A nprescription (derived from the Latin word “receptum”) is a physician’s norder to prepare or dispense a specific treatment (usually medication) for aindividual patient. It consists of the following parts:
· nInscriptio (sign.) – a seal which establishes nthe identity of the prescriber: office address and phone number.
· nDatum – the date of the prescription (a pharmacist is unlikely to fill a nprescription that is very old).
· nNomen aegroti – patient’s name and age (it is particularly necessary to nindicate the age when a patient is under 14 or over 60).
· nNomen medici – physician’s name 9when a physiciaprescribes medications for himself, instead of writing his name he can put “Pro nauctore” (for the author) or “Pro me” (for me).
· nInvocatio – physician’s order given to a pharmacist expressed by the nword Recipe: (Rp.: is a short form). – Take. It is ntraditional to include the symbol Rx, which is the abbreviation for recipe n(Latin, take thou), when the prescription is written in English.
· nDesignatio materiarum: the list of the ingredients or medications and ntheir amount.
· n
Subscriptio: norders given to a pharmacist which explain how to prepare medications, their nform and dose.
A prescription is called simple, if only none medication is prescribed (formula remediorum simplex). In Subscriptio nof a simple prescription a physician writes: Da. Signa.
A nprescription is called composite if two or more medications are nprescribed (formula remediorum composite). In Subscriptio of a ncomposite prescription a dosage form is indicated. E. g.: Misce, ut fiant nsuppositoria (Mix to form suppositories).
In addition to a dosage form is indicated nin Subscritio. E.g.: Da (Dentur) tales doses nnumero … in tebulettis (Give … such doses in tablets).
· Signatura n– the instructions given to a patient about the dose of a drug (an amount nof medication taken at one time), and on how and when to take medication, and nthe duration of therapy. This information is given in the state language or the nlanguage which a patient can understand.
· nNomen medici et sigillum personale. – a nphysician’s own seal and signature.
Designatio nmateriarum in a composite prescription consists of:
· Basis seu remedium et sigillum personale – medication having the maitherapeutic affect.
· Remedium adjuvans – additional nmedications which intensify or weaken the effect produced by the chief ningredient.
· Remedium constituens – those nsubstances due to which medications obtain their final form (sugar, starch are nused for powders; distilled water, syrups, spirits etc. are used for liquid nforms). You will get additional information about them in the chapter “Dosage nforms of medications”.
5, 6 and 7 parts of prescription are written iLatin. They are called “The Latin part” of prescription.
When filling designatio materiarum you nshould follow some rules:
· The name of each ningredient is written in Genetivus and begins a new line. Each line, nthe names of medicinal substances and chemical elements are written with a ncapital letter. The names of plants (leaves, root, cortex, fruit, seeds etc.) nas well as the names of the anions of salts, oxides, and adjectives are writtewith small letter unless they begin a new line e.g.:
Recipe: nInfusi herbae Adonidis vernalis 6,0:180 nml
Rx: The ninfusion of the pheasants eye 6,0:180 ml
· The amount of an ingredient is indicated on the nright. Solid, dry and semisolid substances are measured in grams (Arabic nnumbers); liquid substances are measured in ml, grams or drops. The number of ndrops is given in Romaumbers and comes after the Latin word gutta (drop) nin Acc., e.g.:
Recipe: Olei nMenthae piperitae guttas III
Rx: 3 drops nof peppermint oil.
nSome substances are measured in biological units of action (the first letters nof the nwords n written in a language other than Latin inon-Latin part of prescription, e.g. English – units), e.g.:
nRecipe: Penicillini 200 000 un.
nRx: Penicillin 200 000 un.
nIf the same amount of some substances is prescribed, it is indicated after the nname of the last substance. The word ana (aa is na short form – as much of each) precedes the figure, e.g.:
nRecipe: Tincturae Valerianae
nTincturae Convallariae ana 10 ml
nMisce. Da. Signa: 20-30 drops 2-3- times a day.
Additional ninformation given in prescriptions
nSome adverbs and word combinations are often used in prescriptions. If it is nnecessary to get medications immediately a physician, medical attendant or nobstetrician writes at the top:
nCito! (Quickly!) Statim! n(Immediately!)
nIf a patient uses the prescription twice, a physiciashould write at the top of a prescription: Recipe bis (Repeat twice!) or nBis repetatur! (Repeat – twice!)
