The 2nd year,
Module 1
Methodical Instructions to Lessons 4 for Students.
Subject: Diseases of the Cardiovascular System (Myocardial Infarction. Atherosclerosis).
The number of hours – 6.
Objective: 1. To enrich the vocabulary based on medical terminology; to use active vocabulary in communication; to develop the students’ reading, translating and speech habits.
Professional orientation: The students will be able to describe the procedure of medical examination in the cardiological department.
Students’ Practical Activity (9.00 – 12.00)
1. Training oral exercises to master new words and word-combinations.
2. Listening to the phonogram of the text “Diseases of the Cardiovascular system”.
4. Asking and answering questions on the text “Diseases of the Cardiovascular system”.
5. Dividing the texts into logical parts.
6. Making dialogues on the relevant topics.
Methodical Instructions for Practical Activity
While mastering the grammar structures students should pay attention to:
1. determining Latin medical terms in different language groups;
2. defining and differentiating grammar phenomena and samples;
3. defining auxiliary verbs in the sentences.
Break (12.00 – 12.30)
Seminar Discussion (12.30 – 14.00)
1. Explaining the contents of the grammar texts in Ukrainian or in English.
2. Analysing the etymology of medical terms.
3. Communicating on the topic “The major signs, symptoms and manifestations of cardiac diseases”.
4. Answering questions on the texts.
5. Preparing summary of the texts.
6. Resuming the texts “The Diseases of the cardiovascular system”.
Break (14.00 – 14.15)
Students’ Knowledge and Abilities Assessment (14.15 – 15.00)
Using quizzes, multiply choice tests and individual tasks to assess knowledge, practical skills and abilities of the students who did not pass online tests in Moodle.
Students’ self-preparation program.
1. training oral exercises to master new words and word-combinations with PowerPoint presentation slide show for new vocabulary introduction and mastering;
2. listening to the phonograms of the text “Diseases of the Cardiovascular System” using the computer program TextAloud and the headphones;
3. dividing the text into logical parts;
4. scanning reading of the scientific medical texts on diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Test samples and answers
1. Виберіть відповідний суфікс для утворення іменника від дієслова to determine
A. ment
B. ness
C. tion*
D. hood
E. ed
2. Виберіть еквівалент слова “очевидність”
A. evince
B. event
C. evermore
D. evidence*
E. clear
3. Виберіть антонім слова sufficient
A. impossible
B. dissufficient
C. insufficient*
D. unsufficient
E. important
4. Виберіть правильний варіант написання слова “розлад”
A. distarbance
B. disturbance*
C. disturbanse
D. disturbunce
E. disturbunc
5. Виберіть слово, яке найкраще доповнює зміст речення Patients suffering from atherosclerosis must not …
A. work
B. eat
C. think
D. smoke*
E. sleep
6. Виберіть еквівалент слова “exclude”
A. виключати*
B. включати
C. виконувати
D. витрачати
E. вести
7. Виберіть правильне допоміжне дієслово
Ann … been speaking over the telephone for the last ten minutes.
A. does
B. has*
C. have
D. was
E. is
8. Виберіть правильний варіант розділового запитання
A nurse has been looking after the patient since the doctor went to the surgery, … she?
A. didn’t
B. haven’t
C. hasn’t*
D. doesn’t
E. is not
9. Виберіть правильний варіант заперечення
The students … been translating the text for an hour.
A. doesn’t
B. hasn’t
C. haven’t*
D. won’t
E. are not
10. Вкажіть час наступного речення
It has been raining since the morning.
A. Perfect Continuous
B. Present Perfect
C. Future Perfect
D. Present Perfect Continuous*
E. Past Perfect
11. Вкажіть неозначену форму дієслова-присудка
She has been suffering from obesity for three years.
A. to suffering
B. to suffered
C. to suffer*
D. to suffere
E. suffering
12. Виберіть правильну часову форму дієслова
They … for the doctor since 2 o’clock.
A. waited
B. wait
C. have been waiting*
D. has been waiting
E. waiting
Level of Knowledge and Abilities:
Students should know:
1. Word-building affixes.
2. New words and word-combinations to the text.
3. Latin and Greek equivalents of English medical terms.
4. The word-building suffixes: – ful; -ion; –ist; -able.
Students should be able:
1. to distinguish and determine Latin and Greek terminological elements;
2. to form medical terms, using Greek-Latin elements;
3. to group affixes according to their meaning;
4. to differentiate Active and Passive grammar construction in the text;
5. to translate and analyse the scientific-medical micro text;
6. to from nouns using such suffixes as: – ful; -ion; -ist; -able;
7. to learn the terms describing heart activity;
8. to differentiate cardiovascular diseases;
9. to explain main causes and symptoms of atherosclerosis and the heart attack;
10. to characterise the course and treatment of atherosclerosis and the heart attack;
11. to make dialogues on the relevant topics
12. watching the video Heart Disease and Heart Attacks.
The application of the multimedia system MOODLE for everyday knowledge assessment.
Test answers
The Student Participation Encouraging Aspect of the Lesson
v the students are proposed to perform role-games: “At the cardiologist”
b) Прокоп І.А. , Рахлецька В.Я., Павлишин Г.Я. Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: Медицина. – Тернопіль: ТДМУ, 2010. – С. 254-284.
c) Верба Г.В., Верба Г.Г., Верба Л.Г. Довідник з граматики англійської мови (з вправами): Навчальний посібник. – К.: Освіта, 2001. – 415 c.
a) Цебрук І. Ф., Венгринович А.А., Венгринович Н.Р. Англійська мова. Підручник. – Івано-Франківськ: ДВНЗ «Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет», 2012. – 480 c.
b) Матеріали кафедри.
Prepared by Ass. Prof. Prokop
Adopted at the Chair Sitting
June 10, 2013. Minutes No 11