______prof. Mysula І.R.
Working Programme
on General care of patients
for student of ІІ course of medical faculty
Department of clinical immunology, allergology and general care of patients
2008-2009 s.y.
The curriculum of preparation is structured from discipline
„ General care of patients ”
for the students of medical faculties.
Structure of educational science |
Quantity of hours / from them |
Course, year of teaching |
Control |
All hours/ credits
Audience |
Independent work of students |
Lectures |
Practical occupations |
Module 1.
128 hours |
– |
80 |
38 |
2 |
Current module control
3 credits |
Contents module – 1 |
68 |
30 |
38 |
2 |
Current module control
Contents module – 2 |
22 |
Current module control -//- |
Contents module – 3 |
28 |
Current module control
Final module control
6 hours |
3 |
3 |
Final module control
Note: The module of practical skills is 56 % from quantity of hours give on the independent work.
The program was made: as.-prof. N.I. Rega
The program was discussed at chair-sitting of of clinical immunology, allergology and general care of patients department
“ ” 2008., protocol N
Head of of clinical immunology, allergology
and general care of patients department prof. I.Ya. Hospodarsky
The program was confirmed at
Minute №_______ from __________, 2008__
The Head of commission As. Prof. S.O. Yastremska, Ph.D, BSN
Ternopil 2008
I. The main task of the course:
Explanation remark
Organization of educational process is performed according to the credit and module system due to Bologna Declaration.
According to the Experimental Plan of professional preparation, there are 3 credits in the subject Internal Medicine Propedeutics (90 hours), among them 90 hrs are to be spent for auditorial preparation (practical classes – 90 hrs). The Program is divided on the modules, modules themselves are composed with content modules. The educational loading of students is described in ЕСТS – credits after successful passing of each module.
The task of the course corresponds to the final tasks established in the Program of the qualification preparation, they are the basis of the subject content. On the ground of final tasks the certain aims are outlined in the form of certain abilities (actions) necessary to master to reach the final aim of the subject.
2.1Thematic plan of practical lessons
For the students of 2 courses of medical faculty
Therapeutical care
№ employment |
Тheme |
Amount of hours |
Structure and function of admission department |
6 |
2 |
Basic principles and organization of nursing care in therapeutic department. Structure and function of therapeutic clinic. |
6 |
3 |
Estimation of patients status and rules for evaluation of main vital indexes: questionnaire and general examination of patient. |
6 |
4 |
Using of main types of medicines. Physical treatment. |
6 |
5 |
General rules for care of patient in critical conditions and terminally ill. |
Surgical care
№ employment |
Тheme |
Amount of hours |
Peculiarities of patient care organization according to the conditions of surgical department.
6 |
2 |
Asepsis. Antiseptic |
6 |
3 |
Surgical procedures, surgical operation. |
6 |
4 |
Care of the patients after operations. |
6 |
Pediatrical care
№ employment |
Тheme |
Amount of hours |
Deontological aspects of relationships of health care providers and pediatric patients and their caregivers.
6 |
2 |
Structure and functioning of pediatric hospitals and outpatient departments. Work of admissions office. Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regimens in hospitals.
6 |
3 |
Common procedures of general care of patients in pediatric hospitals.
6 |
Head of of clinical immunology, allergology
and general care of patients department prof. I.Ya. Hospodarsky
ON 2008-2009 YEARS
Name of theme |
Amount of hours |
1 |
Structure and function department of physical treatment |
10 |
2 |
Estimation of patients status and rules for evaluation of main vital indexes: questionnaire and general examination of patient |
10 |
3 |
Measuring the body temperature |
10 |
4 |
Resuscitation. Methodic and rules for CPR. |
8 |
Head of of clinical immunology, allergology
and general care of patients department prof. I.Ya. Hospodarsky
3.1.Lectures –absent
3.2.Methodical instructions for students on practical lessons – are to be added
3.3.Methodical instructions for students on independent students work – are to be added
3.4.The list of equippment, technical support of educational process:
Logistical support of educational process on the department of clinical immunology, allergology and general care of patients
¹ |
Names of devices |
Amount |
2. |
Computers |
50 |
4. |
Compact-disk |
2 |
5. |
Fantoms |
50 |
3.5 Control forms and criteria of evaluation of knowledge at the end
of working day.
Daily final control of knowledge of students on the department of clinical immunology, allergology and general care of patients consists of 24 tests of plural choice.