Exercise I
nTranslate into English (orally):
n1. Massa npilularum. 2. Oleum Ricini. 3.In capsulis gelatinosis. 4. Infusum foliorum Cerasi. 5. In tabulettis. 6. In capsulis amylaceis. 7. nExtractum frangulae. 8. Extractum Viburni fluidum. 9. Rp.: Olei Menthae guttas nIII. 10. Acidum hydrochloricum dilutum. 11. Oleum nTerebinthinae rectificatum. 12. Extractum Crataegi fluidum.
Exercise II
Translate the prescriptions ninto English:
Rp.: Chloes medicatae conservatae 250,0
nDa. Signa.
Rp.: nOlei terebinthinae
nOlei Camphorae
nChlorogormii ana 100,0
Misce. nDa. Signa.
Rp.: Extracti Frangulae fluidi 0,15
Extracti Viburni fluidi
Herbae Thymi ana 20 ml
Misce. Da. Signa.
Rp.: Olei Ricini 1,0
Da tales ndoses numero 15 icapsulis gelatinosis.
Rp.: Acidi hydrochlorici diluti 5 ml
Pepsini 2 ml
Aquae npurificatae 180 ml
Sirupi Cerasi 200 ml
Misce. Da. Signa.
Rp.: Solutionis Proserini 0,05% 1 ml
nDentur tales doses numero 6 iampullis
nSigna: one ml 1-2 times a day.
Rp.: Extracti Polygoni hydropiperis fluidi
n Extracti Viburni fluidi ana 20 ml
nMisce. Da.
nSigna: 25-30 drops 2 times a day.
Rp.: Infusi florum Arnicae ex 10,0-200 ml
nDa. Signa: one tablespoon 3 times a day.
Rp.: Solutionis Natrii nucleinatis 2%-20ml
n Sterilisetur!
nSignetur: 5 ml intramuscular injections 1-2 times a day
Rp.: Suspensionis Griseofulvini 100,0
nSigna: one deserspoon 3 times a day
Rp.: Emulsi olei jecoris Aselli 100 ml
nDa. Signa : one tablespoon 2 times a day.
Rp.: Tincturae Strophanthi 5,0
nTincturae Convallariae
nTincturae Valerianae ana 10,0
nSignetur: 20 drops 3 times a day.
Rp.: Sirupi Aloes 30 ml
nDa. Signa: one tablespoon 3 times a day.
Exercise III
Translate the prescriptions into Latin:
Rx: 10 tablets of furacin for external use.
Give. Label: Dissolve 2 tablets ione glass of water. Use do gargle throat.
Rx: Analgin 0,25
Amidopyrine 0,25
Mix, let there be made some powder.
Give 12 such doses.
Label: one powder 3 times a day.
Rx: Reduced iron 1,0
Give 15 such doses in gelatinous ncapsules.
Label: 2 capsules four times a day nafter meals.
Rx: Antiasthmatic species 50,0
Give in a sac.
Rx: Dragee “Revitum”
Give 100 such doses.
Label: one dragee 3 times a day, n10-15 minutes before meals.
Rx: Leaves of peppermint 40,0
Flowers of matricary 40,0
Flowers of clover 20,0
Milfoil 20,0
Give. Label: boil one tablespoon of nmixture in 0,5 glass of water.
Mix, (tea) let there be made some nspecies.
Take 3 times a day.
Exercise IV
Translate the prescriptions into English:
Rp.: Tabulettas Ephedrini hydrocloridi 0,025 numero 10
Da. Signa: none tablet 2 times a day.
Rp.: Tabulettas Dimecolini 0,025 obductas numero 50
Da. Signa: one tablet 2 ntimes a day.
Rp.: Amidopyrini 0,25
Coffeini-natrii benzonatis n0,1
Da tales doses numero 6 in tabulettis
Signa: one tablet 3 ntimes a day.
Rp.: Ephedrini hydrochloride
Dimedroli ana 0,025
Misce, ut fiat pulvis
Dentur tales doses nnumero 10
Signa: one powder 3 ntimes a day.
Rp.: Pulveris Xeroformii subtilissimi 10,0
Misce. Da. Signa: nAspersion.
