation on medications “Activity is controlled control annually”, on packing, except for “Suitable to to by ..”, the proper inscription belongs put .
Separate medications equally with the basic main term of fitness have additional. Likarsbki facilities which what have an additional term of fitness, upon termination of upon completion of basic main re-control is subject in a control-analytical laboratory disp and at the positive staid result of analysis realized in obedience to according to the additional term of fitness. Perekontrolyu is subject also preparations in which what to by completion ending of term of fitness found exposes out the signs of external
changes changing .
4.11.3. The imported preparations of re-control are not subject. The terms term of fitness of medications, made in a pharmacy, are resulted pointed in the proper documents paper .
4.11.4. In the places seat of storage economy of medications for their timely realization they are disposed taking into account the remaining term of fitness.
5. General common rules of preparation of medications and wares of the medical setting purpose are to by the use utillizing after storage economy
5.1. All of medications of “angro ” before their use utillizing must be mixed mixes . It follows to turn the special attention attn. on displacement of overhead top and wall layers of medication with other his its mass.
5.2. In the case of change changing of maintenance content of operating matters, atmospheric atmosphere moisture caused call a persorption or desorbtion , or by evaporation of solvent without senza the chemical chinagraph curriculum of ingredients ( hydrolysis, oxidization, fotodestruction , et cetera ), assumed to do a count revalution on actual maintenance of operating matters in medications at their processing waste-handling in ready-to-cook foods or medications are ready.
5.3. It follows to release hardwares from wrapping outerwrap and clean from butter greasing .
5.4. It follows to add subject polymeric ( rubber and plastic ) wares sanitary-hygenic treatment, in obedience to according to the operating methodical pointing indication .
6. Dezinfikuyuchi facilities.
Dezinfkuyuchi it follows to keep save facilities ( Chloraminum chloramine et al ) in the hermetically bottled stopped-up container, in the place seat protected from light ligth in the isolated apartment, a little rather from apartments for storage economy of plastic, rubber and metallic metallical wares, apartments, for the receipt of water of cleared Rectificatus .
7. Storage economy of wares of the medical setting purpose .
7.1. Rubber wares.
7.1.1. For safety of rubber wares it is necessary to create in the apartments of storage economy :
– protecting protection from light ligth , especially in particular case direct sunbeams, high ( more than more than 20 0С ) and low subzero ( below 0 0С ) the temperature of air ; fluid flowable air aer (mechanical mechanics ventilation perflation );
mechanical mechanics damages ( compression, bending, wring, drawing out );
– for warning of drying out, deformation and loss of their elasticity elastans , relative humidity moisture no less 65 %;
– isolation insulant from the action act of matters ( iodine Iodum , chloroform Chloroformium , ammonium chloride, лізол , formalin Formalinum , acids protophobe , organic organo solvents, lubricating butters oil , meadows pratum , Chloraminum chloramine );
– terms of storage economy are in the distance from heater calefactor devices ( no less a 1 mcode ).
7.1.2. An apartment for storage economy of rubber wares is needed to be placed not on a sun side, better in semi-base dark DK or black-out apartments. For maintenance in the dry apartments of enhanceable humidity moisture it is recommended to put stage a vessel jar from 2 % by water aquatic solution of carbolic acid protophobe .
7.1.3. In apartments, closets it is recommended to put stage vessels with a carbonate ammonium which what is instrumental assists in storage economy of elasticity elastans of rubber syphilophyma .
7.1.4. Premices for storage economy of rubber wares is equipped habilitate , by boxes, shelves polyethersulfone , shelvings shelving , blocks for an increase rise , bars and other necessary inventory, taking into account free access.