Every test on constructing (a structural answer is for a question) is estimated after the 12-ball system, also the tests of plural choice (24 ) give 24 marks maximally.
Evaluation according to 12-points scale |
Points quantity if the answer is correct |
Evaluation according to the traditional 5-points scale |
1 |
0 – 10 |
2 |
2 |
10 – 12 |
3 |
12 – 15 |
4 |
16 |
3 |
5 |
17 |
6 |
18 |
7 |
19 |
4 |
8 |
20 |
9 |
21 |
10 |
22 |
5 |
11 |
23 |
12 |
24 |
Evaluation of topics of independent work which are not included into auditorial classes is performed at the final module control.
3.6.Examples of tests
for the final test module control
for the 2rd year students, medical faculty
1. Patiemt М., 48 yrars old, was admitted to the admissious department of a after accident. Verbal contact with the patient is not possible. The patient is not performing the simplest commands, moaning and involuntary opening eyes on painful irritations. Reflexes are preserved. This condition of the patient corresponds to:
А. Coma;
В. Stupor;
*С. Sopor;
Д. Clear consciousness;
Е. Irritation of consciousness.
А. *Dull-to-thympatic;
В. Dull percutory sound;
С. Bundbox percutory sound;
D. Thympanic percutory sound;
Е. Resonant percutory sound.
3. Patient 36 years old has applied to a doctor because of piercing pain behind the sternum irradiating toward the left arm. This pain occurs in quick walking and stops in rest in some minutes. The firs time this pain had developed 1 week before. Which disease chould you suspect in the patient?
А. Acute myocardial infarction;
В. Progressing angina pectoris;
С.*Primary angina pectoris;
D. Stable angina pectoris at exertion, ІІ functional class;
Е. Stable angina pectoris at exertion, IІІ functional class;
4. Weakening of the І heart sound at heart apex is observed in:
А. Stenosis of mitral orifice;
В. *Mitral valve incompetence;
C. Extrasystole;
D.Synchronous systole of atriums and ventricles or in complete AV block;
Е. Thyreotoxicosis.
А. Asthenic;
В. Vascular insufficiency;
С. *Dyspeptic;
Д. Cholestasis;
Е. Malabsorpation.
The final module control is passed in the form of complex test computer control (the requirements and procedure are unified – see explanations at the WEB-site of the University).
3.7 List of practical skills borne in matricule of
practical skills
IV Semester |
Modul 1 |
Line of matricule |
To perform measuring of temperature for a patient in an axillary’s areas and to design a temperature paper
5 |
3 |
To perform measuring of height of patient in standing and sitting position, to check body weight
5 |
3 |
To show the methodic of transportation of sick patient on loads and his setting on a bed |
5 |
3 |
To change clothes and bed lines to the patient who is on the bed
5 |
3 |
To show the methodic of dropping of ears, nose, eyes
5 |
3 |
To To prepare necessary equipment and to demonstrate the methodic of usage of a warm compress show the methodic of preparation of rubber hot water bottle and ice pack usage on them
5 |
3 |
To prepare necessary equipment for cleansing enema, to demonstrate the methodic of its performing
5 |
3 |
To show the methodic of using of bedpan and urinel in males and females
5 |
3 |
To prepare dish for Zimnitsky test taking |
5 |
3 |
To prepare necessary equipment and to perform prophylaxis of bedsores
5 |
3 |
To demonstrate the methodic of resuscitation measure (artificial ventilation of lights, indirect heart massage)
5 |
3 |
To impose a plait and pressing bandage
5 |
3 |
To clean the operative site of surgeon
5 |
3 |
To perform the toilet of eyes and ears of newborn
5 |
3 |
To be able to wash and underline the newborn ,to diaper and put on the clothes on them |
5 |
3 |
To be able to fill on the system for intravenous injections
5 |
3 |
To be able to till on the history of development of child
3 |
3 |
3.8. List of literature
1.8. Sources of information:
1. Barbara Bates. A Guide to Physical Examination. Third Edition. J.B.Lippincott Company.
2. Macleod’s clinical examination. Edited by G.Douglas, F.Nicol, C.Robertson. 11th edition.
3. Chamberlain’s clinical examination. 9th edition. 1998.
5. 1. Surgery. Т.1: Textbook from general surgery.
6. McCombs R.P.. Fundamentals of internal medicine. A physiologic and clinical approach to disease. – 1971. – 860 p.
7. Wynyarden J.B., Smith L.U.. Textbook of medicine. In 2 vol. – 1982.