Rp.: Ferri reducti 1,0
Da tales doses numero 15 in capsulis gelatinosis
Signa: one capsule 3 ntimes a day after meals.
Rp.: Corticis Frangulae
Foliorum Menthae npiperitae
Rhizomatis cum nradicibus Valerianae ana 15,0
Misce, fiant species.
Detur in sacculo nchartaceo.
nSignetur; boil one tablespoon of the species in a glass of water and leave it nfor 20 minutes, then filter. Take half of a glass 2 times a day.
Rp.: Specierum antiasthmaticarum 100,0
nDa. Signa: smoke as a cigar during the attacks of bronchial asthma.
Rp.: Granulorum Orazi 100,0
nDa. Signa: one teaspoon of granules 3 times a day during meals.
Rp.: Dragee “Hendevitum” numero 50.
nDa. Signa: 2 dragee a day.
Exercise V
Translate into Latin (in a written form):
1. In ngelatinous capsules. 2. Istarchy capsules. 3. The tincture of valerian (lily of the valley). 4. The ninfusion of birch leaves. 5. Take: the tincture of peppermint. 6. Rectified nturpentine. 7. Dry extract of alder bucktorn. 8. Analginum in tablets. 9. nPowder. Triturate. 10. Mass of the pill as much as is required.
Exercise VI
Translate prescriptions into Latin:
Rx: Liquid extract of alder bucktorn 0,15
The infusion of rhubarb leaves
The infusion of birch buds (gemmas) 50 ml
The decoction of elder leaves
Aloe syrup 100 ml
Mix. Give. Label.
Rx: triturated camphor 0,1
Sugar 0,3
Mix to get some powder
Give 10 such doses
Rp.: Unguenti Tetracyclini ophthalmici 10,0
Da. Signa: neye ointment. Apply to the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day.
Rp.: Acidi salicylici 1,0
Hydrargyri amidochloridi
Bismuthi subnitratis ana 3,0
Lanolini ana n15,0
Misce, fiat unguentum
Da. Signa: nointment to remove freckles.
Rp.: Natrii fluoratis
Bolus nalbae ana 1,0
Glycerini n1,2
nMisce, fiat pasta
nDa. Signa: to embrocate the paste into the sensitive dentine for 2-3 nmonths.
Rp.: Suppositoria “Bethiolum” numero 10
Da. nSigna: for hemorrhoids and anal fissures
Rp.: Extracti Belladonae 0,015
nNovocaini 0,2
nXeroformii 0,1
nIchthyoli 0,2
Olei nCacao quantum satis, ut fiat suppositorium rectale
Da ntales doses numero 20.
nSigna: one suppository 2 times a day.
Rp.: Iodoformii 0,01
Olei Cacao quantum satis
Misce, ut nfiat bacillus longitudine 6 cm nat diametro 3mm
Da ntales doses numero 6
nSigna: insert one suppository 2 times a day.
Rp.: Emplastri Plumbi simplicis 50,0
Da. nSigna: apply to the affected skin region
Rp.: Extracti Bursae pastoris sicci
nExtracti Secalis cornuti ana 3,0
nPulveris radicis Glycyrrhizae quantum satis ut fiant pilulae numero 30.
Da. nSigna: one pill 3 times a day after meals.
Rx: 6 ampules of 2,5% promethazine hydrochloride nsolution. The patient should be given 1 ml intramuscular injections.
Rx: 200 ml nof tincture made from 20grams of watre pepper. The patient should take one ntablespoon 3 times a day.
Rx: 6 ampules of n2,5% Desoxycorticosterone trimethylacetat. The patient should be given 1 ml nintramuscular injections for 2 weeks.
Exercise nVI
Translate into English:
1. Recĭpe: Foliōrum nRubi idaei 20,0
Foliōrum nMalvae
Foliōrum Farfărae aa 25,0
Foliōrum Salviae 30,0
Misce Da.
Signa: Для полоскання.
2. Recĭpe: Herbae Herniariae
Foliōrum Uvae ursi
Foliōrum Salviae aa 10,0
Misce Da.
Signa: 1 ст. ложка суміші на склянку nкип’ятку.
3. Recĭpe: Antidŏti metallōrum 100,0
Signa: Внутрішнє.