7.1.5. At placing of rubber wares in an apartment for storage economy it is necessary fully to utillize use all of his its volume CU . It prevents harmful influence of surplus oxygen Oxygenium of air aer . Rubber wares ( except for corks stopper ) caot be concluded in a few a little glowed, so as objects which what are in understrata are squeezed and sticked . Closets for storage economy of rubber wares must have doors are densely tight closed veiling . Vseredeni of closet must have fully wholly smooth
surface supface . Internal inlying arrangement of closets depends on rubber wares which what are saved kept there. Closets are intended for:
– storage economy of rubber wares, in recumbency (catheters, bubbles, is for ice, glove ) equipped habilitate sliding boxes with such calculation computation , that it is possible it was to place objects at full length, freely rubato , shutting out their bends bend , flattening, wring;
– storage economy of wares in the enhanceable state figure ( plaits garrot , probes), hangers is equipped habilitate , located under the lid cover of closet. Pegs hall-stand must be removable with that they can it was be taken out with the suspended objects. For strengthening boostering of pegs hall-stand
a protective strap H.g. is set establish with a coulisse seizure .
7.1.6. Rubber wares place in depositories after the names and terms term of fitness on every party of rubber wares tag with pointing indication of the name, term of fitness.
7.1.7. It follows to spare the special attention attn. storage economy of some certain types of rubber wares which what require the special terms of storage economy :
– circles skid , hot-water bottles are rubber, bubbles for ice it follows to keep save with the corks stopper set on ends end-point ;
– removable rubber parts portion of devices must be saved kept separately from parts portion , done from other material fabric ;
– wares, especially in particular case sensible sensitive to by the atmospheric atmosphere factors, are elastic non-crushing catheters, gloves, stall , bandages swaddle rubber keep save in a involute kind appearance , poured talc on all of length lenght ;
– Rubberized fabric CLO (one-sided and bilateral two-sided ) is kept save it is isolated from matters, indicated specified in ï.7.1.1., in horizontal position rule in rolls, suspended on the special bars. It is allowed to keep save rubberized fabric CLO , celled no more, than in 5 times on smoothly shelves polyethersulfone of shelvings shelving ;
– the elastic non-crushing lacquered wares are catheters, probes unlike rubber syphilophyma keep save in a dry apartment. The sign of senescence insenescence are appear some certain
softening influence softening , stickiness of surface . Such wares scrap.
7.1.8. Rubber wares must be periodically batchwise examined. Objects which what begin to lose elasticity elastans must be in good time in due course picked recovers up a thread in accordance with according to the requirements claiming of normatively technical document documentation .
7.1.9. Rubber wares must be saved kept packed in obedience to according to the requirements claiming of operating tts.
7.1.10. Rubber gloves of recommended , if they hardened, and became become fragile, to put, not straightening, on 15 minutes mn in warm 5 % solution of ammonia, then after gloves stick and dip immerse on 15 minutes mn in warm (40-50 degree GR .C) water from 5 % by glycerin Glycerinum . Gloves
again become stand elastic non-crushing .
8. Plastic wares
Wares from plastics it follows to keep save in the ventilated dark DK , dry apartment at a room temperature in the distance no less than a 1 mcode is from the heated heatings devices. In an apartment it must not be the opened reveal fire light , парів volatiles. Elektropriladi and switches
must be made in an antispark spark (to fire-prevention) implementation. In an apartment, where the cellophane are saved kept , to the cellon celon , celluloid, to the aminoplastic wares, it follows to support underprop relative humidity moisture of air aer not higher 65 %.
9. Bandaging wares and auxiliary AUX material fabric
9.1. Bandaging wares keep save in the dry ventilated apartment in closets, boxes, on shelvings shelving and pallets save-all which what must be painted paint-coated within by a light luminous oily paint and contained retained in a cleanness ligibility .
Closets, where bandaging materials fabric are, periodically batchwise wipe 0.2 % by solution of Chloraminum chloramine or chloric lime.
9.2. Sterile bandaging material fabric (bandages swaddle , gauze serviettes, cotton wool) is kept save in the factory packing. Their storage economy is forbidden ban in the primitive exposed packing.
9.3. Non-sterile bandaging material fabric (cotton wool, gauze) is kept save cased in a dense tight paper (B/Ss) on shelvings shelving or pallets save-all .
9.4. Auxiliary AUX material fabric (filtration paper, paper capsules et al ) must be kept save in the industrial packing in the dry ventilated apartments in separate closets in severely strict hygienical sanitary terms. After opening dissection of the industrial packing (capsules are a paper et al ) of packaged or it is recommended to keep save a remaining amount quantity in, paper polybags or B/Ss from kraft paper .
