The 1st year,
Module 1
Methodical Instructions to Lesson 5 for Students.
Subject: 1. Medical examination. 2. Out-patient treatment. Simple Tenses. Active and Passive Voice.
The number of hours – 6.
Objective: 1. To learn lexical material to the relevant topic; to practise grammar skills using Simple tenses; to develop the students’ reading translating and speech habits. 2. To enrich the vocabulary based on medical terminology; to use active vocabulary in communication; practise grammar skills using Indefinite tenses, Passive Voice; to develop the students’ reading translating and speech habits.
Professional orientation: The students will be able to describe the procedure of medical examination.
Students’ Practical Activity (9.00-12.00)
1. Doing oral exercises to master new words and word-combinations.
2. Listening to the phonograms of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
3. Reading and translation of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
4. Asking and answering questions on the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
5. Dividing the texts into logical parts.
6. Making dialogues on the relevant topics.
7. Preparing summaries of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
Methodical Instructions for Practical Activity
While mastering the grammar structures students should pay attention to:
1. making new words using such affixes;
2. forming Simple tenses, Active and Passive Voice;
3. defining and differentiating grammar phenomena and samples in the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
Break (12.00-12.30)
Seminar Discussion (12.30 – 14.00)
1. Dividing the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics” into logic parts.
2. Describing types of polyclinics functioning.
3. Knowing the main functional duties of the doctor’s staff and nursing personnel.
4. Naming the methods of diagnosing and patient examination.
Break (14.00-14.15)
Students’ Knowledge and Abilities Assessment (14.15-15.00)
Using quizzes, multiply choice tests and individual tasks to assess knowledge, practical skills and abilities of the students who did not pass online tests in Moodle.
Students’ self-preparation program.
1. training oral exercises to master new words and word-combinations with PowerPoint presentation slide show for new vocabulary introduction and mastering;
2. listening to the phonograms of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics” using the computer program TextAloud and the headphones;
3. proper reading and translation of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”;
4. answering questions on the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”.
Test samples and answers
1. Виберіть слово, що відрізняється за вимовою від інших
A. complain
B. main
C. ailment
D. air*
E. maid
2. Виберіть слово, що відрізняється за вимовою від інших
A. foot
B. blood*
C. book
D. school
E. hook
3. Виберіть відповідний суфікс для утворення іменника від дієслова to administer
A. -less
B. -able
C. –ation*
D. –ity
E. –ant
4. Виберіть відповідний суфікс для утворення прислівника від прикметника correct
A. –ful
B. –ly*
C. –ity
D. –less
E. –ed
5. Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова: They usually … a bed regimen.
A. has followed
B. follow*
C. followed
D. will follow
E. follows
6. Виберіть відповідну форму дієслова: The physician … him there.
A. examines
B. will examine*
C. examine
D. examined
E. had examined
7. Виберіть форму дієслова: The physician … a correct diagnosis yesterday.
A. will make
B. made*
C. make
D. makes
E. making
8. Виберіть форму Past Participle дієслова to know
A. knew
B. known*
C. unknown
D. knowledge
E. know
9. Виберіть відповідний варіант з поданих питальних слів до підкреслених членів речення Many specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and others work at the polyclinic.
A. who
B. what
C. how
D. how many *
E. which
10. Виберіть еквівалент слова complaint
A. скарга*
B. ускладнення
A. зусилля
C. Внесок
D. старання
11. Виберіть еквівалент слова condition
A. причина
B. випадок
С. стан*
D. умова
Е. внесок
12. Виберіть еквівалент слова pressure
A. курс
B. тиск*
С. ускладнення
D. одужання
Е. лікування
Level of Knowledge and Abilities:
Students should know:
1. New words and word-combinations to the text.
2. Affixes and their meanings.
3. Present, Past, Future Simple Tense, Active Voice.
4. Latin and Greek equivalents of English medical terms.
5. Present, Past, Future Continuous Tenses, Passive Voice.
Students should be able:
1. to from new words using word-forming affixes;
2. to describe types of polyclinics functioning;
3. to know the main functional duties of the doctor’s staff and nursing personnel;
4. to name the methods of diagnosing and patient examination;
5. to define and differentiate grammar phenomena and samples;
6. to read and translate the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics” properly;
7. to give answers on the questions of the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”;
8. to divide the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics” into logic parts;
9. to describe the out-patient treatment;
10. to distinguish and determine Latin and Greek terminological elements;
11. to form medical terms, using Greek-Latin elements;
12. to group affixes according to their meaning;
13. to differentiate Passive grammar constructions in the texts “Medical Examination at the GP’s Surgery”, “At the Therapeutist’s” and “Polyclinics”;
14. to translate and analyse the scientific-medical microtexts;
15. to count the types of inpatient medical establishments;
16. to describe the organization of inpatient treatment;
17. to name the functions of medical personnel and nursing staff;
18. to watch and discuss the video Medical Examination
The application of the multimedia system MOODLE for everyday knowledge assessment.
The Student participation encouraging aspect of the lesson
v Each team has a set of cards, e.g. 16 out of 24 total (or 12 out of 16 total for a shorter game) with new medical vocabulary. The teacher calls out one item and scores it off the list. Students bring the card to the teacher. If it is correct, they get two points, but if it is incorrect, they lose one point. The teacher keeps the card. When all items have been called out, remaining cards are subtracted from each team’s score.
v The students are asked to perform role dialogues “At the therapeutist”, “At the Dentist”, “At the Surgeon”.
a) Гурська А.І. Англійська мова для студентів-медиків. Львів: Світ, 2003.
b) Цебрук І. Ф., Венгринович А.А., Венгринович Н.Р. Англійська мова. Підручник. – Івано-Франківськ: ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет», 2012. – С. 51-56; 57–62; 88.
c) Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. IV рівня акредитації / І. А. Прокоп, В. Я. Рахлецька, Г. Я. Павлишин ; Терноп. держ. мед. ун-т ім. І. Я. Горбачевського. – Тернопіль: ТДМУ : Укрмедкнига, 2010. – C. 546, 549.
d) Верба Г.В., Верба Г.Г., Верба Л.Г. Довідник з граматики англійської мови (з вправами): Навчальний посібник. – К.: Освіта, 2001. – С. 5-27.
b) Матеріали кафедри.
Prepared by Ass. Prof. I. A. Prokop
Adopted at the Chair Sitting
June 10, 2013. Minutes No 11