4. Recĭpe: Proserīni 0,01
Sacchări n0,2
Misce, nfiat pulvis
Dentur ntales doses numĕro 20.
Signētur: nПо 1 порошку 3 рази на день.
5. Recĭpe: Antipyrīni 0,3
Pantopōni n0,2
Extracti nBelladonnae 0, 01
Butyri nCacao 1,5
Misce , nfiat suppositorium
Dentur tales ndoses numĕro 6
Signētur: nПо 1 свічці перед сном
Remember the following words
and expressions used iprescriptions:
1. Massa pilularum – nmass of the pills.
2. Oleum nRicini – castor oil.
3. In ncapsulis amylaceis – in starchy capsules.
4. In ncapsulis gelatinosis – in solid gelatinous capsules.
5. In ntabulettis – in tablets.
6. Oleum nMenthae piperitae – peppermint oil.
7. Oleum nTerebenthinae rectificatum –rectified turpentine.
8. Extractum nFrangulae – extract of alder bucktorn.
9. extractum nViburni fluidum – liquid extract of guilder rose.
10. nExtractum Crataegi siccum – dry extract of hawthorn.
11. Acidum nhydrochloricum dilutum – diluted hydrochloric acid.
12. Da ntales doses numero … -Give … such doses.
13. Herba nThymi – mother-of-thyme herb.
14. nChloroformium, i– Chloroform.
15. Sirupus nCerasi – cherry syrup.
16. Infusum nfoliorum Rhei – infusion of the rhubarb leaves.
17. Consperge n– powder.
18. Tere n– triturate.
19. Camphora ntrita –triturated camphor.
20. nSaccharum, i– sugar.
21. Misce, ut nfiat pulvis – mix, let there be made some powder.
22. Tinctura nConvallariae (valerianae) – lily of the valley (valerian) ntincture.
23. Decoctum nfoliorum Sambuci – decoction of the elder leaves.
24. Quantum nsatis – sufficient quantity.
25. nSirupus Aloes – aloe syrup.
26. Oleum nTerebenthinae – turpentine oil.
27. Oleum nCamphorae – camphorated oil, camphor liniment.
28. Frangula, nae f – alder bucktorn, black alder.
29. Crataegus, ni m – Crathaegus, hawtorn.
30. nThymus, i m – thyme.
Lativerbs are divided into four conjugations. The nouns are classed according to nthe ending of the genitive singular; the verbs are classed according to the nending of their Present infinitive. The part of a verb left after removing the nending –re in the infinitives of the first, second, fourth conjugatioverbs, and the ending –ere in the infinitives of the third conjugatioverbs is called the Present stem.
Ia dictionary you’ll find the following forms of Latin verbs:
curo, ncuravi, curatum, curare – to cure;
doceo, ndocui, doctum, docere – to teach;
tego, ntegere, tectum, tegere – to cover;
nutrio, nnutrire, nutritum, nitrire – to feed.
The nform of the first person singular, Present Simple Tense Active always comes nfirst. It is followed by the form of the first person singular, Present Perfect nSimple Tense Active, then by the supine form and the infinitive.
Imedical schools only the Present Tense is taught, that’s why the second form is ndropped. The students should write down only three forms of Latin verbs itheir vocabularies, e.g.:
curo, natum, are; doceo, doctum, ere; tego, tectum, ere; nutrio, itum, ire.
Each nperson of a Latin verb has its own ending. The endings of the Present Simple nActive and Passive are:
nActivum n Passivum
Sing. n1-th person –o nSing. 1-th nperson n-or
n2-nd person -s n2-nd nperson n-ris
n3-rd person -t n3-rd nperson n-tur
Plur. n1-st person –mus n Plur. n1-st nperson n-mur
n 2-nd person -tis n2-nd nperson n-mini
n3-rd person -nt n3-rd person n-ntur
These nendings are added directly to the stem of the first, second and fourth nconjugation verbs. The third conjugation verbs take the letter I betweethe stem and the ending (except the first person singular). In the second persosingular of the Indicative Passive before –r the letter i changes ninto e, and in the third person plural both Active and Passive before –nt nthe letter i changes into –u between the stem and ending.