10. Medical leeches sanguisuga
10.1. An apartment for storage economy of medical leeches sanguisuga must be light luminous , odourless medications. Shut out sharp hairpin fluctuations in a temperature, so as it causes call death of leeches sanguisuga .
10.2. To hold leeches sanguisuga in a pharmacy it is necessary in the wide-mouthed glass vessels jar from a calculation computation 3 ë of water on 50-100 individuals.
For warning of proliferation of leeches sanguisuga tableware is covered a dense tight calico serviette or double layer of gauze and tightly tie around string Spagat or elastic.
10.3. Water for maintenance content of leeches sanguisuga must be clean, free from to the chlorine, peroxidation connections compound , salts of heavy difficult metals, mechanical mechanics contaminations, to have a room temperature. Water it is necessary daily to change in tableware, providing it her preliminary beforehand , 2 days prior to the use utillizing . Changing changes water, the walls paries of vessel jar wash from middle, then after neck vessels cover with gauze and through from it her inundate water. A vessel jar is filled spacefill clean water on 1/3 jars.
The table maintenance of contents of leeches sanguisuga requires the observance of maximal Max cleanness ligibility , neighbourhood is shut out them from похучими and by poisonous matters. At the disease pathema of leeches sanguisuga (languor) water is changed change twice on a day.
11. Requirements are to by the container for medications and wares of the medical setting purpose
11.1. It follows to keep save medications and wares of the medical setting purpose and transport in the primary, second secondary , group transport cargo-carrying container, foreseen an operating normatively technical document documentation on medications and wares of the medical setting purpose , and also on a container, packing, stoppings up facilities and order of their application.
11.2. In the case of re-packaging of industrial products production , medicines, packed in the primary packing from polymeric tapes or paper, preliminary it follows to collect in groups, which what must be cased in the second secondary packing which what protects non-load-bearing from exchange of moisture or to the interchange of gases with an atmosphere (package packet from polymeric tape or combined materials fabric , cardboard box CH with internal inlying polyethylene coverage et cetera). It follows to pack volatile flying , fragrant strong-smelling , poisonous medications no more one name in one transport cargo-carrying container (box, box CH , drum trommel ).
All of types of primary container and packing must be pressurized encapsulate by application of the proper complete set of stoppings up facilities (lids cover of that which screwed with a gasket or cork stopper , lid cover of bent , cork stopper , metallic metallical disperser with a cork stopper ) or by the methods of the without sealing pressurizing encapsulate .
11.3. A transport cargo-carrying container must protect non-load-bearing the cased medications from the action act of atmospheric atmosphere sediment and dust, sun irradiation, mechanical mechanics damages.
11.4. A container for medical leeches sanguisuga must provide secure access of air aer .
11.5. In the case of absence of NTD on a container, packing or closing for medications or at presence of the opposite pointing indication at the choice of container, packing, and closing it follows to follow this instruction direction .
1. Materials lectures .
2. MoH Ukraine of 31.10.2011 № 723 “On approval of the licensing conditions of the business of drug manufacturing , wholesale and retail sale of medicines .”
3. MOH of Ukraine of 11.07.2012 , № 515 “On Amendments to license conditions for the business of drug manufacturing , wholesale , retail, pharmaceuticals ‘
4. MOH of Ukraine of 28.10.02 , № 385 “On approval of list of health ” I health , medical , provizorskyh positions and positions for junior specialists in pharmaceutical education in health care . “
5. MOH of Ukraine of March 16, 1993 № 44 “On the organization of storage in pharmacies different groups of medicines and products of medical purpose “
6. MOH of Ukraine of 30.10.2001 № 436 ” Instruction on the procedure for quality control of medicines during the wholesale and retail sale .”
7. MOH of Ukraine of 21.01.2010 № 11 On approval of the narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors in healthcare Ukraine
8. Ministry of Health of 18.11.2010 , № 1006 ” On approval of the register of wholesale prices of medicines and the procedure for its amendment and declaration form changes the wholesale price of a drug “