Ithe first conjugation verbs the final letter of the stem a changes into nthe ending o (Active Voice) and or (Passive Voice)
(praesens indicativi)
curare n–(to ncure) stem cura-
docere n–(to nteach) stem doce-
tegere n–(to cover) stem nteg-
nutrire n–(to nfeed) stem nutri-
The nLatin personal pronouns are represented only by verb inflections. Do not ntranslate the English pronoun into Latin when it is the subject of the verb, because neach person in Latin has its own ending. However, you should indicate the nperson when you translate a Latin sentence into English, e. g.:
habet n– he, she, it has nhabent – they have
Additional Information on Latin Tenses –
Exercise nI
Form nthe third person singular and plural of the verbs:
auscultare n– to auscultate
solvere n– to dissolve
audire n– to hear
miscere n– to mix
defendere n– to defend
Exercise nII
Translate ninto English:
1. Misce. Da. Signa.
2. Medicus nauscultat aegroram.
3. Discite nlinguam Latinam.
4. Pharmaceuta npraeparat mixturam.
5. Diaeta aegrotas nsanat.
6. Massa pilularum adhibetur in officina.
7. nChirurgus curat fracturas costarum.
8. nSubstantia ossea in substantiam compactam et substantiam spongiosam dividitur.
Exercise nIII
Translate nthe prescriptions into English:
Rp.: nCamphorae 1,0
nTincturae Valerianae aetereae 10 ml
nMisce. Da. Signa.
Rp.: nTincturae Aloes 30 ml
n Da. Signa.
Exercise nIV
Translate ninto Latin (in a written form):
1. nThe patient takes (sumere – to take) the drops of valerian). 2. Pharmacists ntriturate and dissolve tablets. 3. Ribs are divided into true and false ones. n4. Students study (studere requires Dat. – to study) Latin diligently n(diligenter). 5. Prepare the mass of the pill.
Exercise nV
Translate nthe prescriptions into Latin:
Rx: n200 ml of mint water
nGive. Label.
Rx: nAloe juice 100 ml
nGive. Label.
Latin sayings and aphorisms
1. nAmat victoria curat. – If you want to win you should keep ntrying.
2. Aquila non captat muscas. – Eagles do not ncatch flies.
3. nNon scholae, sed vitae discimus. – We study not for school, but nfor life.
4. nMala herba cito crescit. – Bad herb grows quickly.
5. nVivere est cogitare. – To live means to think.
Conjunctivus nis used in a pharmaceutical literature, nprescriptions and Latin aphorisms to express order (polite form), appeal, wish, ndoubt, etc.
Iprescriptions verbs are usually followed by a clause which is introduced by ut n(it is often dropped) and contains Conjunctivus, e.g.:
Misce, n(ut) fiat pasta. (Mix, let there be made some paste).
Conjunctivus nis used to express:
a) order: Misceatur. Detur. nSignetur. (Let’s have it mixed. You should mix it. Let’s give it. You nshould give it. Let’s label it. You should label it.)
b) wish: Valeas (Be nhealthy!)
c) appeal: Studeamus nlinguae Latinae bene! (Let’s study the Latin language well!).
Conjunctivus npraesentis of the first coniugation verbs is formed by changing the final nvowel of the stem –a into –e, and then adding the ending of a ncorresponding person, e.g.:
curat n– he, she treats, ncures ncuret – he, she should treat, cure.
To nform conjunctivus of the second, third and fourth coniugation verbs you should nput the letter –a between the stem and ending, e.g.:
docet n– he, she teaches; doce-a-t – he, she should teach, nlet him/her teach
solvit n– he, she dissolves; solvwi-a-t n–he, she, should dissolve, let him/her dissolve.
The nendings of the praesens coniunctivi and praesens indicative are nthe same. The exceptions are the first person singular of the Active Voice n(instead of –o we have –m in coniunctivus) and the first nperson singular of the Passive Voice (instead of –or we have –r iconiunctivus.
Coniunctivus in prescriptions
1. nMisceatur. (Let it be mixed. Mix.)
2. Detur. n(Let it be given. Give.)
3. nSignetur. (Let it be sign. Sign.)
4. nSolvatur. (Let it be dissolved. Dissolve.)
5. nSterilisetur. (Let it be sterilized. Sterilize.)
6. nRepetatur. (Let it be repeated. Repeat.)
7. nDentur tales doses numero … (Let … such doses be given. Give … nsuch doses).
8. nFiat lege artis. (It should be done according to the nrule).
9. Misce, ut nfiat emplastrum (emulsum, linimentum, pulvis, unguentum). (Mix, nlet there be made a plaster (emulsion, liniment, powder, ointment).
10. Misce, ut nfiant pilulae (suppositoria rectalia, globuli vaginales). (Mix, nlet there be made pills (rectal suppositories, vaginal globules).
Exercise I
Form nthe third person singular and plural conjunctivus praesentis activi and passive nof the following verbs:
auscultare, ndefendere, miscere, audire.
Exercise nII
Translate ninto English:
1. nStudeamus linguae Latinae et disciplinis medicis.
2. nPraeparetur mixture statim.
3. nNon vivimus, ut edamus, sed edimus, ut vivamus.
4. nSint studiosae attentae.
5. nSterilisetur extractum.
6. nDividatur massa npilularum.
Exercise nIII
Translate nthe prescription into English:
Rp.: nCamphorae tritae 0,1
nSacchari 0,3
nMisce, ut fiat pulvis
nDentur tales doses numero 10
Exercise nIV
Translate ninto Latin (in a written form):
1. nThe patient should take tablets.
2. nSome tablets and mixture should be given.
3. A pharmacist nshould mix tinctures.
4. nIt should be given in gelatinous capsules.
5. nIt should be sterilized according to the rule.
Exercise nV
Translate nthe prescription into Latin (in a written form):
Rx: nCastor oil 1,0
n15 such doses should be given in gelatinous capsules.
nIt should be labeled.
Latin sayings and aphorisms
1. nAudiatur et altera part. – You should listen to both sides.
2. Edimus, nut vivamus, non vivimus, ut edamus. – We should eat to live, but not live nto eat.
3. nNe noceas, si juvare non potes. – If you cannot help, at least nyou should not do any harm.
4. nPereat mundus, fiat justitia. – Justice should win even if nthe word dies.
The Use of Prescription Abbreviations: A Brief History |
Lati once served a greater role on prescriptions when they were first written i the 1400s. Spread widely by Roman soldiers and traders, Latin was the mai language of western Europe for hundreds of years. It was unlikely to change, because it was a “dead” language, and it was unlikely to be misinterpreted, because it was exact in its meaning. Patients who didn’t know Latin probably didn’t have the slightest idea what they were taking. |
Today, the only part of a prescription where Latin still appears is in the directions for taking the drug. This use has become a kind of medical shorthand between doctors and pharmacists. Some of these abbreviated terms have the potential to cause medication errors because they look so similar i handwriting, so their use is slowly on the decline. |
The Origins of Using “Rx” for “Prescription” |
Where does the “Rx” for “prescription” come from? Its origins are given variously as an abbreviation of the Latin word “recipe,” meaning “take,” or as a representation of the astrological sign of Jupiter. This sign was placed on ancient prescriptions to invoke that deity’s blessing on the medicine to help the person get well. More recently, the cross that sometimes appears at the end of the “R” has bee explained as a substitute period. |
The Use of Prescription Abbreviations: An Example |
A example of what your doctor may write: |
Unless you have a medical background, that bunch of letters is probably unintelligible. In this example, the prescription abbreviations instruct the pharmacist to, “Label the container for this patient’s medication with the following instructions: Take one tablet by mouth 4 times a day, after meals and at bedtime.” |
Prescriptio Abbreviations: Common Latin Rx Terms |
Some of the common latin prescription abbreviations include: |
For an In-Depth Listing of Prescription Abbreviations: |
Prescriptio Abbreviations: Use Slowly in Decline |
While Latin terms are still commonly seen on prescriptions, some doctors are gradually retiring use of these old terms and better clarifying their drug orders i plain language. |
Since improved readability helps prevent medication mix-ups, it has bee recommended that prescribers write out instructions rather than use more ambiguous abbreviations. (For example, write “daily” rather tha “qd,” the abbreviated Latin term for “every day,” which could be misinterpreted as “qid,” meaning “4 times a day,” or “od,” meaning “right eye.”) |
Prescriptio Abbreviations: The Bottom Line |
If the directions written on a prescription are unclear or confusing, please ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain. Do not take your medication without fully understanding the prescribing instructions. MORE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTION
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT PRESCRIPTION Prescriptio – importance, parts, prescription types, and prescription forms
Prescription – abbreviations and units
A practitioner¢s decision to treat a patient assumes that the patient has been evaluated and diagnosed. The practitioner can then select from a variety of therapeutic approaches. Drug therapy is most commonly chosen. In most cases, this requires the writing of a prescription. The prescription order is the most important therapeutic transaction between a physician and a patient. A medical prescription is a writte order from a doctor to a chemist that includes instruction for preparing and dispensing medicines to a certain patient. The prescription represents a mechanism through which a treatment modality is provided to the patient. A prescription order may be written and issued by a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or other properly licensed medical practitioner. The prescription for each patient is a unique entity, designating a specific medication or medications for a specific patient at a specific time. While the prescription can be written on any piece of paper, it usually takes a specific printed form. That form possesses blank spaces for the necessary information. Such blanks are often supplied to the physician in the form of a pad containing approximately 100 blank forms. This is a typical printed form for outpatients. In a hospital setting, drugs are prescribed on a particular page in the patient¢s hospital chart. A prescription order follows a definite pattern that facilitates its interpretation. Table 1 shows the manifest functions of the prescription.
Table 1. Manifest functions of the prescription
All prescription orders should be correct, unambiguous, without cross-outs and signed clearly for optimal communication between prescriber, pharmacist, and nurse. It is required that a medical prescription in Bulgaria be written in Latin.
The prescriptio consists of seven parts. Their Latiames are:
1. INSCRIPTIO Here written are: the name and the surname of the doctor, the hospital, clinic or polyclinic medical center, their address, and the date. The date is important from the standpoint of ascertaining for determining the life of the prescription. The prescription of narcotics and controlled substances are governed by special laws and regulations – it cannot be filled after more than 10 days from the date of issuance; but an order for children – 7 days after the date on which such prescription was issued.
2. PRAEPOSITIO (SUPERSCRIPTION) consists of the message to the chemist. It includes only the expression Rp./ – an abbreviation for Recipe, the Latin for Get! (Take)
3. PRESCRIPTIO is the main part of the medical prescription, because this is the doctor’s order. Here are the names of medicinal substances, the medicinal forms, and the dosages. a) brand name (proprietary name) or generic name (INN – international nonproprietary name) may be used. The medicinal substances are required to begin with a capital letter and to be in the Genitive case. The names of all preparations and elements end in -um, Gen sg. –i. The salts end in Gen. sg. –atis (sulfate); – itis (nitrate); – idi (chloride) b) the medicinal form can be placed in the beginning of the prescriptio or after the drug’s name. c) the dose is noted after the substance or medicinal form. The strength of the medication should be written in metric units.
Example: Rp./ Tab. Paracetamoli 0,5 (or 500 mg) Rp./ Vitamini B12 in ampullis 0,500 mg
4. SUBSCRIPTIO (SUBSCRIPTION) In this part are written, if necessary, instructions to the chemist o how to make the preparation and the number of doses, or medicinal forms to be supplied to the patient.
Exampe: Rp./ Tab. Paracetamoli 0,5 Da scatulam № 2 ( D. scat. №2 ) = Give 2 blisters
Rp./ Vitamini B12 0,5 mg Da tales doses № 10 in ampullis (D. t. d. № 10) = Dispense such doses 20 iumber
5. SIGNATURA (MARK, LABEL) Notes are written in Bulgarian. The signature is the message intended for the patient. It provides instructions as to how the medicine should be taken by the patient. This information must be sufficient to allow the patient to understand fully the amount of the drug product to be taken and the frequency and manner of administration: if the drug has to be used externally only, or to be shaken well before use, or whether it is a poison, and other such facts are included.
Example: Signa or Scribe (S.) one tablet three times a day (Ter-in-die, resp. t.i.d. – three times daily) Signa or Scribe (S.) One tablet wheecessary (Pro re nata – p.r.n.)
6. NOMEN MEDICI The signature of the doctor may be placed on the designated area, or after the last drug, and this is for identification data.
7. NOMEN AEGROTI Name, address and age of the patient. This part serves to identify for whom the prescription is intended. The full name and the address are required by law on all prescriptions for controlled substances. The age of the patient is a good additional piece of information, especially with pediatric pаtients where dosage calculations have to be double-checked for safety. This part may be located on the designated area, or after the last drug on the back of the form.
Prescriptions can be classified as compounded and noncompounded. Compounded prescription, also called formula magistralis (from Latin word magister – teacher) or extemporaneous prescription is an order that requires mixing of one or more ingredients (active medicaments) with one or more pharmaceutical necessities (vehicle, suspending agent). The physician selects the drugs, doses, and pharmaceutical form that he/she desires and the pharmacist prepares the medication accordingly. The name of each drug is placed on a separate line right under the preceding one. The order of ingredients is as follows: Remedium cardinale (basis). The basis is the principal drug and gives the prescription its chief action. Remedium adjuvans (adjuvant). As the name suggests, the adjuvant is a drug that aids or increases the action of the principal ingredient. Remedium corrigens (corrective). The corrective modifies or corrects undesirable effects of the basic or adjuvant. Remedium constituens (vehicle). The vehicle is the agent used as a solvent in the solution, to increase the size and volume, or to dilute the mixture. The most potent or principal drug is written first, the other ingredient second, and the vehicle last, as show in the example.
Examples: Rp./ Natrii bromati (bromatis) 6,0 Rem. basis Phenobarbitali 0,6 Rem. adjuvans Sirupi Menthae 60,0 Rem. corrigens Aquae destillatae ad 300,0 Rem. constituens Misce fiat mixture (Mix to obtain mixture). Da.Signa. Take 1 tablespoon3 times daily after eating # Rp./ Potassium bromate 6,0 Luminal-Sodium 0,6 Syrup of peppermint 60,0 Distilled water up to 300,0 M. D. S. …… # Rp./ Anaesthesini (Benzocaini) Bismuthi subnitrici aa 3.0 Magnesiae ustae 40.0 Misce fiat pulvis (M. f. p.) D. S. 1/2 teatable during meals.
Noncompounded prescription or fomula officinalis (officina is the Latin word for workshop) does not require mixing of two or more ingredients to obtain a finished product. A precompounded order consists of a drug or a mixture of drugs supplied by a pharmaceutical company by its official or proprietary name and, if it contains more than one substance, the specific ingredients do not have to be listed.
aa is the abbreviation of ana partes aequales (in equal quantities), expressing “the substances are in equal quantities”. Ad is used to express “add to get the whole weight of the preparation” or “up to”, when the drugs are solved in a neutral substance. q.s. – quantum satis means “as much as is it necessary”. D. t. d. № – “Da tales doses” means “dispense such doses … iumber”. D. scat. № – Da scatulam – “Give … blisters”. M.D.S. – “Mix, give and note”. M. f. + the medicinal form iominative – “Mix to obtain”. Verte! – when you need to continue writing on the back of the form. This should be writteear the bottom of the prescription form, at the right angle. Some abbreviations of medical forms are: pulv. (pulvis) – powder; ung. (ungventum) – ointment, unguent; sol. (solutio) – solution; supp. (suppositorium) – suppository; tab. (tabletta) – tablet.
The strength of the drugs should be written in metric units. Quantities of drugs are measured in grams, milligrams, and micrograms. The gram (g) is the basic unit of weight in the metric system. One one-thousandth of a gram is 1 milligram (mg). One one-thousandth of a milligram is 1 microgram (μg) or 1 mcg. One thousand grams is one kilogram (table 2). The liter is the basic unit of volume in the metric system. We commonly use the milliliter (ml), which is one one-thousandth of a liter. The unit cubic centimeter, or cc, is used as an equal to ml. The strength of a solution is usually expressed as the quantity of a solute in a sufficient solvent to make 100 ml; for instance, 20% potassium chloride solution is 20 grams of KCl per 100 ml (g/100 ml). The gram is equal to the weight of 1 ml of distilled water at 4o C (Celsius) in vacuum. The weight and measures of the metric system are give in Table 2.
Table 2. Weights and measures
The book of standards for drugs and devices, known as pharmacopeia and formularies, are collectively referred to as drug compendia. A pharmacopeia or a formulary is a book containing a list of medicinal substances (drugs) and articles (devices) with description, tests, and formulas for their preparation, selected by a recognized authority. The recognized authority which issues these standards in most countries is govermental. Official drug compendia have been recognized as standards of purity, quality, and strength by a governmental agency of the country.